What the fuck is this asshole's problem?
Why did he just revel his power level to the entire nation and by extension imperil the entire alt-right movement?
What the fuck is this asshole's problem?
Why did he just revel his power level to the entire nation and by extension imperil the entire alt-right movement?
Because he's an attention seeking tool.
Because the Alt-Right is just a tool to fulfill his narcissism and need for attention
>alt-right movement
You're trolling right?
fucking idiot
You didn't hear? We literally elected hitler and the left did nothing. We can legit gas jews on the 21st of January and say "you guys said yourself it was coming"
He's a fucking plant to make the "alt-right" nonsense appear as though it is being legitimized. It gives the MSM ammo to pretend the Alt-Right is a real thing and paint everything they don't like as alt-right.
Tell them all to fuck off.
Richard Spencer is the one who came up with the phrase "alternative right" in the first place. Dumb /r/The_Donald- and Milo-tier fags have coopted it completely at this point.
And? Has he done anything else besides name the honey pot before smashing it.
This sperg went full aspie.
That "speech" was some of the cringiest sperglord bullshit I have ever heard
"The Alt-Right" is not a real thing.
It's literally shit the media made up.
This guy is just a jew-tool being paid to lie like the rest of CNN.
The alt right is just a term to describe people who were right wing that got sick of their party. To think it's anything beyond that is silly
>This sperg went full aspie.
kek I love that phrase.
Racemixing piece of crap
You stupid motherfucker.
Spencer's contribution has been absolutely invaluable in that he actively promoted the ideas that are now becoming almost mainstream. That's how it works with radicals -- failing seizing power directly, the next best thing for the vanguard is to absorbed into the mainstream, however poorly.
He's a fed. Why do you think the media ONLY interviews him?
What happened
Is this that guy who visited Trump today and was caught saluting the other day?
>Because the Alt-Right is just a tool to fulfill his narcissism and need for attention
This. His involvement in this is no different essentially than someone dressing up 'goth' or 'punk'.
Fuck this guy
He's a honeytrap designed to out people to investigation.
He once had a Twitter-tantrum where he said the 2nd Amendment was irrelevant and the government was too powerful so guns don't matter. He used literally every libshit argument in the book to defend that position, while even combat veterans were telling him he was full of shit.
exactly . the "alt right" is just the right wing constituents that realized the gop were pandering faggots who cant be trusted in many cases. only a few are based
like that guy who ever sees the hearings on cspan that guys one of my favorites
He's based as fuck. Fuck off with your concerned trolling Shlomo. That or go back you the Donald you click before people you know find out you browse this site.
>actively promoted the ideas that are now becoming almost mainstream
"Trump won something something white nationalism" is one of the stupidest memes to come out of this election.
This is an anti-fascist shill. Details:
Ignore them.
Too bad the gooks are being btfo'd by an earthquake and the normies will largely overlook this due to that.
Thank lord Kek for that earthquake. We dodged a bullet from this FBI larp faggot.
Time to point out that "Alt-Right" is a term like "Anonymoose"
Antifa shill get out.
Sage, report, and hide antifa threads.
he didn;t start the movement he just put a label on it and based on that started acting like he is a leading figure
It was cringy. He talked about cucks, and then half-yelled "Heil Trump, Heil Victory!" in a frail and weak voice. Then some autists shyly Nazi saluted.
Do these people honestly think Trump will be the next Hitler, or something?
The fuck are you talking about, you dumb nigger
>progressives riot, assault people
>no one gives a shit
>an aspie LARPs as a nazi
>everyone loses their mind
Millenial woes interviewed him.
Because (((Spencer))) is Jewish-Controlled opposition, and Jewish tricks have no end.
>Do these people honestly think Trump will be the next Hitler, or something?
Well, they're both Zionists.
You're such a fucking JIDF/CTR Kike. Get the fuck out of here, you cringey jew fuck.
>imperil the entire alt-right movement?
>saged and hidden
Because he really wanted to fuck Tila Tequila and the fucker has no game.
Why do we care
Sup Forums is not alt right
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>people actually believe that the (((alt-right))) is a real movement
nu-Sup Forums everyone
Trump won because of us. What you don't realize is that most of you have been riding our coat tails, its hilarious how many of you don't even know that we exist. Every single thread where the Alt-Right is mentioned there will be a horde of clueless retards who think Milo is behind it.
We popularized the term Cuckservative. He had hundreds of twitter sock accounts using the phrase, sending it to MSM outlets. We used it so heavily that through a concerted and planned attack we got it to appear on Google trends, then mainstream news outlets began actually talking about it everywhere. We destroyed Jeb's social media presence. We were hecklers at Ted Cruz rallies who turned out in support of Trump.
When the establishment GOP attacked Trump for his stance on immigration we were the ones who put forth an organized effort to attack them. We demonized them for being sellouts. Marco, Jeb, Cruz, all the GOP donors. You disorganized ineffectual faggots didn't do anything except maybe jump on the band wagon of the Twitter raids that we planned months in advance.
You are fucking nobody.
He's a liberal shill paid to make the alt right look bad.
The alt-right generally believes in racial determinism as opposed to geographic determinism. The hatred of jews is simply the envy of their superior genes regarding intelligence (which are the result of increased rates of disease). While some of the more impulsive alt-right personalities demonize the jews (aka racist assholes) the more intellectual simply view differences in race as genetic differences that apply to large groups rather than individuals.
In short, there is a significant amount of human vomit that exist among the alt-right. This does not mean that some of their ideas are wrong.
>implying you need game to fuck Tila Tequila
Paid for by the Democrat party, along with David "FBI Informant" Duke
>He's a fucking plant to make the "alt-right" nonsense appear as though it is being legitimized. It gives the MSM ammo to pretend the Alt-Right is a real thing and paint everything they don't like as alt-right.
