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Basic income
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You'll have the majority of the working population sitting home spending their basic income on drugs. Then your economy will collapse.
>basic income makes people lose their prime motivation to work
there's your flaw
spoken like a german
Where does the money come from?
Why wouldn't it cause hyperinflation?
Shh we're talking about feelings up in here user.
>tfw to intelligent too work
not all Germans are like that.
The rich will nuke the poor when automation fully replaces jobs.
>Receive basic income
>Lose all of it in income taxes to pay for basic income
Do liberals ever think anything through? It's like they can't see past the surface of anything. They're literally playing 1D chess.
>streets filled with trash bc no garbagemen
Everything else is called a "hobby".
This, desu. Those other reason won't expand just b/c the main one is gone. Also, people will just be doing unproductive bullshit, like making Halloween costumes for dogs.
I'm really starting to think this is the case. They only think about what will happen, not how or even if it can happen.
At first I was like "nobody can be that stupid right, if you want to do something you obviously have to consider how to do it.". But I'm really starting to believe the thought doesn't even go near these guys' minds
I would be for it as long as it were a replacement for, not a supplement to our current welfare system. Basically, I would support a negative income tax, but all forms of welfare would have to go.
It's because the leddit fags who defend basic income think their liberal arts bullshit is work, and of course they'd still do it even if they didn't need money.
when the rich no longer need the poor, they will just make some virus or some shit to kill all the poor.
Maybe they should ask a factory worker or waste collector if they would continue to do their jobs as a hobby after basic income was introduced.
Inflation of products and incentive to work
I think I would like a basic income. Nothing great, just enough to not starve on beans and rice and enough to cover a really shitty hovel.
I think it would be great because then we can get rid of a *lot* of government overhead.
No more fighting over health insurance. No more arguing over gibmedats. No more single mothers raping the father of their child with child support payments. We wouldn't have to pay a lot of people to do case work because it's easy to just cut a check once a month to everybody.
It would make everything a lot more simple and shrink the government down to more manageable levels.
We'd all still more or less need a job but we wouldn't have to deal with abominations like Obama care.
>does not understand r/K theory
spotted the wagecucks
Found it.
If you're going to pay me enough to get by without having to work, why THE FUCK would I ever choose to wake up at 3 am, get presentable, have to fucking drive to work surrounded by assholes on the freeway, interact with liberals and other pieces of shit, and do a task I don't care for for people I fucking hate, when instead I could get paid to stay home watch anime play nintendo and lift all day?
So if everyone's getting paid to stay home and jack off, who's paying for it? Can't say the government, because no one's paying taxes on their commie-income and no one's working because fuck that noise.
This, people with enough agency to follow worthwhile passions (whether paid or unpaid) will work it out for themselves even in a capitalist system. They have to get creative but if a person really wants something in life they find a way to get it.
I used to fall for the basic income Jew and then I realized two things;
A: Basic Income creates a generation of people 100% dependent on the state for their very survival. Good Goy bux get taken away in very Orwellian circumstances.
B: That issue aside, non-whites literally have nothing better to contribute to soceity than their unskilled labour by-and-large. If given nonrestrictive gibs they will just breed and degenerate in a spiral of social decay.
Even among whites you have a natural "normie" underclass that prefers to busybody in order to shore up a shallow sense of self-worth in the for of wage-cuckery and credit card debt they just barely manage to make payments on.
Even among >tfw too intelligent types, adversity and strife is a necessary condition to shape a functionally healthy being that wont off themselves to be with their 6th demensional waifu hectogram.
Basic income is literally the endgame of the globalists in domesticating the population. One generation growing up with basic income is all it takes.
You're a fucking dumbass.
>They're literally playing 1D chess
More like Tic-Tac-Toe.
I make tank and airplane models for my waifu and also lift a lot.
If everyone had more money, we could eliminate poverty!
What if I don't want everyone to be wealthy or equal.
What if I take advantage of the inequalities because it benefits me directly.
I don't want your dreams of equality.
Uh, no one's going to work at McDonalds to meet people or improve themselves.
Once you pass Basic Income, anyone in an undesirable job will just quit.
Who's going to work in the DMV for enjoyment?
Who's going to be a Janitor to help the community?
