Most western consumers of anime are liberal

Most western consumers of anime are liberal.

Most of you supposed red pills consume anime.

Reconcile that, shitlords.

Most liberals eat food

So do all of us

Checkmate shit Lord

>cats drink water.
>dogs drink water.
>dogs are cats.

What happens if you're both liberal and conservative? Oh wait "Gas this user"

Reconciliation status: Reconciled

There's not enough misty porn.

>but user, there's gigs of misty porn
Not enough.


Water doesn't promote degeneracy

>you will NEVER fuck misty


Rule 34 never stops, user.

>weebos are democrats


Fucking leaf, I came here to post exactly this.

I'm offended you would even consider labeling me a liberal.

>Doesn't even know the water is making the frogs gay
>Doesn't even own a water filter

That wasn't the point. Your argument wasn't valid. Learn how to type-up valid argument.

No you made a strawman faggot.

>not knowing what a strawman is.

But user, you want to have sex with underage, sexually confused boys.

Not that I wouldn't but still.

>NO ONE ELSE will fuck misty

It is fair

>Not going with best girl

Anime (not hentai) is red-pilled and one of the few genres of entertainment not controlled by Jews.

It's fair but it doesn't feel fair user :(

any scientific study to back up your claims?

And fish are changing gender.

>Liking anime makes you liberal
I want to rebirth the Empire and the Axis Powers
Therefore- begin the imperialism of the early 20th century again, and genocide the jews while I'm at it

The comparison of media consumption to food is invalid. Particularly, the media you consume is a reflection of your values. Eating is not. Try again shithead.

having an animu waifu is the ultimate red pill

>Will always remain loyal to you if you believe in her
>No risk of alimony payments
>No risk of child support payments
>No risk of STDs
>Will not grow old and ugly
>Not 3DPD

Liking anime does not necessarily make you a liberal, but it sure does make you a COMPLETE FUCKIN' LOSER.

>same thing lololo

I just want to fuck 2D schoolgirls.

Got some sources for that info buddy?


Anime is food for the soul, but Liberal don't have souls.

You should've put more effort into your OP then. My post was just pointing out the illogical invalidity of your post, in which you claim that two parties are the same just b/c they share one trait. You should've just claimed that anime causes degeneracy and backed up your claim with supporting evidence, instead of just jotting down a couple simple premises that didn't imply your conclusion.

>X does thing
>Y also does thing
>X is Y!
>But only when I say you fucking white cis-male shitlords!

it might be silly kid shit but anime is still usually far less degenerate than almost all western fiction.

nothing wrong with fightan and waifus. better than sjw trash

pokegirls no please. are my weakness

The vast majority of right wingers are disgusted by anime. Sup Forums is a very vocal minority.

>Rape is a minor inconvenience women get over quickly
>Girls are sexualized with no problems
>The perfect way to avoid the vaginal Jew
>The men are often strong figures working their way to the top to achieve their goals through all hardships
>Gays don't act like faggots
>Implying there's anything wrong with this

Anime is the ultimate red pill, pic related, after the 9th.

>most consumers of anime are liberal

I highly doubt this.

Japan is nationalist and most of the anime fans online are like 4channers. anti-left.

Pic related, anime is sexist.

>accented e

>sexualized children
They're teenagers and teenagers sexualize themselves because they're within breeding age and looking for a mate. For loving science so much, leftists sure are quick to deny it and basic human nature when it suits them.

>Most western consumers of anime are liberal
What? ANime is very problematic. Objectivication of women, sexualization of girls, etc, etc.

how does the word "most" work i literally cant even

Most moves are trash, most cartoons are bad, most shows are propaganda or have garbage writers.

One shit medium of entertainment is just as good as the others.

they'll deny anything when it suits them. I'm starting to hate the left so much. Kek wills it they will all get shit on.

Amine is not one person, OP you fuck

what a qt

>Implying anime is liberal and panders to minorities and womynz

Degenerate, yes. Liberal, no.

Len is cute shota

Most of the weebs I know are libertarians and nationalists.

Don't care. I cannot see progressives being down with Drifters, Haikyuu, JoJo, or One Punch Man.

Just hop on any other anime board or platform aside from /a

But they are.
Those shitty love is love teenagers and the like fucking love those shows.

