The creator of Pepe, Matt Furie, was a Hillary Clinton supporter. Is Pepe tainted?
The creator of Pepe, Matt Furie, was a Hillary Clinton supporter. Is Pepe tainted?
>thinking he made pepe pepe
it means that anything can be a symbol for anything.
Furie may have created pepe but Sup Forums is what molded pepe into relevance.
He is the Judas to Kek
that faggot can whine all he wants, the frog belongs to us now
The meme has outgrown the memester. Furie must feel like Dr. Frankenstein.
Im petty sure moot also didnt think Sup Forums will become this one day..
No, that just makes it funnier. He has no power and gains nothing from Pepe's popularity so we should keep using it for keks and mischief.
Furie was merely a vessel of Kek that was discarded when no longer needed
Nah. We're the ones who made Pepe who he is today. That guy was a faggot who actually thought he had any authority whatsoever: you can't control a meme once it's been summoned.
Now we have irrefutable proof that pepe can't be an alt right/white supremacist symbol
No, pepe was justa dumb frog cartoon. It was morphed by meme power into a divine frog image that Kek chose to inhabit and channel his power through
tough shit
yiff in hell furfag
No more than the gun is taninted by gunpowder being invented by the chinese. He gave us a character, we gave it meaning
No. We belong to kek.
It's bizarre when you realize that the whole "pepe is a symbol of hatred" narrative was tirelessly pushed just so the clinton campaign could accuse a single picture that was retweeted by Trump's son of being possibly racist.
I wonder how much pressure Furie wa put under to help push the narrative? And he only keeps going along with it becaus he doesn't want to end up dead in an (((apparent suicide)))
What bothers me is that he teamed up with the ADL- the shadiest, least ethical and kikiest organization around.
He could have joined any shitlib feel good organization but he went straight to the scheming kikes. That's cause for concern.
We cucked him out of his own meme.
Wtf i hate guns now
pretty sure this faggot got bribed and decided to cash in on his invention. i don't blame him.
when the pepe controversy first started he basically said he didn't care what people did with it. pretty sure he just cashed in when the opportunity arose.
No he's not, he's a classic oldschool troll who saw a very large audience waiting to be exploited. Congrats Sup Forums, you took the bait.
The fuck are you talking about?
smug frog wasn't created by him
just means he's the first in a long line of pepe kills
The frog is ours now.
Shitty cartoonist can go fuck himself.
No, pepe defied his father and did what was right.
Praise Kek