Who's going to be a garbage man to meet people?
How is that un-productive when doing that teaches you how to sew?
You need to rethink your example
It would have been better to use two animals within a similar genus, like Foxes and Wolves rather than two very different branches of evolution, although I agree with the general premise.
However you can also have K-Selected aggressive niggers that also breed young and promiscuously that are just as shit as rabbits.
Robots and computers
Who's going to pay for all the robots and computers?
Who pays taxes when everyone's a welfare sponge?
Uuuh the magic communist party of equality and basic income, duh.
Don't know but those jobs are gonna go away basic income or not.
someone come up with a plan instead of just bashing it geez. Clearly fucking corporate capitalism and money over well being since 1890 doesn't really work.. for some people
How about the things that people make? You know...the product of their labor?
What is the most likely market pressure as a result of UBI; positive, negative or neutral on the following aspects of goods and services:
You know what really doesn't work? Anyone paid on 'basic income.'
I don't know, I'd guess you'd have to stipulate that anyone who gets basic income has to work an appropriate amount of hours a day in a designated job.
You can't just eat Cheetos and jerk off, you have to go scrub graffiti or something.
>basic income
>Oh I guess we don't have to work anymore, eh guys! Free money :-)
>No one working to pay the increased taxes to support basic income
>Economy collapses
Ah yes, basic income is a wonderful idea. 1st we create new wealth out of thin air and distribute this to those who are entitled to something for nothing. In this way we don't have to tax the people who work.
Also it's probably a good idea to concentrate this wealth distribution power into the hands of a few. In this way a very privileged few will determine who gets the income.
It's a foolproof plan to preserve the middle class and protect democracy. There's no way it can fail.
i agree educated people interested in science or making things with their hands would continue to do so. idk
>Meet people
>Help community
There's your flaw right there, meeting people who feels the same was as I do about the world is now considered a hate crime
so what would you do
The only reason people think this wouldn't work is because they are arguing from inside a system which is entirely dependent on peoples need for money to live.
Of course if everyone who now works was given basic income they would simply do nothing. But the generations after would have grown up with basic income. It would be a normal, expected fact of life. The desire to do other things apart from being lazy would actually thrive and grow. Do you think children just sit around at preschool all day and do nothing? The desire to play, tinker, create and explore are all keys of the normal human mind. People naturally WANT to do things other than watch TV and play videogames all day.
I would get a job and work for a living. Welfare in any form never pays enough.
Well, I was assuming that anyone above the poverty line would not be getting basic income, or would have a reduced version of it that covers things like water and electricity to a certain extent.
If you need to spend most of your mental capacity just to get enough money to stay alive you should kys
So you are saying that we should abolish the economy and move to a Star Trek style everything-is-free-for-everyone system?
That would certainly motivate people to contribute. Pure genius!
That's because you are not a german, you are a disgusting subhuman turkroach
i think we need to discuss behavioral biology/ evolutionary biology in these threads too many appear to nature fallacies. Check out Robert Sapolsky
again we are arguing about motivation how do we motivate people is a bigger questions people are are not good or bad or lazy or whatever
This is actually good thing because people like me, a mechy engineer for a firearms corporation, as well as my non lowlife coworkers would continue to work. We would get extra for the whole 3 months it worked, lowlife would quit, ubi fund would run out of money, and then we would kill all the niggers leaching off of it.
idk about that last bit
It's honestly an excellent question as well as a hard one to answer. I know free shit doesn't motivate people to work, though.
No, what would happen is that the pay for being a garbageman would inflate until it was worth someones while to do it. What you should be asking is, where does the money to pay the garbageman come from?
Why contain it?
The fact that welfare plantations exist as the shitholes of America filled with violence and drugs proves the wrong before it was even made.
anyone into computers actually have some sort of an idea how far automation is. Clearly stocking shelves wont be there forever for humans
This would work with smart white people but anybody else is going to bum it up immediately. You think the people where cash is their priority actually ever think about their community or self improvement? Nah man nah thats bull. The money needed to live includes self improvement, they have no reason to self improve. Also bums don't give a shit about their community, why would they? Its not like they made any investments into their community so they have no reason to care about it.
