US to quit TPP trade deal, says Trump

>11 minutes ago
>President-elect Donald Trump says US will quit Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal on his first day in office
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Good. Fuck it.

Austailia tying the noose as we speak

Thread theme:


> bbc


Whoops, wrong version.

Now to deal with TTIP...

globalists BTFO


Thank God. Fuck Obama for trying to push that shit on us in the first place.

NAFTA is next

Congrats, we just surrendered our economic influence in Asia to the fucking chinks.

what specifically in the TPP do you believe was going to ensure American prosperity?

VIDEO, from 00:58 onwards

>we leave as china preps for the crash

Feels good brudda

your WTO tarriffs are already down their is nothing trump can do to bring back jobs

>Being against free trade

>international free trade is just as beneficial as intranational free trade goy!

the biggest insult of this deal is treating mexico, vietname, malaysia, and brunei as 1st world countries.



Hopefully we still follow USA's will like good boys and quit as well.



Don't know about the "remove 2 laws for every new introduced" but it makes sense to simplify legislation.

would have been better to put a 5 year expiration clause on regulation

He's bringing the jobs back, cunt. Get fucked.

still can do, its just immediate action.

and I hope he does, also getting ride of most of obamas executive orders along the way.


Our PM has to be the biggest cheer leader for this fucking trade deal and he is ruining our country with mass immigration.

Also said a few days ago that "Trump wont get rid of the TPP and maybe they can 'change the name'" in regards to the anger from the public over the deal.

These mother fuckers think we are stupid. If it wasn't for Trump they would sell us all and our children out to foreigners.

I literally love Trump so much when he says phrases like
> It's about time!
> So important!

I SO WANT TO MOVE TO MURICA right now. Does Wyoming need chefs?

China basically exporting its people to flood Australia and New Zealand


tits were a mistake

you have to leave the WTO then because you have singed a limit on high you can put them

if you think about it, the way obama pushed it towards the end of his 2nd term and with such secrecy involved made it so controversial to the public that it helped trump get elected like obama wanted trump to win... really makes you think

and biden could've easily won the election so it's almost like they wanted trump to win... really makes you think

wasn't that the fuck China deal?

no it was let's give china the power to fuck the world over and its corporations the ability to sue whenever someone doesn't like it deal

The cunt-in-chief and our retarded congress still wants to approve that piece of shit.

Thank you for correcting the record.

>implying you can sign away sovereignty
Get fucked you stupid cunt. We'll do whatever we want and the WTO will suck our dick.

but China wasn't in that deal user. And that's what they said here that was the TTIP, a deal to give power to the USA corporations to fuck the EU.

yeah i don't think so

because if the public knew china was on board, they would've never let it pass. and china was definitely on board

>TPP is clearly for the Pacific
>still get fucked by it even if you're on the east coast of canada or america



didn't know that..... u got any sources or is an Alex Jones tier conspiracy?

Eat dogshit globalists, we won this round. Power to the people and sovereignty.

Can someone red-pill me on the TPP? Why is it bad? Further, someone must win from it - who would the winners be?

bankers win, everyone loses

>no Indonesia

Fucking dropped. Good riddance

Nooo, my affordable Japanese noodles!


TPP was a good agreement before Obama came and fucked it up because of the banking lobby

looks like it was a first step, and China and Indonesia will join after that, ty user

US copyright laws would be forced upon that part of the world. Say goodbye to anime streams and torrents.

you have no idea how much regulations strangle even the most ordinary of citizens

Sounds great.

>Say goodbye to anime streams and torrents
I can always use Russian ones. Apparently, they're even more weebs than Americans

Let's put China in USA place.

Strangely enough, China never gives up it`s national interests in favor of it`s economic interests. How come it`s the only way for white people is globalism with importing a shitload of non-whites and erasing culture and family in favor of all sorts of degeneracies and insane ideologies?

And look where this short-term profits have brought you. And where is brought us, if we talk neocolonialism. Because bolshevism was sponsored by wall street and the anglo. Now Russians are murdered in favour of all sorts of minorities all across the anglo-occupied Russian Empire. And it`s not like these minorities can sustain themselves in any way. They live trough nothing, but trough subsidies taken from Russian majority taxation. And when there is not enough Russians, they literally go into fucking bronze age.

Are you personally profiting from globalism? Or you are retarded enough to defend this fate for your people and for minorities, just for the sake of preserving butchered minority identities, in the way so that they will be able to be controlled by globalists?

this needs to happen more on Sup Forums
and irl in general

He is not even in office and is already hammering out his EO's for his first day. Not to mention all the other cool stuff that happened so far while he is the president elect (calm markets ever since election, self deportation of illegals, peace with Russia and finally the BTFO of (((Syrian Rebels)))...

Well for one it allowed corporations to sue countries in extrajudicial lawfag tribunals for missing expected profits.

Trump right again
And bringing civil debate back to Sup Forums
what a time to be alive

For another it grossly expanded generic drug duration to ensure max pharma dollars.

For a third it had SOPA / PIPA Trojan horsed in it and expanded to all signatory states

Don't forget Canada.

Another round of shipping jobs overseas. This is what should concern 1st world countries. More money for corporations CEO and owners and less for middle class.

China is kinda expensive now and doesn't follow intellectual property laws. It was mistake. Need more obedient and weak slaves that could be pushed around.

Obama’s most ambitious project was his three proposed mega-‘trade’ treaties — TPP, TTIP, and TISA — each of which was designed with a feature in it called “Investor State Dispute Resolution” or ISDS, which empowers international corporations to sue any signatory nation that will increase any regulation regarding the environment or product-safety or the rights of workers (employees) — no matter what the latest scientific findings on such a given subject might happen to indicate. The international corporation can sue for ‘loss of profits’ when any such regulation is made more stringent. Profits to stockholders are thus made sovereign and protected above the citizenry, the electorate; the controlling stockholder in an international corporation is granted rights that are above the rights of any mere citizen — even if that controlling stockholder lives abroad, and even if the international corporation is a foreign corporation. ISDS grants only one-way rights to sue: corporations suing governments, no governments suing corporations.

Holy shit that's terrifying! I don't understand why politicians seem to do their very best to work *against* their people - it's like some sort of bizzaro opposite-world.

That's actually far darker of a form of warfare than actual war...

id let her date me

Basically it makes Deus Ex a reality in which the corporations control the nations and their markets.

If you're white, conservative, and Christian please come

Just don't go to work in a modern restaurant, most of the time the conditions are abysmal.

Try to find work at an old roadhouse bar style place in the more rural areas.

China was always going to backdoor us with cheaper shittier goods and copyright infringment anyway

this shit was purely to consolidate the power of those that rule us unofficially

Praise Trump

literally trillions of dollars behind these deals , stay safe trumpsama

This is like when Nixon tried to bring back the gold standard or JFK tried to bring back democracy, fucking with globalists control of money is a good way to get impeached or worse

can confirm
apparently, they even make their own series!