Redpill me on the Dakota access pipline shit thats been going on for the past few months.
Are the injuns in the right, or does the pipeline actually not go across their lands?
Redpill me on the Dakota access pipline shit thats been going on for the past few months.
Are the injuns in the right, or does the pipeline actually not go across their lands?
it doesnt, originally they tried to make a deal with the tribe, but they said no because they wanted to make money
company called their bluff and got permission to build it over federal property
the indians are protesting because they get nothing now because of their greed
the pipeline crosses lands that was awarded to the tribe in an agreement with the U.S. government in about 1850, but the deal was reneged upon and they were offered cash instead, which they declined
So it hasn't been their land since then, the moral question, if there is one, is are we bound to honor deals with tribes made 15 decades ago, or give back land to tribes t all? I personally say no, because fuck feather niggers they can fucking assimilate, but an argument could be made that we are honor bound to return lost lands (lol)
Pipeline passes a mile away from tribal land, tribe says it is too close.
The issue isn't that it goes over tribal lands but that it passes through their water supply.
The real issue isn't the land, it is that IN CASE of a spill, it would pollute the bodies of water that it goes by, which are the Tribe's source of drinking water. And these pipelines spill all the time so it's a fairly reasonable concern.
>Redpill me on the Dakota access pipline shit
who cares.
They should "accidentally" cause a chemical spill upstream, maybe something that isn't obvious but kills their ovaries and testes permanently.
Remove injuns.
>these pipelines spill all the time
Why is that?
I thought that only happened in the 3rd world?
It doesn't go through their land but all my native brother and sisters love protesting about nothing.
The pipeline does not even go through their reservation. Their argument is they don't want the pipeline to cross the river to the north of them, because if it breaks the oil would contaminate their water. Nevermind the fact that multiple pipelines and utilities already cross the river in the same federal easement north of their reservation.
Still MUCH more efficient than transporting oil by rail or road.
because Obama and his EPA are looking at porn instead of doing their jobs.
i'm serious. they did a study and something like 95% of leaks were due to poor oversight rather than actual error.
Of course it is a "reasonable concern", the injun's lawyers want it to look legitiment. Doesn't change the fact that they are protesting because they were greedy and wanted more for the land, and now they get nothing instead.
Serves them right for negotiating like spoiled children.
That means we need more regulations! Regulations for the regulations! Overseers to the regulators making sure the regulations are upheld! TAX ME UNCLE SAM
Nobody is arguing that pipelines aren't great, but the location they're putting it is pretty controversial and I can understand why people would be concerned.
imo they should have just reached a bribe settlement and paid off the tribe before this became a big deal
North Dakotan reporting in, one tribe isn't getting any money for it so they are protesting and causing all this bs, it has nothing to do with burial grounds, there was already shit by the burial grounds. There is more specifics then that but I can't remember all of what the older people who have lived here their whole lives told me.
>love protesting about nothing.
They caused this problem. All other tribes involved responded when they were contacted. They were consulted with and the path was plotted out based on their input. The Standing Asshole tribe never responded despite numerous attempts at contact. Six months go by and everyone says "fuck it, they don't care. Start building."
Well, good thing Trump will abolish the EPA then.
Just let God watch over your pipes.
Most tribes have really bad leaders.
If they were paid to have the pipeline across their land, they would in a heartbeat. Reservations are shitholes.
The protestors are 1/8th Liz Warren-tier "natives" who are really just hippies that are bussed in and paid by (((Soros))).
Well yeah, because anybody worth a shit gets the fuck out of the Reservation or goes to work at the Casino. Your average Indian these days sits around taking money off the government dole or Casino profit shares and drinking it or buying meth while living in a trailer or a house built in the 50s. I work in the Indian art business and while there are a ton of great, wonderful Indians out there - they got the fuck out of those cesspits.
the reservation the indians are bitching about being sacred they didn't even live on that land when the whole continent was nothing but indians. just an empty prairie, while the gov't took the good land away from them that they actually lived on and gave them some desolate prairie that no one wanted including the indians.
Why did you give them land in the first place. Should have just told them to cuck off. Lazy natives.
Just give the dumbass indians oil reparations for crossing their land and let the fuel flow free. Libbies need to get real jobs if they have any.
so it just barely fucking touches it. fuck these red skins lets finish the job and get rid of them once and for all
and take this cunt to hell to
Corporate whores and bootlickers ITT
Says the guy who fills his car with gasoline just like the rest of us
My life won't be affected by this being built, so I'd rather the cops stop blowing off arms and trying to give everyone hypothermia for some faggot corporation
You'll be filling your car with gasoline from said pipeline
eh, those natives you speak of really are just a bunch of retarded hippies, but i doubt soros has anything to do with them.
just proves obama is another shill faggot and democrats have no backbone when it comes down to their "ideals"
Right you fucking are
These people are being used. This is an effort to slow dependence on domestic oil.
