What is this kid? Is he human?

He voted to have US flags removed from Hampshire College in MA.

Other urls found in this thread:


he is getting rekt

>we're involved in 7 countries right now
>can only name 1

Tucker is being pretty restrained too. I understand why he is a professional, because I am raging internally at this faggot.

Do you know what the median income is in the United States? It's a lot less than 62k a year like your Hampshire College tuition.


Have you ever seen such a slaughter? Top kek he will not show that to his future students.

Holy shit I just finished watching this.

What. The Fuck. is wrong with white liberals at these universities?

>$62000/year to become an American History teacher

when he was going off about slave money I Tucker made a face like he even he couldn't believe what this kid was saying




based tucker



WHAT THE FUCK we are done for this country it's over, those are the academia in charge of our future

I bet his parents are going to stop paying for his education after he called them racist slave holders.

Tucker the cucker. Is he destroying students nightly?

It just aired

The entire interview was a microcosm of the election. This kid will get a pat on the back from his professors and peers while everyone else who watches this interviews sees him as a smug fucking retard.

Tucker is so based, glad he has a show now.

That face looks familiar...

Yeah he gets this 7-8 slot. I hope his numbers are good, the show has been great

Tucker is doing some seriously good work these days. I'm impressed. the guy even looks like a based 80s news anchor.


Holy shit he's based

These are the liberals we need to start shooting.

jesus fucking christ

they have 0 perspective on the world

>only niggers can be found guilty

this interview convinced me that it's got to be something in the water. find me a male under the age of 27 these days without a "pinched"/gay-sounding voice. I bet you can't. And peoples' vision is clearly going, too, because they virtually all wear fucking glasses.

What's his name Sup Forums?

he just points out that universities are a hivemind and wins everytime

I'm 22 and extremely conservative, I have a deep enough voice, I do wear glasses though


Liberal O'Dipshit

Tucker is very good an cornering SJWs

Reminds me of stef Molyneux

Obviously I don't trust fox but good to see a show that goes hard at these clowns instead of orielly who purposely tries to look like an arrogant cunt and just rolls his eyes and interrupts leftist

I propose Blood Money Mike.

something with blood money imho

I'm 27 and it disguists me how metro so many of my "friends" are/have become

I don't really talk to them anymore but many have moved to NYC or cali and are huge pussies

Big falling out as the masculine ones were pro trump and they become SJWs



My son's 18, his voice is deep like mine. No glasses either, surprised because my wifr and I both need them. He's involved with the Young Conservative Movement, was president of his school's Conservative club.

Ashamed to say we live 15 minutes from Amherst/Northampton, but my son's goal is to get far away from New England.

He turned out pretty great.

>You think at your average HVAC repair school they're burning the flag?


Mr. Cuck. Future History Teacher.

Future. Fucking. History. Teacher.

He intends to be a history teacher. This is not funny.

This kid will graduate with a Ph.D and be reinstituted right back into the college and teach part time on how to bring about a communist utopia and in his free time he'll organize protests against the patriarchy.

For all his talk and leading protests, he'll never contribute anything or make anyone's life better.

Tucker destroys these kids he makes them all short circuit so easy top kek

His father should cut off his fucking tuiton now.
> My parents made their money from slavery.

Dad's probably a worthless fuck too.

Nu males don't drink water. It's always some bullshit drink like flavored water or Starbucks.

"Conversations like this are what moves a country forward."

Goodnight sweet sides.

Watch the recent Tucker vid discussing illegals with a college kid.

He always destroys them by just asking questions.


Daniel 'I could pick fruit, but would rather spend my parents blood money' Vogel


Have you SEEN this interview?



Thing is, just the simple act of asking them questions will always blow these people out of the fucking water

When you get them by themselves and actually corner them with facts and logic they crumble. They are only comfortable in a braying mob shouting down people with their slogans.

DeSouza always destroys rich white college kids with, "If minorities are so oppressed, why don't you give one of them your spot in this school?"

Answers are always top kek.

Saw it a few days ago. It's great, but the guy needs to scale it back a bit if he wants to keep having guests on the show.

Holy fucking cows. The first shit that comes out of his mouth, I just knew it. I knew his voice would be like that. The way he talks.

