>robots are developed to replace men in factories and other manufacturing jobs
this is great, cheaper iphones.
>robots are developed to have sex with
this is morally extremely questionable, you shouldn't play god, you can't tame nature.
really made ME think
Robots are developed to replace men in factories and other manufacturing jobs
Other urls found in this thread:
Robosexuality is wrong.
>those enthusiastic for sex robots don't take into account the gendered power structures related to sex. If sex robots are primarily developed for men, you should already be alarmed.
>Implying most of us won't have robotrap waifus.
>What happens if you rape a robot? The machine will surely not be harmed but what sort of a psychological impact will this have on the human?
I can't wait for robowaifus desu. But let's be honest, it's not gonna be anywhere near like having sex with another person. Or at the very least it shouldn't be.
But it's still something.
Yeah it's disturbing that some will simulate rape and abuse on the robot. But then again lots of women love rough sex like that anyway. Just maybe not as rough.
Lots of video games is simulated mass murder and the violent crime rate went down (changing a little with immigration now though).
>on a philosophical level the sex robots are connected strongly to the urge to tame nature - in this case the woman - by means of science
It would give one the ability to play out their twisted fantasies without causing any real harm.
In fact it would be a great confidence builder/stress reliver.
You also would be less likely to atrempt such fantasies as the risk/effort just arent worth when you can just do it at home.
This would allow you to be morally coherent within the realms of society.
Without all that angst and loathing holding you back.
Embrace your carnel desires bud, soon we'll be free.
>Objectifying and superficiality have been present in sexuality for a long time. The partner's needs are often secondary. This can lead to serious problems, if already socially weak skilled people learn to live with robots.
God dammit they're already seriously arguing against robowaifus before they even exist.
>already socially weak skilled people
OMG let us have our robowaifus you fucking cunts.
>The society is after all comprised of real people who need to be treated right. Developing robots to an almost lifelike state will lead to permanent problems with possibly catastrophic consequenses.
There are a number of different scenarios that can happen here.
For some it would be fine as they would willingly throw themselves out of the genepool anyways just to be happy with their waifubot.
Others like you said may or may not become too aggressive during their first real encounter with their preferred partner.
But this is why we have words and communication user, if your partner is being too rough then just say something.
>Sex robots are picture perfect plastic dolls with perfect bodies. Objectifying women will be easier than ever thanks to these toys.
"Oh no maybe Chad will get *too* rough."
You'll still take that over fucking your male feminist friend kek.
Also, post link OP. Don't be a faggot.
it's in Finnish
>this journalism represents a top read news article in the biggest newspaper in the country
Women already have sex with hand held robots.
>cheaper in countries outside of your own
How does it feel to be a slave to another country economically.
I'm so glad she turned out to be a big slut.
I will fight if they try to outlaw sexbots. They are my last chance.
Freudian catharsis is antiquated bullshit. Performing your most depraved desires only makes you want to get weirder.
>"Robofilia" will become accepted the same way homosexuality or transsexuality did
>For Richardson the problem isn't so much the robots themselves, as their buyers. Meaning the men, who want absolute power over their partner. As we know robot is an old slav loan word originally meaning "slave"
how many slav loan word slave memes are there?
If you take my robowaifu I take your laifu.
>Richardson says sex with machines feeds the people's worst desiders, objectifies women and reinforces the idea of sex as goods for sale
>Meaning the men, who want absolute power over their partner.
Or just want to fuck what they can, geeze.
But since it is not actually the woman, it would only be a masturbatory pitfall. Or it should be seen as such from that point of view.
>unless they think ahead and see that we'd actually breed with the robots and replace the females
Sexbots are for losers who can't get any and they objectify women. Dildos are fine, though.
>those DSLs
JFC, my dick.
>A robot is not meant to be just a masturbation toy but a real artificial partner. Pure mechanical stimulation is not enough.
they're on to us
The fist is a technological advancement that can improve quality of lie of the species.
The second is a detriment to the species since you cannot procreate with a robot.
This is common sense.
wrong quote tbvqh
>detriment to the species since you cannot procreate
I thought we were suffering from severe overpopulation already?
I cant wait for Ps4 VR or Oculus to come out with a virtual sex game where you put some kind of machine over you dick that emulates the feeling that the game is doing. I.E. you are getting a blow job from some hottie redhead the machine does the same back and forth actions as the character in the game. My marriage will be pointless and so will women.
Oh shit.
user you know those things exist already, right?
What do you think the goal is in western civs? Import refugees/immigrants to 1st world so they become porn addicted virgins.
Send the sex robots to 3rd world shitholes and end overpopulation forever.
