Sup Forums, should I be concerned about this? After all the spirit cooking shit here and the pedo pizza shop, I noticed freemake has a similar logo. I know it's just software, but it still merits investigation.
Sup Forums, should I be concerned about this? After all the spirit cooking shit here and the pedo pizza shop...
Other urls found in this thread:
Uninstall League of Legends.
I'm more concerned about that league of legends shortcut.
you should be more concerned about having south korea propaganda installed on your computer
League of Legends is for faggots.
>league of legends
Yea I would go play a real MOBA that dosen't have all that spirit cooking shit and pedo pizza shop.
>league of lesbians
>retarded fearmongering RP post
consider speeding lead to the side of your brain
Those are both quite disturbing.
I'd imagine the one on the right is probably just coincidence. PROBABLY. Who created/owns/controls it?
Uninstall LoL. MOBA was a mistake.
nice b8
is that some cheese pizza?
>not disabling the seachbar first
The fuck is that hero in the air?
Is it earth shaker with ahgs?
Why is he flying?
Don't play MOBAs at all. Nothing but Korean bullshit
league is for faggots and its JEW controlled and operated.
freemake might be involved in this bullshit, worth investigating.
>Still no Alpha Client
Kys desu.
League of Losers
3 minutes; 9 responses. All about league of leggings. Of course.
I have no idea what you're referring to
>League of Legends
man, you´re stuck in 2013
>MOBA was a mistake.
Also this, videogames went to shit when game developers figured they could pump out shitty moba clones and make more money off of retards who play them rather than actually make good games.
>ITT: Sup Forums getting triggered by LOL because they are too low IQ to get out of gold
Freemake sucks now.
It was so simple before they started trying to jew everyone.
Anyone know of a simple open source alternative?
That's what I'm worried about
I found out they're owned by ellora assets corporation. They've been around for about 6 years. More to come.
I found another of the company's logos. If this is pedo shit it warrants investigation.
Just letting you know that I am here, and still very much interested in this.
Thus far the only pedo symbol I've found is the boy lover spiral shit. Any help would be appreciated.
Looking now. Not a lot of obvious information to go on, though. But you already knew that.
This. Dota is the far superior game.
Cringe. If you play any moba you are underage
I found that the .exe used to install it has been associated with viruses and often has errors.
Here are some resources I've found. Any extra info could help.
All I can get is that they seem to have some sort of partnership with youtube, maybe.
All the links lead to dead ends.
Anyone we can pester for information IRL?
>mobile age means that newfags can't print screen
This is all I could find in the way of contacting them.
Where can we get public records on this company?