Fems at it again in the bbc 100 Women 2016: The women challenging sexism in e-sports
the wage gap
Fems at it again in the bbc 100 Women 2016: The women challenging sexism in e-sports
the wage gap
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The earnings for the top male player in e-sports amounts to over $2,500,000 while the top female earnings are less than $200,000. I wonder why
They don't get paid less because they're women. They get paid less because they suck and nobody sponsors them.
If they were the best, the badass chick cliche would sell well.
The quote at the end was funny.
>games are designed so men will be good at them
>we need women to make games so we won't suck at them
They get paid actually too much
>"sport" is in it's infancy
>anyone can play games
>no physical limitations beyond the extreme
>male players least macho on the planet
>literally the lowest barrier for entry possible
>skill is all that matters
b-but mean words, wage gap...
You win you win, you lose you lose, how the fuck can you possibly complain?
Also what world do you live in that a sponsor wouldn't want to promote a winning female team? nah they'd much rather have spotty fat man children on their posters.
> games require thought, skill and practice.
> we can't do that
But seriously, I think I've met three women in my life who can play video games. And you need 5 for a team so...
git gud fgts
>Guess they gotta create some viewers then to.
Maybe if women weren't so fucking shit they needed a completely different league in order to win anything they would make just as much money as the men.
they're not macho, but they are still hypercompetitive.
It's an intellectual and reflex "sport". There's no reason for any gender segregation.
If there's no need for gender segregation, then they get as much as they win (or can get sponsorships for). That's a pretty damn equal playing field.
Women are shit at eSports lol. The top women's teams lose to shitty Russian teams in professional CSGO. When they git gud they can have more money
Was this the same team that released a gender-baiting pv about how good they were at League after half the team had already left over drama?
Anyway, this is pure nonsense because men and women play together in esports and the only way to earn money is to win. Also fun facts, the top rated "female" starcraft player is a tranny and all female League competitions considered capping the number of MtF players per team because it wasn't fair otherwise.
I really hate the "protagonists walking in a line" cliche.
No that team were all chinks apart from one grill
They don't need a separate league. They need to git gud.
>here's a cheap, easy to run game, you get good at it and you can win money
I fucking despise women.
Who has the biggest tits
There is actually sexism in esports.
There are tournaments with prize money only women are allowed to participate in.
Who cares about them? Climb the ladder and worship your beast. You will be better and stronger and 10-15 years from now is a long, long time.
I might need a psych eval, i want to have loving intercourse with steph harvey
>about how good they were at League
stopped here. dropped
>They don't need a separate league. They need to git gud.
But then only the actual best at the sport would be on top, which end up being overwhelmingly asian men, and thats both sexist and racist. Im surprised i have to explain to you this leaf
sure they can show cleavage in twitch 2 or 3 hours but playing vidya 10 hours a day 8 months........
Are those pants see through?
Accurate chartis accurate
they really should a team of girl to the next TI it would be hilarious to watch them being stomped by souless chinks or tryhard russians
>all female League competitions considered capping the number of MtF players per team because it wasn't fair otherwise
why are there so many trannies playing league?
Would fuck her in the butt hole
why is there a network called big black cock?
>Team Secret logo
Lmao puppey
>paid to play video games
>anyone, male or female
Start up the incinerator, here comes some more useless fools.
Because sport is basically entertainment, akin to movies.
And people would rather watch male sport, than female sport. For a vast platitude of reasons, that you're not allowed to list on public TV for fear of breaching safe spaces and bringing forth feelings of inadequacy and bitter envy at the unfairness of it all
You earn as much as you're worth
the wonders of testosterone
what game are they even trying to place? CS:GO? LoL? lmfao
>Also what world do you live in that a sponsor wouldn't want to promote a winning female team? nah they'd much rather have spotty fat man children on their posters.
>winning female team
Found the bug in your software, friend.
because lol is gay as fuck
Stop being good at stuff!
Didn't an all-female team in League of Legends fucking implode a few years ago?
> I wonder why
Because women cannot excel in e-sports as well as men do. Are you retarded?
> The women challenging sexism in e-sports
> Woman shows boobs on twitch
> Gets paid by virgins
> She's not a whore, she's a smart person who knows how to benefit.
> Man struggles to git gud so people watch him
> Gets paid by sponsors and tours
> Omg sexism
Are you retarded? Seriously now.
Because guys are the only people who give a shit about video games and esports.
>"It's always felt that female teams are not a real scene. Male players see us as a side game that doesn't count."
What did she mean by this then?
some females have the temperament to be competitive, but then they realize its easier to just get fucked by the top players and not work for anything
Women can't play video games. Its doesn't matter if you think its a "sport" or not (its not), it still relies on reflexes and intelligence. Men are better at these things than women.
If there were ever a sport where women could have a chance to be equal to men, its fucking video games. But they can't do it and they never will. If women learned their place maybe we could start to fix the western world.
Because League and mental illness go hand in hand.