I bet you the only think that would be in their mind is the entertainment bubble.
Meanwhile the actual workers will be having to worry about the people living for free on their dime.
we need new morals i would love to intern at all different types of places and jobs for the next couple years instead of sitting in a desk at school. but i am doing the safe things like most people
We should move to a system which treats people with respect and as human beings, not as a means to create profit. Do you really think the elite capitalist world controllers are going to advance humanity and turn us all into gods? Why do you care about progress anyway? Are you a humanitarian? Do you want to see mankind become some kind of superbeings? You will never evolve if you see other people as a means to an end, you will mimic crabs in a bucket. The solution is to work together out of concern for each other not because we want more money or a lavish lifestyle. Only then will we become better.
>appeal to nature fallacies
An appeal to nature fallacy would be me saying "we should let children roam free because it's more natural" I instead am saying it is in a persons nature to explore, create, tinker and play. You really think you're on the side of biology because you posted a fucking youtube video and can quote a fallacy? You fool! Ask any child psychologist or human biologist and you will see they line up with what I am saying.
The basic concept.
I feel that if everyone got a basic income then the most motivate people would be the psychopaths/sociopaths who have a need to be superior to others. These people are already a problem in out world but without the working masses to compete with them they would become despotic tyrants.
A strong middle class is needed to prevent this. Basic income would wreck the middle class.
It's a noble idea and in a noble world it would work. Unfortunately here we are in reality.
Who would pay for you to go intern at all these places? Where does the money come from?
im osorry i was agreeing with bud because people say they will be lazy we just have to guide them
>We should move to a system which treats people with respect and as human beings
Agreed. The world has been trying to do this since the French Revolution.
aslo srs check out the lecture series he created it to have a better world though understanding
im working there
lets not go back to that level of wealth inequality please
You've got it backwards kiddo. When Basic Income is first introduced, people will still work because they have integrity. But come a generation or two, no one will work because they think they are entitled to it.
The same thing happens with doctors after a healthcare system goes from privatized to nationalized. They start out with good work ethic, so the national program functions well, but the next generation of doctors lack the free market mentality of pleasing customers. They turn to dull shits.
Same thing happens to our teachers in the Universities. Before the teachers unions, they actually had to compete and teach. The second generation of teachers in that system suck because they have tenure.
We see this with welfare already. What was once considered shameful to accept a handout is now considered an entitlement.
Basic Income is a sham. One generation after it's implemented you can kiss it good bye.
Oh shit barbosa is right
Except in every pilot study, this doesn't happen.
Politicians will start campaigning to raise the basic income
Wastes gov't money when someone has an income far exceeding the minimum
The current elites are trying to send us back there.
interesting point. i wish we knew the validity I need to learn more about epistemology
Where does all the "free" money come from?
how far off is the automation
>Basic Income is a sham. One generation after it's implemented you can kiss it good bye.
Mah nigga.
thanks straya
Practically, maybe a century or so.
If Basic income is passed, it will be cheaper to mandate that those getting basic income work those jobs than automate them, at least as far as government jobs go.
you really thing a hundred years to stock shelves i not talking about programs writing programs here. Also American has been bred to hate any new idea thats not buying shit so we will not have this anytime soon
Why pay for a robot to stock shelves when you can pay a stockboy?
>basic income
I don't get it. Does this mean that you've reached a comfortable income or that you're getting free handouts?
For me that big red oval is gone and replace with another oval called "buy a Porsche"
idk maybe its cheaper they don't complain can work in the dark and the cold or heat no health insurance work 24/7 i could be wrong these are just ideas i dont know true cost
>Why wouldn't it cause hyperinflation?
Because there's no net increase in the money supply?
Doesn't mean it's a good idea though. The money would come from taxes; anyone with a decent job would pay even more than they do now. I pay around 30% in combined federal and state income taxes already (not the marginal rate - I mean that much of my paycheck), to say nothing of sales and property taxes. If it goes ~50%, why the fuck would I ever work for a promotion/attempt to increase my productivity? Maybe I'll just work 3 more years then drop out and enjoy VR.
The only reason why i see UBI as alright is for future scenarios with scarce employment. I mean what other options are there really.
agreed the automation is what i am talking about we should verify that when posting