What do you think of the Hamilton play? Is it racist cultural appropriation?
What do you think of the Hamilton play? Is it racist cultural appropriation?
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>Is it racist cultural appropriation?
Very. It's like a real life Planet of the Apes.
I watched a cam of it and it portrayed the king as running the country rather than the parliament
>fucking nigger propaganda
The wat now?
it is kind of funny that you won't ever hear the term "blackwashing"
How is this fucking trash so popular?
For some reason it reminds me of the chappele show skits with prince
>600 bucks to watch a science fiction historical side story of the planet of the apes universe
Haven't seen it, but a rap musical would probably try my patience.
I'm just looking it up now, the average ticket cost 700-900$ for a play what the fuck
When I heard about this and how provocative the casting was, I was expecting Lin Manuel Miranda to be coal black, not a white passing half Puerto Rican.
This is basically a BBC tier historical drama done up as a musical
cultural appropriation can only happen to blacks
cultural appropriation isn't a thing
don't be a hypocrite
>for some reason
I think everyone who looked at OP's pic had that exact thought
A load of gay niggers trying to be edgy via a crappy musical.
Yes, it is racist. But according to the libtards, colored people can't be racist towards whites. Even if it is a black/asian/hispanic etc. majority country.
It looks like we need to do a musical on Shaka Zulu, but everyone is white.
pop culture garbage for rich white people with self-inflicted guilt complexes about being rich and white
Shit forgot....
All the baddies in it are white except fro one white woman that gets BLACKED
Cuz its a nigga with a perm wearing purple
Its the defining musical of our generation. It presents the founding fathers in an approachable but reverent light. Its a testament to their brilliance, character and fortitude. It's real life American dream story, and one that rarely gets told.
Manuel is a fantastic lyricist. His dense, metered wordplay imitates the flowery prose of Hamilton and other 18th century scholars in a way that traditional lyrics never could.
Its the most patriotic thing I've ever seen. And I'm a fucking leaf. I honestly feel bad for the faggots who refuse to listen to this because they get triggered by niggers.
Hamilton was an ass-tier founding father at best.
Before I saw Hamilton, I was convinced it was just liberal trash that was trying to make a political point in lieu of having actual artistic merit. Then I watched a camrip of it one night
Now that I've seen it, I've done a complete 180. It is absolutely one of the best pieces of art produced in the 21st Century. Like, it's actually brilliant and it would be a crime to dismiss it out of hand without actually watching it first.
Yes, the founding fathers are portrayed as black/Hispanic for the most part, the only white people are Hamilton's wife and King George III. However, that's an artistic choice to force the audience to reinterpret their perspective of the founding fathers. We all know George Washington wasn't a black man, and this play isn't trying to say that he was, but it reimagines the setting to feel different. This entire play is based around reimaging the conventions of musical theatre, it uses rap and modern dialogue, there's words like shit and motherfucker. It's meant to be a totally different experience than say, Les Miserables. And it really just works well
Again, just try watching it. This is not just art, it's a profoundly American work of culture that proves once there's more to the US than just coke and blue jeans. Don't think about race, or your own hangups about historical inaccuracy, just enjoy a brilliant piece of theatre.
you sound so cultured, user
kys if youre serious, shilltard numale cuck.
How is it racist user? Can you give me an actual example of racism in the musical?
of course liberals pick the most jewy central bank founding father
You know that Hamilton was white right?
Can you get that nigger dick any deeper leaf?
Hmm no actual americans here praising it. Thought so.
I can't find anything wrong with it. It unironically presents the founding fathers as heroic individuals and gets tons of liberals to watch it simply by virtue of making all the main characters (Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson, etc) played by black people. It's kind of astounding really.
>Eric Hart
His son is a literal cuck.
Libcuck trash
none of them are even black.
Actually, due to the questionable circumstances of his birth (born out of wedlock, multiple possible fathers, his mother's parentage was unascertainable), many political opponents accused him of being part black.
George Clinton famously ran newspaper ads calling him a quadroon
I think it's gay shit like everything else in New York.
You know anyone can edit Wikipedia right?
and they can fabricate the newspaper articles?
you're pathetic, user
Fuck it, if you're all too brainwashed by BLACKED threads to appreciate Hamilton I'm just going to start posting the songs
yeah, just look at that nigger
Yes look at the newspapers from the early 1900s talking about the Lolocaust
It's part of the tearing down of white history, culture, and pride.
> Worst founding father
> Idolized by dumb niggers and liberal scum
Fine by me
>check flag
Anyone who gives a damn about theater is a lost cause
Why are niggers playing white historical figures?
Can I make a movie about Martin Luther King JR and make him white now? Can I do a WW2 movie and make Hitler black?
I don't have a problem with the founding fathers being played by minorities, but the double standard pisses me off.
>implying parliments have any real power
No it isn't you dumb fuck, it's a celebration of American history through a unique perspective.
Millennials didn't give a shit about the American Revolution before Hamilton, now they know who wrote the Federalist Papers. If you can't understand how Hamilton has helped reignite interest in American revolutionary values then you're the one who's shooting your own culture in the foot.
yes. yes you can
>Can I make a movie about Martin Luther King JR and make him white now? Can I do a WW2 movie and make Hitler black?
