>Not paying the same to the (female) football world champions is more unfair than winning the world cup with "the hand of god"
Do you agree with this, Sup Forums?
>Not paying the same to the (female) football world champions is more unfair than winning the world cup with "the hand of god"
Do you agree with this, Sup Forums?
Why is she speaking in Illegal?
Someone doesn't understand how marketing works.
because the female teams literally get 1/8 of the views mens does
They should be compensated for being born into a sex that is always-already at a physical disadvantage.
Maybe not the same as the men, but some form of compensation nonetheless
With the exception of women's beach volleyball, watching women's sports is insufferable.
Women's indoor volleyball is much more entertaining than its male counter-part.
These people are fucking retards.
30 years later anglos still mad
>advocating for gender equality as a way to win the Hispanic vote
No wonder this moron lost.
Sports teams are pretty much paid on how many people tune into the event, so if the women's team got 5 million views but the men's team got 25 million views the men's team will get paid more even if they lose because advertisers will pay more because there are 20 million more viewers, don't fall for the Identity Politics meme senpai
So you want them to pay more in wages then their entire operating budget? Is that what you're telling me OP?
All of these. Just because theyre good doesn't mean they should be payed more. I mean that would be nice but if they aren't bringing in money/viewers then where do they expect to get the money, out of thin fucking air?
i bet once they win against men's team they will get payed more
Why does she want to give them more than $2 million anyway? Isn't that enough?
Why the fuck isn't Hillary in prison yet?
Trump prety much pardoned her.
How many people tune in to watch them play?
How much money do they make?
If I was a player in the Championship/League 1 (second and third tier of English football) I wouldn't be asking for Premiership pay.
Seems kinda obvious.
It's based on viewership.. More people watch male soccer, hence they make more capital.
When will these retards stop pushing thus stupid shit.
they don't bring in as much money. teach people to value women's sports first. Or put women and men in sports together. Fuck Hillary.
wouldnt that be the greatest "fuck you" ever. i wonder, does the person-to-be-pardoned have to request a pardon from the president, or can the president preemptively give one?
ive never looked into it
this is the real issue here.
nobody cares about female soccer. its not just ad revenue its endorsements. how many of those dikes get deals to shill for a company? how many show up in a video game made by EA?
right . your are allowed to play the game with other dikes but nobody cares but dikes
Let's also give Morgan Freeman and Cell Mate #15 the same pay while were at it.
Female tennis is also watchable, unlike male tennis
All this fucking blupilled retards. The real redpill in sports is to not watch sports but to do them.