>people will start to think the alt-right is legitimate
>they discover people that have comments on alt-right but don't openly support it (but secretly do)
>go down the rabbit hole and get red-pilled and turn alt-right
guys, it's happening.
spencer had a blog many years ago called "alternative right" with right-wing conservative posters
it's not anything new
"dark enlightment" and NRx are a part of this whole thing
Seriously guys this is just embarrassing, and I say that as a former alt-righter. I can't be apart of this movement when these guys are making this movement look like a complete joke.
>Why did he just revel his power level to the entire nation and by extension imperil the entire alt-right movement?
Reveal perhaps you mongoloid
why the emphasis on the ONLY?
what else should the media do with him?
everyone cheers david duke but this guy can go fuck himself?
you're all backwards here...
Boy oh boy a lot of single posters in these Richard threads. Haha I wonder what is going on?
Duke is controlled opposition too
>the "alt right" is just the right wing constituents
i'm going to stop you right there.
a lot of it is rooted in anti-democracy sentiment and many other things
This guy is literally /our guy/
Fuck off antifa shills
It's funny you haven't already realized this, but this is going to be the next 4-8 years. The alt-right is gaining more and more media attention every day. Donald Trump is president. These two things are a direct backlash at Barack Obama and Black Lives Matter. This is the future.
shut up faggot go back to >>/r/eddit
>named the Jew
>promoting white nationalism
Oh I'm sorry he isn't (((Milo))) promoting (((civic nationalism))) you fucking Cuck
But seriously we can't let this guy get his hands on the meme codes.
spencer has been writing about this stuff for nearly a decade and he's making himself the face of this stuff as opposed to others.
you would call literally hitler controlled opposition.
why the fuck does that website have such a shitty layout?
the fucking whole right hand side of the screen is just unused
This proly.
he's one of the originators of memes, at least in a philosophical sense
Hitler WAS controlled opposition you bluepilled KEK
do you actually believe what he says?
>i never heard of him until a few weeks ago
nobody would even know what the alt-right is if it wasn't for hillary name dropping the movement during her rally.
what kind of delusion are you living in
oh son, you know nothing
you don't tell them they're going to hang until the noose is around their neck
the ideas were becoming mainstream before hillary mentioned alt-right
where do you think the ideas behind all the trump support and anti-cuckservative stuff was coming from? Sup Forums? lol
Is this the left trying to fracture us?
>twitter is blowing up right now with a picture of Tila Tequila (literally who) doing a nazi salute, MSM is blowing up on Richard Spencer (literally who) as a leader of the """alt-right"""
Please, for the love of god, disavow yourself from the "alt-right" and the little band of attention whores rallying around it. Never identify yourself as "alt-right". This is the new "MRA". Yes thousands of anons have said it before me but it needs to be said again and again. It is tempting to want to feel like you're part of a movement, but don't play the leftist's game here.
Somebody needs to explain white nationalism to me. People always reference Hitler, but he was an Aryan/Teuton nationalist, not a white nationalist. Then people tell me that we need to bring in not just Aryans but all whites. Yet apparently Jews aren't white.
All sounds like a bunch of arbitrary BS to me.
or maybe some of us genuinely believe that returning to the failed policies and rhetoric of the failed Reich is a fucking retarded idea.
you ever think of that you fucking asshole?
>everyone cheers david duke
haha no
he gets tons of hate unless it is special interest discussion
none of this has anything to do with any left
what's wrong with that stuff? are you even on the right board? are you into MLP?
>t. Autist screaming hail trump at conference
Spencer is either a paid shill or the worst political operative ever.
hitler is dead, and so are the ideas he fought for. MOVE ON
>What the fuck is this asshole's problem?
>Why did he just revel his power level to the entire nation and by extension imperil the entire alt-right movement?
They've been calling us Nazis for how long just because we're not ashamed to be white and suddenly everyone shits their pants when they see some roman salutes? fucking pussy faggot. I AM A FUCKING NAZI! I believe in Fascism. White identity has momentum in America and this won't slow it down.
This is probably just him blowing his load too early like Golden Dawn did.
owo whats this?
>the alt-right movement
Stop this reddit shit
>"right side of history" satan
you won't have children, so your history is over.
The 21st is my birthday, this would be an even greater gift than a wall.
>if any of you start killing Jews I'll be the happiest man alive.
we meet again leaf
Hitler is representative of a populist movement against (((subversive international cliques))) bent on destroying our societies from the inside.
White nationalism is being able to rule our own countries, and not be bred out of existence through demographic shifts. It is about taking pride in your people and your heritage, rejecting white guilt and embracing our own people and becoming the deciders of our own destiny.
The fact is we are not equal to the other races, we are superior and every time we are shackled to the lowest common denominator we all suffer.
he's been writing for nearly a decade on this stuff. his timing to position himself as the face of WNism in the US is perfect timing.
but only the good fascism not the bad kind, right?
>progressives crash "students for Trump" meeting with red communists flags and la raza
>not too bad, the students for trump had it coming
wow that image is so anti-semitic i can't believe you guys would post something like that we need to all work together and come together for love and humanity and fuck borders and money and shit
Are we talking about his appearance on the Daily Show? Is that out yet? I have literally no idea what you are talking about.
So i have never heard about this guy ever, and i think most agree with me. and OP doest even provide any link.
its obvious that whoever this guy is . he is not much relevant for pol or any movement watsoever
Glad so many shills have come out after this NPI video was posted so we can finally purge these all alt-lite faggots
fascism is about killing jews and blitzkrieg and that's all there is to it.
it's not a political theory itself, nope.
didn't you hear? hitler is dead. we're all social democrats now. open the borders, dude.