Let's be realistic here, Sup Forumstards would be first in line for the gas chambers.
Let's be realistic here, Sup Forumstards would be first in line for the gas chambers
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Hahahahahaha, yea...no.
We've been nothing but good little boys waiting for the chance to prove it. It isn't our fault that we were pushed into the basement because we wouldn't march with the cucks.
Hitler loved Cartoons
We are well aware dipshit.
It doesn't matter because we would still win.
>I you get gassed, you win
No one will get gassed. We should deport third world immigrants and instead of hating them we will teach them how to become a prosperous country in their own lands. Bringing them here will solve nothing.
this image is beautiful in how badly it fundamentally misunderstands the people it seeks to mock
really fine example of headmovies
Scott, what are you doing in Londonstan?
>be me
>first in line for the gas chambers
>ss officer walks up to me
>starts shaking uncontrollably
>"m-m-mein ubermench!"
>"it's ok hans", i say, "your line is on the left"
>"guten tag, mein ubermench, guten tag!"
>wave another officer over
>"hey hans, change of plans, kill everyone in the left line"
>he clicks his heels together "ja, mein ubermench!"
Just another day in the life of a master race nord...
why? if anything Sup Forumstards would be susceptible/onboard with nationalist ideals anyway. Plus your caricature in that image is likely far from accurate in regards to most posters here. The days of the fat, autistic, brony, neckbeard type of internet user are long gone. Most regular internet users are just regular people, most go to the gym 3-6 days a week, most are in shape, certainly some are overweight and underweight but that's to be expected in almost any large group of people. Honestly I think I'd fall in line quickly, I would have no problem taking life and enforcing my ideals with Muslim-like determination.
>tfw too smart to believe in the gas chambers
Oh boo hoo gonna put me in a work camp? Probably more comfortable than actually paying rent and working a mcjob.
>Implying I don't have strong will and strong body
>Implying Sup Forumsacks are not willing to work for the motherland even if they don't have the will or body yet
We might get done for wrongthink perhaps, but in a fascist environment I would not be gassed no because me behaviours would change to fit the environment.
>Probably more comfortable than actually paying rent and working a mcjob.
Would you rather flip burgers for $7 an hour, or break rocks in siberia for 1 turnip a day?
Should have learned a trade, nigger.
i-i will be killed first too?
this story changed perspective so many times I had a stroke reading it
talking about luxury German work camps not commie gulags
I don't understand this logic. You say that we'd be the first people the nazis would exterminate, because we're edgy nazis, but who would be the nazis if the nazis are being exterminated by the nazis?
>implying the Nazis didn't had an offbeat, edgy sense of humor
>claim to hate "degeneracy"
>browse Sup Forums
pick one and only one
Look, it's a guy that actually knows how to win shit instead of being a masturbatory LARPer.
Sup Forums is an experiment of an introspection of the self, it serves as a mirror in which you see what you truly are.
The answer is Nazis.
Why doesn't nu-pol know how to sage?
There were no homicidal gas chambers. It's shitposts like these which perpetuate the holohoax mythology implying it was a fact. This shit needs to stop.
I'm sure you're just a swarthy mud Brazilian retard who doesn't know any better but this board really is a target for JIDF 2.0 and Hasbara Reloaded. Now they're trying to pretend they are like us even poking fun at themselves but introducing subtle Semitic degeneracy because jews cannot help but to jew.
>using this image again
Get fucked you fucking faggot
No he is just calling you fat and worthless
I'm a white jew+germ mutt.
We'd only need about a month of army exercise and eating and we'd be Chads.
why do liberals think that nazis were edgelords who were always 100% serious
talk about yourself faggot
Because then we'd have to look at them as people
But you wouldn't. Right?
Not just Liberals think that. The Germans have been so dehumanized that it's impossible to think of them as regular people (which they were)
Noooo. I would have lead a fabulous life actually.
Damn straight OP, the Nazis would have never allowed someone like...say...a fat, out of shape, egomaniacal, morphine addicted degenerate into their ranks
oh wait
((( I have no idea )))
to die for germany is our highest honor
>le Sup Forums is one type of person maymay
This image implies that the nazi soldiers were evil robots, they were just soldiers like any other.
I think it's just emotional children being afraid of disciplined men that their cucks of father's didn't teach them to be. The people represented by the OP image (us) are a wide array of people and I honestly think those that look up to them has less to do with identifying with them and more so admiration for those men being more than they ever can and a yearning to be able to be those men