I don't think the "it'll lead to violence against women" angle will work. They've overused it already. And people already know gender relations are a bit fucked, and it's certainly not feminists who can fix it, they're completely disconnected from reality (or are pretending pretty hard).
The shaming will work though. And they could try to compare it to bestiality. Why is fucking a fleshlight or whatever fine, but fucking a dog isn't (inb4 flag)? Not just to protect the dog from abuse (which doesn't apply to robots), but because you don't want too many mentally messed up dog fuckers in your society.
The real question is why do girls drink things that look like sewage.
Ending overpopulation in 3rd world countries by the means of robots sounds like a wonderful plan but unfortunately the same article mentions that UN is working to ban the use of robots in warfare.
eh... depends on where you live
Most of the US has a fairly low population density.
Too many swedes, yeah.
are you implying we're not all one human race with one set of problems? if there is land with low population density shouldn't we use that land to settle some representatives of a richer culture first rather than have two places with a population problem?
Right now the only power that women have is the power of the vag. Creating sex robots will strip them of that power and they will have to go back to the kitchens and be homemakers. Otherwise they will be single parents.
>robots are developed to replace men in factories and other manufacturing jobs
Blame corporations for that and blame governments for facilitating it. Private entities bring in robots to save on costs and turn up a higher profit, and the governments allow it to happen because "progress".
>robots are developed to have sex with
>this is morally extremely questionable, you shouldn't play god, you can't tame nature
To be completely honest, women know that sex gives them huge leverage over men that they simply don't want to give up.
>Otherwise they will be single parents.
You mean cat ladies.
The real question is why do grown men watch cartoons made for chinese children?
t. Cai-Göran Hanrejsson.
yeah lol. I hate women but I love vag. The job I currently work in was male dominated forever. They allowed women to work in our position and the job went to shit. My wife constantly complains about female drama problems in her work area. The workforce would be so much better if it weren't for equal opportunity. if women stay at home there would be more jobs and it would be an employee market. That means you would be able to pick and choose where you want to work and more likely get higher wages because there aren't enough workers to fill jobs. Make it happen.
The real question is why do redditors come here and then complain about anime?
They are doing very well in the service economy, but yeah, even then a lot of it is due to their vags. But also better social aptitudes generally. And a gynocentric society that favors them more and more. There could be very few jobs left where men are better than women in the future. Better start saving up now for your robowaifus.
>tfw have to dip into my robowaifu savings to buy macaroni because women took all the software development jobs
>I hate women but I love vag.
>My wife
Dude. You love your wife right? Not just her vag?
you know damn well that's not the real question
AND they'll never get those damn robowaifus to work right. I'm pretty sure only based Japan can manage it.
Actually maybe a lot of it could be developed as opensource.
Because the 3D world is shit.
>open source
>work right
It is my life's goal to build a robot waifu. I will not let you guys down.
Been married 6 years. They say the first five are the hardest. That is because the man is slowly learning to compromise and give up on pride and being a human. I have a hard time not standing my ground in my marriage and refuse to just agree to make her happy. So to answer your question, yes I love my wife but I would leave the drama and nonsense behind to have a robot vag that wont give me attitude when I fall asleep after listening to her work drama for 4 hours straight. Or give me attitude when I forget the anniversary of the first time we were ever posted together 10 years ago.
kys you degenerate leaf
I've never gotten a real answer as to why they do that. But my theory is that they feel isolated from their own culture(s), so they try to connect to anime and it's themes so they can feel some sense of validation. They do all this in isolation so they are cut off from criticism.
>why do men isolated from society enjoy a product of a multi billion dollar industry built to cater to men isolated from society
I still can't comprehend how you guys can get so into anime. It's weird. I've had my problems in life too, many times, but anime doesn't help anything.
I'm not into anime. I've watched a few shows out of curiosity and I get the appeal of a low-conflict cutesy escapism. Life is simple, women are shy, not demanding, easy to impress etc. It's a fantasy world.
>needing a robot to masturbate
Only acceptable if you have robot fetish, no hands or mentally retarded and unable to find yourself a woman
>needing a robot when you can build things by hand
>needing a car when you can walk
>needing central heating when you can burn wood
>needing a telephone when you can shout
ryssä pls go
>So to answer your question, yes I love my wife but I would leave the drama and nonsense behind to have a robot vag that
Damn user. I won't pretend to know anything about relationships, but that's frankly terrible to read. Maybe I'd get tired of it too at some point. Maybe I have no right to judge. But still. I understand you shouldn't compromise too much (no matter what betas say) and that it's not simple to fix nagging and attitudes and there are pitfalls and all that. But shit it's pretty sad when partners would replace one another with robots desu.
Forgive him. He lives in a third world country full of HIV and alcoholism.
>or mentally retarded and unable to find yourself a woman
Autism counts right?