>62% best win rate on the team
To the surprise of literally no one.
redeye tore this article to shreds
juliano hot as fuck tho
I'm quite capable of hating both, thanks
This. If a girl is pretty she doesn't need to git gud.
This will make you love them even more.
There's girls on twitch getting like $50,000 a week from lonely beta's. Women are the highest paid gamers out there.
Though I agree that men ought to earn more as they have higher ratings, this is actually a legit cause for them to start yapping about. It's not like writing SLUT on their naked tits and marching the street or making claims of "eye-raping" but it's an actual cause that fits within ancient feminism, you don't have to agree with them but you gotta admit it's a step up from the degeneracy
>Graph about female earnings
>Probably mostly trannies considering that a lot of trannies play e-sports
>Millions of dollars
No shit, Sherlock
That's probably why they only focus on e-sports. Lots of females make a living by streaming games.
Uhh, excuse me but it's BIG BRITISH COCK.
> wage is decided by winning competitions
> muh wage gap
Wage gap my nuts what about all the camwhores on livejasmin that make $10,000 a night by showing off their cooch?
That's b-because men are raised to be competitive and to play more hand-eye coordinated activities when they were younger, and even the women who have played games since they were young, and got good but not as good as men, well that's because...because you are a fuckin cis fucking white male, patriarchy FUCKING GAS ALL MEN!
Equal rights mean equal fights. I support intersex athletics, and not just because it means women will never win. Not just because an intersex MMA league would be brutal bloodsport the likes of which we haven't seen since the romans, but because it's what feminism would want.
yea sorry girls but theres literally nothing stopping you from competing with men here. Games have zero physical requirements to play, and there are no all female all male leagues, everything is 100% based on how often you win.
Man you guys really need to get laid.
one of the girls they interviewed came out and said they took what she said out of context
dat some big ol tiddies on that metizo there
It is actually way way lower than that
>Pic related
Except they're not really streaming games, they just found a higher tier way to camwhore.
Very few of them actually play the damn game, see livibee etc.
Twitch, the gaming streaming site owned by YouTube,
Other way around, getting regular sex alleviates the desperate need to white knight.
twitch is amazon owned.
holy shit LOL that dude was fucking pissed. what did she do to you man
How long have they been playing?
Maybe if they set up a fan base over decades they will get there too. Until then they deserve less and don't deserve a cent more for having a vagina.
We need a 3rd world war to end this faggotry
Woahhh, magnificent post. A true intellectual.
Men get more because they win
Actually, There is the mainstream competition completely sexless and then the only-female league.
However, not a single female has made it to the mainstream competition and they choose to create their own little tournament, which is casual 3k shit, unsurprising.
its a quote from the article,
newfags defending BBC games journalism dont deserve replies that make any sense
I've been betting on the e-sport market for 3 years now and the female professionals are extremely.. EXTREMELY bad compared to the male professionals.
You can't even fucking compare them to be honest, the females are just horrible.
It's not just me either, when it comes to public views or people tuning in to watch tournaments differs a lot, just like "real" sporting events. The male tournaments gets like x100 the amount of viewers than what the female teams provides to the table, so why is their a mystery to them that male teams gets paid more..? Fucking feminists...
b/c miss havery and her shitty clg red cant even make esea main playoffs. the only 'girls' to have ever even come close are the trans ones if that even counts.
They would have top players in mens leagues take pay cuts so they can get paid without the decades of hard work men did to found every single sport worldwide.
Without men they would be unemployed.
Women are the new jews.
>Highest Earning Female Pro-Player is Scarlett.
In a perfect world someone would shout "you fucking suck, go home" and we'd be done with it.
This timelines great and all, but it always could have been a better one.
Just when I thought Team Secret couldn't get worse.
Just fucking kill me now.
Nothing she won't do to you first chance she gets.
Just like practically all sports, except perhaps archery - women do way worse than men. I have no reason to watch someone who is slightly above the average male player when I can watch someone who is way beyond the skill of anyone I know or have seen before.
>highest earning fighting game player is Ricki Ortiz
Can't women do anything right?
They're parasites as a collective in most industries
Depends on the game. Starcraft is taxing as fuck mechanically. I only remember one female professional being somewhat competitive with the guys and she is a he. pic related
Certain games have had female leagues, too, but I can't recall any since I never watched them. No one fucking watches them and they get paid less because of it. People want to watch the best players in the world, not the best grills in the world.
Digits of truth
It only works when done ironically(for comedic purposes)
>Except they're not really streaming games, they just found a higher tier way to camwhore.
>Very few of them actually play the damn game, see livibee etc.
I guess they are playing games...
the female way.
Aphrodite is pretty good
>yfw a tranny is the best """female"""" pro gamer
women are bad at everything
hahahahaha so the highest grossing "female" by a wide margin is actually a tranny lmfao
so this little girl got her redpill on the MSM manipulating sound bites for their own nefarious ends and ad revenue?
good for her, I hope she keeps that lesson in her mind when dealing with that kind of shitbird in the future.
not enough koreans i dont think they will beat any one in worlds without at least 2 koreans