Feel free to specify if you're a Christcuck, Gaytheist, or Mudslime.
POLL: What is your religion?
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Yes, religion is important to my values.
Religion: Otakuism
Religion is important to my values too.
If you don't follow the one and only God, that is Kek, you are a heretic.
There is only ONE true religion and God that has revealed himself in this day and his name is KEK, dank be his memes.
Praise the /k/ube! Praise /k/ek!
>Yes, religion is important to my values.
Lutheran Christian, but I hate the direction our church is headed. Female priests, gay marriage, and literally allowing Muslims to hold their prayer-moments in our churches.
In today's world and especially thanks to the internet, religion seems obsolete. Sure, it did provide a founding framework for moral behaviour, but at this point it's inability to change in the face of modern facts and view points often leads it to ignorance more than enlightenment. As science keeps undermining the "Truth" of these religions, it is no surprise that the West is becoming more and more atheistic if not spiritual. Removing the Dogma's of religion and allowing for alternative thought seems the only way, especially when science proves otherwise. Holding anything as absolutely true without thought and disregarding any view that goes against it will only result in becoming alienated from the truth.
I'm atheist. Religion is a social construct, but it's a useful social construct. Most people need a religious foundation on which to build morals.
The degeneracy today LITERALLY stems from a lack of belief. This is what the kikes want my friend, a whole generation of people with no tradition, no culture, nothing to keep them from being influenced by outside forces. They will have nothing to oppose them when that happens.
> No Religion = No culture.
Seems legit.
Explain the double slit experiment.
>nothing to keep them from being influenced by outside forces
>outside forces
That's the problem. If you don't want to be a degenerate, then you won't. It has to come from within, though. Maybe I just have too much faith in humanity.
What would that achieve?
What conclusion could be drawn from particles being affected by observation, user?
>POLL: What is your religion?
>posts a poll that doesn't even ask that question
I'm sorry, but I don't have enough capable understanding in the field of quantum mechanics to tell you that.
Atheist to another atheist.
Here's your "fedora."
Thank you.
While I mostly agree with We need new moral guidance, and I fear the only way for normal people to get that is through religion. The best possible solution would be for us to create a new religion not based on explaining universal phenomena, but on why people act certain ways.
Because if we continue to try and deny science we end with people like who think because we can't logically explain something now we never will, and therefore old religions are correct
I lean towards Christianity but I don't follow or fully believe it, I just acknowledge it's best for the West.
I'm half baiting, I just wanted to mess with a fedora autist. I don't think any religions are corrected, but current science leads me to believe there was an intentional design in how the universe operates.
Degeneracy is the result of not being held to a higher standard. Dogma in religion obfuscates ethics, making it vague enough for an individual to justify whatever behavior they've chosen to adopt, and by believing a higher power has validated it. The critical thinking stops at
>well muh god says so
But won't further understanding through science and technology change the moral framework anyway? There is nothing special about religions when it comes to understanding, it's all just different viewpoints stemming from different inputs and information. The only different being some religions refuse to accept newer information discovered through science.
>tfw you realise that religion is extremely important for a functional society
>tfw you realise that you need the people to have been raised with the religion for it to function
>tfw the west is dead
Onward Christian Soldiers,
Onward Buddhist Priests,
Onward Fruits of Islam,
Fight 'til you're deceased!
Fight your little battles,
Join in thickest fray
For the Greater Glory,
Of Dis-Cord-I-A!
Religion is cancer. I believe in my version of "God". I have no problem with people believing in God but religious people are fucking retarded.
Fedora memes are not an argument
I'm Catholic but I'm not super religious. However I do care about the Christian culture of the west. I want stores to close on Sunday, and I want Christmas to be celebrated publicly, instead of governments and companies pushing their "secular winter holiday" bullshit.
Deist here.
A functional society does not need a religion to survive. See Japan for example, perhaps the most Athiest country in the world. They have a very strong connection with the spiritual without the need for religious dogma. I've been there. It is quite something special.
I would agree to that theory myself if I didn't read so many books about our ability to make patterns out of nothing and our reliance on instinct over logical deduction. My skepticism goes through the roof when I can't explain something in human terms
The problem is I can't see any moral framework being applicable without some higher authority first normalizing it, as if we were to go off just regular people we would still be tribal. Hell today the reason our world is fucked is that those in power have a me first moral framework while everyone else doesn't, having a "good" one is inherently disadvantageous on a large scale.
