How do we fix Sup Forums?
How do we fix Sup Forums?
build a great, big wall
I'll start. There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
This isn't Sup Forums
True Sup Forumsacks know that the real Sup Forums is over at the end.
range ip ban of canucks
You can't fix something that's already perfect.
By making Sup Forums into /pc/
This, ban all Canadians
>ban leaves
that fixes 90% of the problems right there
The rest of the internet is ripping us off in memes.
We send our best memes out, and what does reddit give us in return? Newfags.
They're not sending their best people, that I can tell you.
There's no going back.
The last big hurrah was probably the Zimmerman trail, it's all ogre now.
This is the future you chose.
bring in reddit mods from r/politics
Ban Sup Forumstards from this board and shitty mods too
Firewall to burn the leafs!
Kill yourself.
Sup Forums is stronger now more than ever, although we must make a purge of newfags and build an antidote against normie hordes.
we have done this before, we are the masters of psyops, remember a few time ago the "Sup Forums is satire" meme ?
yea, that kept us underground for a long period
godspeed lads
>Sup Forums is stronger now more than ever
Sup Forums is a shithole. It's like I'm on Sup Forums most of the time, not even mentioning how fast threads move now.
adding more rare flags
>add stuff to sticky. like
what is X endgame.
what did x mean by this.
>auto correct drumpf to trump.
>ban canadians.
OP here. Should we just nuke Canada to put them out of their misery then?
trumps election you idiot
fast forward to 2019
>all these newfags
see I give you the answer and you ignore me. This place is doomed.
>the end
Isn't the brexit thread still open? That place is dead.
Get a Sup Forums harbor 2.0 going.
all those thread attacking Sup Forums in an arrogant lefty way. insta ban only good worded op should be allowed.
Not dead, just slow. Which I quite like. It's basically 8 chan without the newfags from here.
By bringing /x/ to the way of Kek
>Le wait for the after life for your reward
Alway hated you faggots
The feeling is mutual.
Where? I'd like to go, please.
/x/ has no magic. They would only hamper us.
What about it, who cares.
Zimzam was the last time I genuinely had fun on Sup Forums. It's an opinion you faggot.
I didn't say so for a reason. Newfags aren't allowed unless they find they way there naturally. It's not even hard, I practically told you.
What exactly is wrong with 8/pol/? I could never figure out why you guys left or hate them.
Don't forget the Australians.
Stickies ironically tend be be a thread building guide.
They're LARPing as pagans and trying to push pan-white bullshit on us. Plus a general decline in quality.
I keep getting the "youre range is banned" error when I try to post a thread but I can still post in threads
What gives?
Its only on Sup Forums too
same way you hold water
Remove flags but range ban Canada.
Prove me wrong.
Better moderation/auto filtering of certain types of threads is desperately needed.
More tolerance of Kek threads as it's the only positive, funny content on here.
Change civilizations to our own interest make Sup Forums politically correct.
Our adventure took off with Trump and the ride goes on towards our prosperous un-kiked west.
Ban the Alt-Right posters
stick a sharpie in yer pooper
then kys with your camera
Sup Forums is an echo chamber. Find a way to crack it. Allow people with interesting, dynamic views to come here without being shouted down or called a shill or CTR. This place is populated by autistic neckbeards that criticize millennials for being 'spoiled' yet the losers here think anybody that disagrees with them must be paid, and/or they throw an autistic temper tantrum when they see a poster that thinks differently from them.
This. It's time to redpill the world. Kek wills it.
1. Deport leftists
2. Deport softy right-wingers
3. Move to 47chan
4. benis
broblem solved
First thing is first, clean out the fucking Jewish Globalist Pedoloving MODS
And Romanians.
No more Jews, no more fags, no more muds, no more leftists, no more niggers.
Ban all r/le_donald posters
Ban all "praise kek" posters
Ban all roll threads
Ban all "daily reminder" posters
>Ban all "praise kek" posters
This won't really help too much, but please for the love of God do this.
daily reminder that you're a faggot
also checkem
By enforcing the rules that already exist in any way.
Literally r eddit
We just memed Trump into the presidency. There's nothing to fix.
that's stormfront
What are you on about?
Actually enforce the sticky.
>not knowing about the end
You aren't missing too much anyway.
More info pls
Lurk more.
I think it would be easier to get Trudeau to ban Sup Forums from Canada desu. Also lulzier.
Before posting, I was lurking from December 2014 to July 2015. The only other places I heard recommend were atepol, Iron March, Stormfront and VNN.
I'll give you a hint, it's a .xyz site.
Any more hints or is that all you are willing to give? I get you probably don't want skills and shitposters to flood in.
Fucking hell mate, I've given you 2/3 parts of the URL already, the third part should be fucking obvious.
Much longer post and thread creation cooldown
Ban the stromfags
IP ban canada.
Ban Canadians and the Irish.
Just fucking spill it. you dense fucker.
Get rid of storm weenies.. they all love BLACKED
Get fucked, that place is absolute shit.
more twinks
Flags must stay.
For anyone who hates leaf posts, you can use 4chanX as a chrome extension to get rid of whole countries. I refuse to stop leafposting because my therapist told me it would be good for me. Actually, I've been losing interest in the whole thing anyway. It would be nice to not have flags though. Only the idea is important to a debate. If it wasn't for my flag, I could convince you once and for all that Donald Trump never brushes his teeth because of superstition.