You could
But you won't
b-but niggers!
Theyve used the likeliness of our founding fathers to parallel their twisted narrative with their wishes.
These "actors" shouldn't be lecturing and realize; Hamilton founded the electoral college and hated immigrants. Hell, he probably owned slaves too.
>implying Parliament didn't win a war 150 years before the time period of the play proving exactly that
I was going to see it because I'm a fan of history and can tolerate musicals, but now that I know it's a WE WUZ KANGS type musical, fuck that noise.
Next time my jewish coworker tells me about it I'm going to tell her it's racist cultural appropriation and walk away. Hopefully I don't get fired.
>Hell, he probably owned slaves too.
No he didn't, like John Adams he was one of the few Founding Fathers who were anti-slave.
Besides the play literally has nothing to say about the morality of slave ownership. There's nothing about race in the entire play, it's just a story about a great man.
>Hamilton founded the electoral college and hated immigrants. Hell, he probably owned slaves too.
American education
Hamilton was an immigrant and an abolitionist
I've met him, he is exactly the obnoxious annoying you'd think he is
obnoxious annoying liberal* reeeee
No. It's literally a travesty. You might just as well say that a popular Satanic Black Mass has rekindled people's interest in Christianity.
noun: travesty; plural noun: travesties
a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.
"the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice"
synonyms: perversion of, distortion of, corruption of, misrepresentation of, poor imitation of, poor substitute for, mockery of, parody of, caricature of; farce of, charade of, pantomime of, sham of, spoof of;
informalapology for, (poor) excuse for
"a travesty of justice"
Reminds me of this
>Hamilton was an immigrant
Just because somebody immigrated doesn't mean they're for unlimited immigration. In fact, immigrant groups in the US have a proud tradition of trying to burn the bridge behind them as soon as they got in. It was a good thing that helped keep immigration to a controllable level until recent times.
But yeah, Hamilton didn't think that immigrants should be allowed to vote. Ever. If he were alive today he'd be considered alt-right.
>the KANG
No the king is a baddy so he is white and not a kang
You really are a shit country leaf.
>To admit foreigners indiscriminately to the rights of citizens, the moment they put foot in our country . . . would be nothing less, than to admit the Grecian Horse into the Citadel of our Liberty and Sovereignty. . . . The United States have already felt the evils of incorporating a large number of foreigners into their national mass. . . . In times of great public danger there is always a numerous body of men, of whom there may be just grounds of distrust; the suspicion alone weakens the strength of the nation, but their force may be actually employed in assisting an invader.
>No the king is a baddy
He's comic relief at best. Everybody loves King George.
And I said, "he PROBABLY owned slaves too."
They used their likeliness to parallel in their little rant lol. A complete hijacking of the plot.
Its a novelty act.
Black people playing white historical figures. It is self important fluff for people who enjoy self important fluff.
Old women and faggots.
Its okay, memes aside its not terrible.
and you were proven wrong
you're ignorant about your own country's history
He returned a friend's slave who escaped.
its just another 're-imagining' by some lazy ass spics/nigs, just like they 're-imagined' the wizard of oz' and called it THE WIZ member?
>many political opponents accused him of being part black.
Accused and proven are different things, y'know -- you fucking goddamn leaf son of a fuck.
can you prove that he didn't have any nigger blood in him?
rich smarmy liberals want to feel like they're not racist by watching black people play obviously white characters
Most of white America has nigger blood nowadays. That's why amerifats are more stupid than euros on average. Even in Sup Forums supposed to be redpilled and such, they drop some stupid bullshit on a regular basis, and always think they're right because muh aircraft carriers.
They're still better than leaves though.
I know this isn't what the OP asked, but I have to get this out:
The conservative mainstream media (ie. Rush Limbaugh, etc) have been talking about the incident with Hamilton play and Mike Pence non-stop. They have been losing their collective shit over the cast talking to Pence afterwards and how terrible it all was.
I have a different point of view.
Firstly, they acknowledged Pence and then stated they have fears about what a Trump presidency could potentially mean and they hoped that a diverse group of liberals like themselves would be safe and protected by the new leadership. They were respectful and polite. They did not insult, they did not boo, and they did not judge. They simply said they are afraid but they hope the Trump administration isn't really what they have been told by their media.
Pence was quiet and listened. When he left he told his son that what just happened was what freedom is all about.
The conservative media is now doing the thing we all hate the most about the liberal media. It is creating a narrative that would deter people from that kind of honest expression by presenting the Hamilton cast as insulting and offensive towards Pence.
In my job, I get treated like shit by a lot of people. I get insulted to my face. I get disrespected, and I've had multiple people threaten my family despite the fact that I always act professional and give respect. I would be ecstatic that someone who is on the opposite end of the spectrum would be so very respectful to simply ask for consideration.
I implore you all. Do not fall into the trap of believing what the cast did was wrong. Mike Pence was not offended and when he walked away and he knows that it was a beautiful thing.
Also, I'm a state trooper, if you are wondering why people treat me like crap sometimes.