So guys, just remind me again, are we for or against safe spaces?
So guys, just remind me again, are we for or against safe spaces?
He's baiting leftists into attacking it so they can't ask for their own safe spaces anymore. It's 25D shuffleboard.
the question is
if trump is for safe spaces
are you for or against trump?
>newfags can't into trolling
Bannon might have the nous to come up with that strategy, but not el orango. Perhaps you're right, and this is the shape of things to come.
There are relatively few times where the concept of a safe space is valid. When it's valid I would support it. When it's not, I would not.
I think we can be fairly clear which category Trump's claim falls into.
In all fairness a "Safe space" isn't necessarily bad, everyone has the right to vent their utter hate at the world at it's various types of bullshit in their own home for instance.
The problem comes from when people take the concept of this "Safe Space" and try and apply it to a field centered around that stretches for kilometers around.
jesus christ you fucking mongo's need help
>obvious troll is obvious troll
>the end
Can't disagree with you there, sport.
We are for using their rhetoric against them.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha you fuckin dickless jew
Strewth, called out for trolling by an Ausfag. I think I may have eaten some dodgy shrimp!
See above re: Trump and the ability to think that strategically.
shrimp is life, there is no such thing as dodgy shrimp, just weak constitution
The only reason it's comical to talk about safe spaces is because the feminists blew the idea out of proportion. We all actually benefit from safe spaces. My house is a safe space where I dont tolerate outsiders, for example.
Isn't this an old thing, that certain forums are kind of off limits for blatant politicking?
Making a play against someone is one thing, but calling them out in person isn't appropriate, as there is no way they can defend themselves in that situation.
By doing this all they do in insure that people who they may want to come to the play and learn from whatever message it may have, never will bother to go due to such direct hostility.
This is both sides of our political debates struggle to get middle ground or converts because they both just make the other the enemy and all rational discussion is already gone.
It's the weather here. Lack of sunshine makes us susceptible to all kinds of degeneration.
Asshole pls
How fucking terrible do you have to be to basically be encouraging a second Ford's theater incident?
Lern 2 irony against leftists using their own tactics to mock them, OP.
As a followup
Yelling fire in a theater isn't legal
Trying to get your audience to lynch someone isnt either
They should tread lightly
Politicians have a understandable phobia of theatres
It seems there are safe spaces type 1 and type 2. I don't completely agree with your categorisation of the problems with type 1, but I do agree that they are often bullshit.
It just amuses me when the opponents of type 1 safe spaces demand their own type 1 safe spaces.
he's got my most far left off the deep end lefty friend to call safe spaces ridiculous. he's a fucking genius.
and the ACLU are cucks they'll never get a penny of my money
You gotta protect your besties from the leftist hordes
Honestly it's just a shitty thing to do to an audience member paying money. What is Pence going to do, yell back? It's just lame.
>That fucking guy not paying attention in the next balcony.
This. 98D operation.
How fucking scared of life, the universe and everything are you if you think that a guy in a wig saying "We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights" is virtual assassination?
Leave mike alone!
>that picture
What did he mean by this?
In all seriousness, what a clusterfuck of a drawing
>Against safe spaces
>For using the libtards own shit against them
He's watching the play, lad.
Our American Cousin is a legitimately good time.
Because Pence totally could have argued with him in a theater surrounded by people who unironically think he is Hitler and those people would totally have just been peaceful and fine and just listened.
>what is patronizing
I don't see any problem with it. Perhaps you could try upping your ritalin?
What did he mean by this?
Fuc you
12d underwater parcheesie senpai, 12 fucking d.
Pence could or could not have argued with him in the theatre. I respect the fact that he chose to stand outside and listen to the whole speech. But if he had stayed inside and given his own response at the time, nothing would have happened apart from some booing. Bear in mind, this wasn't a Trump rally. Clearly you have different standards in mind.
No answer. Typical limey faggot.
>leftists sit nicely and listen to other opinions
Pence was smart. He got his kids out of there and didn't react and give them an excuse to hurt anyone.
Oh, fug. He shod Lincun wid a nife!
Pence went high like Hillary was supposed to.
Oh crap
WTF?! Donald Trump agrees with some very trivial things that I don't agree with?!
Reminder only Jews are superstitious
Well, as a typical limey faggot, I'm used to people who are capable of understanding political cartoons. But since you seem determined to prove yourself outside of that group:
>It's a reference to the various depictions of that terrible night in Ford's Theatre. E.g. pic related.
>Mike Pence is playing the role of the cruelly assassinated Lincoln
>Brandon Dixon and / or the audience are playing the role of Booth
>Jeff Sessions is playing the role of the gallant officer rushing to the rescue.
>Bannon is playing the role of Mrs Lincoln's companion
>PE Trump is playing the role of Mrs Lincoln. And doing so with considerably less grace. Which given her issues is quite surprising.
I hope that helps you out.
just say what leftist cucks say about all of their candidates
"I don't support this about him but he's the best we got"
She seems smart, why is she a lefty?
all asian women I've met are easily convinced to be liberals by 30 second videos on facebook/twitter
i've met a lot of asian women
Well they had to be built with some sort of flaw, otherwise white women would have been bred out decades ago.
>Sup Forums jumping through hoops to defend this
You guys are pathetic. You know damn well you would mock this to hell and back if any other person said it. There is no secret trick. It's not suddenly magically okay to use leftist arguments when it suits you. Have some principles and learn to disagree with your own candidate.
Lincoln deserved it.
He was racist, ya know?
Took jobs away from black people.
And it takes Turkey to show America the way.
You Trump supporters realize that Trump will never go down as a good president and will probably continually push people away from voting conservative for years after he leaves office just from what based on what he will say after his presidency on twitter, right?
Wrong user, dumbshit.
Since Trump is in favor of safe spaces, then so am I.
double nigger
god damnit
Thanks for testing this new shilling method.
You managed to get some of us, but just as you are adapting, so will we.
Go work on some more.
He was baiting the left and it worked perfectly. Look at the words he used:
The 4D chess meme is real, every fucking move he makes is calculated genius.
We DO need safe spaces from Kikes, no?
Making room for the alt-right using the SJWs power. Emperor level chess.
All things belong in public discourse. Not all things belong in the private lives of public figures.
OK, it's late over here, and I'm a little the worse for drink, but I'm fairly sure you were the user who posted this:
Thanksgiving isn't until Thursday, Turkey.
Against. This is now a presidential troll thread.
no, we aren't, and now liberals aren't.
get it? get the point of the fucking tweet?
next time they bring up their fucking safe spaces, we will remind them what they said about trump
do you know the difference between a college and a theatre?
just wondering
But when the public discourse of public figures has an obvious detrimental effect on the private lives of private people, is it not valid that that public figures who share experiences with the adversely affected private figures might choose to publicly address one of the public figures who has caused the problem?
>an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training.
Compare university.
>a building, part of a building, or outdoor area for housing dramatic presentations, stage entertainments, or motion-picture shows.
Yep. I think I've mastered that one.
spurdo will forever be the best meme
Trump is a troll. He made the libtard media attack safe spaces.