When I say religion it's more of a useful term than literal one, as I believe if a new "religious" moral framework was made it would look nothing like religions today. It would be like groups of moral ideology instead of where we came from
The non-religious people on here tend to be "softer" or less-militant than I expected.
Oh but they are
Do you guys have something similar to the Missouri-Synod in Finland?
Basically, a really conservative branch of Lutheranism?
>as if we were to go off just regular people we would still be tribal.
So, without a high power to tell us otherwise, we would have no ability to form our own morals? That's laughable. We as a society form our morals together, with or without a higher power to normalise it. If science can prove a fact and persuade people of a new viewpoint, we can edit our morals from that. ie, The war on Drugs. Weed has been proven in some cases to be medically beneficial, as such our moral framework toward it is slowly changing. So long as there is evidence that proves it, we as a society can change the moral framework as a whole with further understanding.
>all these atheist
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a christian board, if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you might as well get the fuck out
>Sup Forums is a christian board
Was going to check "no and not important" then I remembered about Kek.
lol no
Bamp for interest
Yes, fortunately. When the official Lutheran church approved female priesthood, some conservative groups broke off. I'd argue they're more popular among people who actually go to church.
>tfw an atheist but live an extremely conservative lifestyle and would probably be more comfortable if everyone else was a strict christian
I think with the fall of Christianity in the west, we'll see less and less defense for traditional values, even the basic ones like the importance of the nuclear family. When people feel untethered and follow their own desires, you get more liberal ideologies.
My faith is pretty frickin important to me. It is central to my life.
I'm Jewish. And unlike the diaspora cliche im Red pilled AF. I'll support Christians any day, even Catholics.
Honestly I'm seeing a lot of reformed denominations that are just dogshit now. They all bought in to the neo-kuyperian meme.
CRC went off da railz.
PCA had an apology for "racism" during the civil rights era. Mind you PCA split came years after this.
PCUSA had a prayer to Allah at their last GA.
FV, NPP are rampant and in general most churches suck.
But, do the Goyim know?
The militant non-religious are currently clocking in at 14%. Which adequately explains those vocal anti-religious sentiment that does frequently get expressed, and in the same prototypical manner. It's a limited subset, after all. A thread can be blown up over such people's opinions if their bait is particularly effective, or they can simply make their anti-christian posts and be rolled over, ignored.
So when you observe something you are physically affecting it in some way. If you're measuring something in a lab, it's heavy and it's massing on a balance and you perceive photons hitting the balance until you determine thebmass of the object.
If you are trying to mass the lightest thing, or see the smallest thing, then a photon hitting it So you can see it, or the inductance caused by measuring the magnetic field is enough to drastically alter the small thing you are measuring.
This is not the same thing as quantum super position.
I hate this pasta. Religion died because it changed.
>Because if we continue to try and deny science we end with people like who think because we can't logically explain something now we never will, and therefore old religions are correct
>wants a new style humanist approach to religion
>first thing he wants to do is control opinion
You're off to a bad start, user.
alt answer: no, but it serves an important mechanism in society which is to keep women and the colored from fucking things up. without religion most women turn into dumb sluts and brown people go full unapologetic nigger.
>A functional society does not need a religion to survive. See Japan for example
Not a very good example at all, if we're measuring sustainable, functional societies.
Im a Kekist.
Did religion 'die' (roughly 50% reporting some religious inclination or tendency towards spiritualism on a site that's a known haven for young, trendy, fedora-adorned atheists) because it changed or because people stopped getting from it what they needed?
>So, without a high power to tell us otherwise, we would have no ability to form our own morals? That's laughable
Who institutes for society (one among many? Or just one?) a concise, all-encompassing yet adaptable set of moral principles?
>We as a society form our morals together, with or without a higher power to normalise it. If science can prove a fact and persuade people of a new viewpoint, we can edit our morals from that. ie, The war on Drugs
That's not morals, user, that's public policy. What you have a beef with are social norms, which often masquerades as morality, especially when there are so many around who don't care to make the distinction.
If we're talking Christianity, there's really no moral guidance on a public drug policy. 'The way is through Christ,' at its most basic, requiring faith of its adherents. I don't think it says anywhere that Jesus is supposed to care whether or not you came to your faith on a three-day high.
Plus, I don't believe science can prove a fact which can change the 'do unto others' axioms, which is more along the lines of what morals in fact are.
Who /FSSPX/ here?
Am I being assimilated? Am I free to go?
>tips fedora