What the fuck is wrong with us?

>live on diet of meat and potatoes
>primary source of hydration is ale
>smoke pipe tobacco
>do hard labor for majority of youth
>no modern medicine whatsoever
>live through a war
>still live to 100+, steady enough to take a picture and able enough to walk with a cane

How fucked up are we that we're dropping at 70 or 80, barely cognizant and immobile, while 200-300 years ago they could hit 100 and still walk about independent of aid?

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shit, forgot link

>What the fuck is wrong with us?
Hyper-capitalism. Encouraging unhealthy lifestyles and poisoning people is profitable.

Because the primary mode of transportation was walking. That's why previous generations were faster, stronger, and more alert than we are now. Their overall health from that one difference in lifestyle was far superior to ours today.


what the fuck

>How fucked up are we that we're dropping at 70 or 80, barely cognizant and immobile, while 200-300 years ago they could hit 100 and still walk about independent of aid?
Glyphosate & whatnot
The NWO is trying to kill us off, bro

>hyper capitalism
As long as they are free to choose

damn, whats her routine?

>How fucked up are we that we're dropping at 70 or 80, barely cognizant and immobile, while 200-300 years ago they could hit 100 and still walk about independent of aid?
There werent fucktons of pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones in our food 200-300 years ago. That and the primary method of transportation has changed from walking to driving.

donut preacher curlsXinfinty

It destroys people's traditional values. The majority is guaranteed to choose wrong, and society will go downhill as a whole. Free market capitalism is just one of the institutions of western culture. It is displacing all others now.

is that popeyes fat mom?


>still live to 100+


Stop being dumb.

The mortality rate was much lower back then.

Their lives were generally harder and shorter.

Our lives are generally longer and easier.

This is not up for debate.

You aren't wrong, technically, but Its a very simplified and overly broad representation of the data.

If you lived past 30 in ye olde days you pretty much lived as long as you do theses days.

the life expectancy was short because of absurdly high child death. if you lived past being a baby you lived a pretty normal life

you are retarded


>17th-century English life expectancy was only about 35 years, largely because infant and child mortality remained high.


Sugar is the killer. You can eat a high fat diet and live a long life as long as you stay active.

You mean sugar substitutes. There's sugar in lots of fruits, but fruits don't kill you. The problem, which is one of many, is things like Splenda.

Sugar in fruit is okay because fruit has fiber, which slows down absorption. Refined sugar and carbohydrates (including in bread, rice, pasta etc.) is what makes you fat and fucks your health in the long term.