How? They're full of badasses that do what they can to get shit done, work hard, and don't tolerate weakness.

Good taste. Hastur is better.

Sup Forums is a _liberal_ board. the alt-right is liberal.

>How? They're full of badasses that do what they can to get shit done, work hard, and don't tolerate weakness.
I don't know either, but just hop on to any social media platform that has anime from reddit to fucking vine and you'll see shitty SJW shit everywhere.

>that tweet
I giggled.

Animu is shitty escapism created by self-hating Japs who could no longer face the mirror post-WW2

Well there's my problem. I don't discuss animu outside of Sup Forums, because outside of Sup Forums is full of fags.
I get shit for being a shounen fan, but I like the simple boyish masculinity of that genre. I like being reminded of standing up and fighting. It's like doing meth to me.
Keeps me going, not tolerating soft shit.

Yeah, okay, DB Super jumped the shark and Toriyama retconned the fuck out of it.
Don't care. It's Goku and Vegeta teaming up to kick ass. I love it. Two saiyan bros showing the universe what the meaning of badass is. Where even the gods get butthurt.

This. If I'd have to pick one ideology to associate with Anime and Weaboos, I'd have to pick Libertarianism. Not to try and make a blanket statement, just saying that it seems to be the case for most of the people I know.

>people you don't like like things that you like
>how about that shitlord!


Once the amount of non-jew media you consume surpasses the amount of jewish-controlled media, the redpills start sinking in.

>tfw you don't watch anime

>I'd have to pick Libertarianism.
Hear hear!

Talk about drawing conclusions OP. This has to be bait, please for the love of God be bait

You know nothing.

FIsh are supposed to be able to do that.

it's a good feel, maybe watch a movie every now and then, but I wouldn't learn anything about life in an anime anyway

>brown hair

To be fair, though I think most weebs align with libertarianism because they don't want the government to see their hentai collection

yuo take that back right now >:(

>be me
>still function perfectly fine in day to day life

Its real easy to watch cute girls doing cute things and not be a raging autist. Just have normal hobbies too, like videogames and hunting, and never bring up 2d unless it's with your fellow autists.

You obviously are lying. Nobody who goes to this site has a normally functioning social life.


I'm just posting shitty bait.

Well, there's not a lot of pro-government animu.
In fact, Japs don't like to inject politics and sociology into anime much.

I like to tell people-
>think about this: Boku no Pico is LESS degenerate than the average network TV show
>wrap your head around it.
>but it's true
And it's because Pico isn't full of LGBTRRE57884 bullshit. It's literally just porn, and tastefully crafted porn.

That's what's attractive about nip media. It's media for fun and entertainment, not to spread politics.

dem digits

>a leaf projecting
Color me unsurprised

Anime is the most blue-pilled hobby there is and inherently anti-art

anime is redpilled you just arent red pilled enough to get that

Nice points and VERY nice digits, friend.

Shit b8 m8 I r8 0/8


Pity Sup Forums retards are too stupid to hide themselves on Sup Forums.

>DB super gods
>Gods of Autism
>Episodes designed to trigger autism with no substance to the fighting.
>Magically getting more powerful up during a fight though no reason it should be habbening
>DBS is more corrected called Autism Ball.

Some of us aren't

Len is best boy.

I fucking hate anime

It's shit, I agree.
But I watch it just to see Goku and Vegeta kick ass.
I can't get away from it. I would never pay for it. Thank god for KamiFS.

One can still dream, user.

Sup Forums anime watching has always been miles apart from normie anime watching.

This is seriously one of the best misty picks I've ever seen.

Why are pokemon artists so bad?

>not moe the bartender

>Most western consumers of anime are liberal.

1. Hastur
2. Len
3. Gon
4. Goten
5. Hinata(Haikyuu)
6. Dipper(dwi)
777. Chico

You're alright, leaf

Maybe the next arc will be less spergy. I hope so.

Good for you, It's always tiresome to see dumb frogposters and people who can't hide themselves.

>Most western consumers of anime are liberal.
We aren't reddit, gaia, or mal, you dumb faggot.

Good taste with the Hinata pick, but Len is still better. What's Hastur from, again?