The pipeline they're protesting also is not even planned to be used. They're building it "just in case" they need one one day.
It shouldn't go anywhere on their land. People in here saying otherwise or saying natives don't deserve land are stupid fucks.
However, the oil company should be told up front if ANYTHING goes wrong with the water its gonna cost a couple million.
itt: DAPL shills and people who can't spell 'legitimate'
hahaha Sup Forums is the worst
yesterday the militarized police spent hours spraying a crowd of nonviolent protesters with water cannons in freezing temperatures and shooting concussion grenades and rubber bullets at teenagers and old people point blank
i thought you guys at least paid lip service to standing up for 'American values' like freedom of assembly and free speech?
The protesters are prarie dindus that are blocking highways and killing local farmers livestock.
All of that oil is being exported. None of that oil will be used in the United States.
All oil pipelines leak. The Sioux are protesting it because the pipeline WILL contaminate their ONLY SOURCE OF WATER.
They are constructing it illegally and violating permits.
Fuck Obama for doing nothing about it.
Indians are not American so...
a) the oil which will go through that pipeline is tar sands oil, which is orders of magnitude more corrosive than normal oil and almost guaranteed to cause a rupture
b) when (not if) the pipeline bursts it will contaminate the entire missouri river watershed, which will fuck up the environment for millions of people (whites and native) downstream
you guys are conveniently forgetting that this pipeline was originally slated to go north of Bismarck but they voted against it because they were afraid of it rupturing and contaminating their drinking water
the protests have nothing to do with money for the Standing Rock reservation and anyone who says differently is either being paid to do so or dangerously ignorant
here is a pleasant electronic music video featuring a vocal sample by young christina ricci for you to enjoy as you go about perusing your cryptofascist Laotian arts and crafts image posting board
interestingly, the protesters tried to clear the highway yesterday and were shot with water cannons and rubber bullets
so what you said is just wrong
lol by definition they are more american than anyone else, nice logic you got there faggot
Indians are aborigine Americans. To them you would be an immigrant. You are the Mexican.
Injuns are in the right here, there is a legitimate concern that their drinking water could be poisoned by potential oil spills.
Considering the US Army Corps of Engineers didn't do a full environmental impact assessment (they half assed it) and didn't consult with the Injuns on this, they have every right to be pissed off.
In terms of claiming imminent domain, the Injuns are really pushing it. Technically, a VERY small portion of their land is being crossed over, however, they do have right to the land under the Treaty of Fort Laramie.
tl;dr, Injuns fucked over yet again by the US government and corporate interests
I'm so fucking sick of hearing this. There's a fucking difference between immigration and conquest.
Nope. The tribe is switching their water intake next year to a source away from the pipeline. They've been planning to do it for years.
a) The oil going through the Dakota Access Pipeline will be sourced from the Bakken formation and not the tar sands of Alberta. Bakken crude is light and sweet.
b) Why weren't you out protesting all of the other pipelines that have been laid underneath the Missouri River in North Dakota during the last few years? Why are those OK but the Dakota Access suddenly isn't?
why did pipelines suddenly become a problem?
>environmental impact assessment
CTR go home
Interestingly. They clears it so they can harass law enforcement. Their propaganda doesn't show the protesters throwing rocks, burning debris, and weaponizing propane tanks. All of that causes the situation to escalate. And as for the dumb broad who got her arm busted. She was warned for 20 minutes straight to stop fucking with the barricade before the cops took action
Embrace the future
We need super EPA agents with licenses to kill
Pipelines are about generating more profits. It has little to do with filling up your car. Also fuck gas companies.
Unless they are making deals behind closed doors, prices will go down due to competition.
Again, assuming they don't pull a jew and make deals behind close doors.
Its frustrating as all hell. Sup Forums has gone to shit
Their media is flat out lying when they say she was peacefully passing out water
Indians don't give a shit about their ancestral lands.
If native americans gave two shits about their heritage they wouldn't all be drug ravaged alcoholics who rape their children and beat their wives.
If they protest anything, it's because they want MONEY. They want a PAYOUT.
>wasted trips
Holy fuck are you retarded?
They did not properly utilize their land, and were destroyed. Now they live as a lesser people in their own homes because they could not stand for themselves. All is as it should be
You get freedom of assembly on other people's property while you lie about it being in yours?
I like the way you thing good sir
Boo hoo
I hope you and your family are genocide, faggot
immigration is when you are being let into the country by the coutry's will.
conquest is just straight up taking the land because you want and can.
For thousands of years the conquest was how things got sorted out between nation, why the fuck it's suddenly "evil"? Conquest is superior to immigration in every way and there's nothing wrong with it. It may be unpreferrable if you're the one being conquested, but hey, that means you and your country are weak and it's better without you anyways. Assimilate/emigrate/conquest someone else or just die. That's how the world is you little crybabies.
Because muh enviroment