What're Sup Forums's thoughts on this?
What're Sup Forums's thoughts on this?
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how is this even a point
this shit never happens
missing the panel where the nigger does this to hes own house
Can you shot someone who try to paint swastika or something like that in your property?
Just give guns to the liberals for they to feel safe.
This is what lefties actually believe.
They're so irrationally afraid of racial prejudice from a Trump administration, but what they don't realize is that this will make them more conservative.
They will finally understand less government power the better because they don't want someone who doesn't align with their beliefs to have that type of power.
It's gonna be a long 4 years but when they time comes they're gonna vote for Trump.
That posting it three times within a day is overkill OP.
Someone please shop a rabbi in there spray painting the swastika
Odds are, it was a leftist who destroyed her house.
>a designated shitting mat
>ill take shit that didnt happen for 500
Odds are she did it herself
There also needs to be five of them in the background with one ready to stab the white guy
The fact that nobody is able to point at a single instance of pro-trump being violent is telling.
It's always spotty personnal stories that are never reported to the police (or reported and debunked within a day) or "a friend of mine blah blah blah"
When you are so used to fear and shame being your main arguments, I guess it's hard to diversify your rethoric arsenal...
this is gold
I don't believe it's happening and if it was I wouldn't care.
SJWs are to blame for everything.
A lot of alt righties are neets but if and when they get their ass into gear they have something of a future.
So they're gonna risk it by vandalising some nig nogs house.
Sure. The media is doubling down on their deceit. Something should be done about them.
A nog burning down/shitting where it lives and trying to blame whitey for it.
What a shocker.
That one made me kek
Can you turn him into a racist cyclops from the x-men and put 'MORLOCKS' in the speech bubble
Wouldn't the property value go down if the neighborhood have burned houses with swastikas painted over?
Betty gud
only the most select of cherries were picked for this meme
no because Sup Forumsacks would come in flocks
No, property value would go up because the house is burnt down, and the negro family moves away.
House (or what's left of it) is razed to a vacant lot so that when the real estate agent comes around with the nice white couple looking to buy their first house, all that's left is a nice lot with dirt and grass on it.
Bank sells property, new owner builds new house, flips for massive profit and a nice rich white couple move in next door.
Its a big house
No that's illegal and besides they wouldn't know who did it.
post of the year
the spastika lives on
doormat should say "WE WUZ"
Keked hard
PLS r8 i put much effort.
Beat me to it
strawman fantasy world
entertaining fictional comic that doesn't really make any original point
Why are peruvians so based? Seriously I don't think I've seen a shitty post from one of u, (pretty rare though.)
That's cool and all but this thread is about making parodies of it.
Most accurate ITT tbqh fampai
This is the winner, everyone
It's the natural result of taking the leaf out of Canada
the whole joke about dindus making property value go down is not a joke. Nobody wants to live in a neighborhood heavy with these ppl
except nu-males wouldn't have the balls to talk shit to a nigger regardless of their political stance
you should make it a black man and a slovenly fat white woman
I have no art skills tho.
severely underrated
What a good loving neighbor would do, this is the proper response .take note
Lol Americans.
Kek, I wanna fema camp these people.
Here in fl you can shoot anybody and get away with it if theyre on your property. Just cant have given them provable consent.
If you don't get caught. Some pro-gun states can't try you if they don't find the body.
Depends on the state. In some states like Texas, they'd give you a prize.
I like how the left takes to the streets and terrorizes innocent people and destroys property all while claiming to be "literally shaking" in fear of Trump's jack booted thugs rounding up minorities and gassing them on the spot.
>hyperbole of things that never happened: The Comic
You think it stops there?
>Somebody is trying to forcibly remove you from your property? You can put that nigga on ice
>This also applies to if somebody else is being forcibly removed from your property
>This also applies to "dwellings" including a camping tent
>And your car, as long as there is somebody in it
I think it's really a deeper allegory. We all know the black guy in the picture damaged his own house so maybe this is saying that the black man's problems are actually rooted in his self destructive nature and need to blame racism for inherent flaws. It's actually because of his belief in racism that he is unwilling to look inward and thus not progress. All the while, the white character is adapting to a situation not of his choosing with a positive attitude. This is deep famalam.
lmao, this is awesome.
>into the collection it goes, ty user
I get it, I ain't laughing, but I get it.
When are the Sup Forums awards? I would like to nominate this for post of the year.
Top kek dude
Fuck off back to 9fag you newfag cancer.