It's not funny anymore

Because there were so many slaves and plantations in Oregon to reap blood money from.
*autistic screeching*

Yep. This is what happens when schools stop teaching critical thinking. Kids are completely unprepared to debate.

That guy probably committed suicide afterwards.

Faggotface McCuck

I mean I went to a total of 4 colleges all over Florida and I never saw shit this bad. Then again I was in engineering.

lol how to publicly embarrass yourself 101, he can show this to his history students on how to avoid ending up like him.

There will always be a liberal who has the blind smugness blinding them who will agree to it.

Wait, you didn't know the Confederate Capitol was in Oregon?
General "Starbucks" Lee's home town was Portland.

'Muh feelings' don't work in STEM.

"Why won't you work with the laborers?"

Because it's dirty.

This honestly bothered me as well.

I hope you're right. If that's the case, Tucker might have a very popular show on his hands.

This is why so many college kids are literally dumber when they graduate.

more reasons to homeschool

Maxwell Smith-Cohen Jr.

Daniel "I suck dicks because I want to be a chick," Vogel.

Daniel Vogelbergstein

A Masshole from Cuckachusetts. A cuckhole.

This is a good one

People really need to start calling out professors who are doing this. Maybe it was a long time ago but professors used to guide people toward great literature or useful data from science books so that they could make their own thoughts or experiment freely.

Now kids like these grow up to be professors themselves so that they can force college kids to think like them, to believe only as they do, not to dialogue openly and try to learn from their students as they teach them and certainly not to experiment but to merely replicate commonly known truths in a lab.

Professors job shouldn't be getting people to think the same way it should be expanding their minds to think bigger and do something with their education and achieve.

I'm feeling it.

>"Starbucks" Lee
Well kek'd

Blue America


if it's in business and engineering you still can find based professors that do help students learn more and succeed in careers

anything related to liberal arts tho... it's full communist political propaganda


>entire family lineage wearing glasses for hundreds of years
>i get lumped in with SJWs and cucks because of this shit
fuck you

Most people studying to become teachers are cuck SJWs. It pisses me off. Most smart and based people are studying networking, software development and robotics on my school. Then we have the liberal cunts becoming teachers, who will teach CHILDREN how to be cucks.

Should have specified a liberal male under the age of 27.

wear contacts and stop being a SJW

even his shirt is stained with the blood of the natives.

that numale's face is so punchable

Never in my life have I seen a man's asshole get blown apart so drastically.

fuck off with this terrible meme
>stop being an SJW
stop projecting you niggerfaggot

>why don't you try to acquire a nasty eye infection user? And stop liking what I don't like

wew lad

The vision could be because of computers. Focusing on something a few feet in front of you for years on end can deteriorate your vision.

I went to school in Amherst. Such a liberal shithole. I cannot wait until the real world hits these fuckers like a freight train.

me and you both brother

He sounds like a robot when he goes off on how 'privileged' he is. Dat indoctrination

STEM isn't like this, at least not my biochem principal investigator.

He guides my research streams and puts them in the context of funding/grants, but gives me amazing leeway in terms of which subprojects to pursue or how to actually achieve our goals.

Also constantly flies us out to conferences to represent the lab. It's the arts that have become disturbingly corrupted and biased. STEM researchers (Scientists) largely lean left but their political leanings have little to no impact on their research. All Arts research, literature and writing has been completely reframed and distorted by liberalism -- especially certain fields like anthro or scoio...
It's why sociology and sociologists have become meaningless outside academia, while poli sci researchers still find some use


He looks older than me, hes probably nearly 30

>Daniel 'I could pick fruit, but would rather spend my parents loot' Vogel

Look at how he instinctively rolls his eyes when Tucker is only a few words into his very first question. This nu-male faggot is completely programmed.

His parents are slave traders?

>non warmongering liberal

Wow they still exist in 2016 US? Impressive.

there's something really feminine and arrogant about the way he speaks and holds himself as well, and God knows "feminine" and "arrogant" make an awful combo

What a fucking idiot

this depends on your school. I study CEE at a literal ivy and we had a minute of silence on nov 9