Reminder to Sup Forums that we should completely distance ourselves from and reject this guy and everyone like him

Reminder to Sup Forums that we should completely distance ourselves from and reject this guy and everyone like him.

If you actually care about the white future, Stormfag LARPers like this are the enemy. You don't show your power level yet.

Other urls found in this thread:

They can do what they want but they better stop associating themselves with Trump or they're going to pay the price.

>the only way to save white people is to hide

I like the way you think, cuck.

fuck off cuck

Identity politics.

Sup Forums is dead after the election anyway

Fuck off antifa

Reddit get the fuck out
I will never water down my message or beliefs to sway fragile people onto my side.
Weak men never lead.

How about no. You don't tell us what to do. Sup Forums isn't your faggot reddit board where you cry like a little libcuck and make passive aggressive remarks about things. All you new fags posting this shit just prove you're not from Sup Forums so you're either from /mlp/, /lgbt/ or maybe even Sup Forums. I guarantee you, OP and faggots like him are going to be the same cucks in the future who will talk shit about the confederate flag and actively try and distance yourself from anyone who displays it. Go back to lebbit faggot, Sup Forums does whatever the fuck it wants

this. We need to stop being a part of the liberal frame. For the last 50 years they have decided what is acceptable and what is not,.

Also OP was probably part of the same group of faggots who came here not that long ago and spammed their faggot "googles=niggers" shit threads 10000x a day trying to get us to stop using the word nigger here. The more you tell us not to do something or follow someone, the more we're going to follow them

Weak men Follow, if you have nobody following you your ideology is worth bullcrap.

In addition that argument doesn't work, because the alt-right where it stands right now is people shitposting in echochambers and some gay guy talking on talkshows. By your own logic the alt-right are weak losers because you don't lead shit.

>Reject Richard Spencer

We never accepted him you dumb cuck.

He was some irrelevant blogger who swung in at the last minute and tried to posture as the leader of the alt-right claiming that he invented the term. He never had anything to do with Sup Forums. Fucking newfags need to stop watching CNN and posting here thinking that we don't know any better.

Maybe that's why your countries leader is a woman, kek. I guess it is true, all the strong German stock died in WW2, what a shame.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums needs to distance themselves from stormfront and their shitty ms-paint infographs. We need to promote western civilization and it's beauty not western totalitarianism. As I said before we should not bring in any third world immigrants but help them with the know-how of how to become a successful country in their own lands. Killing and hurting people only kills our souls.


"if we kill our enemies, they win".
Western civilization is white civilization you insufferable leaf



In a democracy you need the weak men to vote for you.

OP is a massive faggot
Everyone take note of the flag pls. Not only leafs shill.

>We should just meme on the internet and post pictures on media to hopefully persuade people to change

Is that what you want, because that sounds kinda gay.

Fuck off you redditfag. We are a home for the alt right. We don't hide white nationalism. We won't hide our truth thoughts and opinions. If you want shit like that fuck off to kikebook.

Look, you can shitpost in echochambers all your life, but it won't change anything.

Considering you are against woman you hate blacks equally, so yea, you guys had a Black president for 4 years (and dodged a female one).

You Alt-Right people are less relevant than feminists, and before you finally grow some balls and manage to achieve anything outside of the internet, you will forever be a meme that they talk on 3am nightshows for normies to make fun of. Stop being a triggered pussy.

8 years* It's late over here, sorry.

ignore OP he's a massive faggot

we should be embracing this guy and people like him. Trump won WE WON the (((media))) has no power anymore we can do anything we want without any fear because we already got the worst of it before the election even started

>>Reject Richard Spencer
>We never accepted him you dumb cuck.
>He was some irrelevant blogger who swung in at the last minute and tried to posture as the leader of the alt-right claiming that he invented the term. He never had anything to do with Sup Forums. Fucking newfags need to stop watching CNN and posting here thinking that we don't know any better.


then go ahead and become a demon while pretending to worship the Christian God. As I said, i don't support mass immigration from third world countries. Not because I hate them but because bringing them in wont solve any problems they or we face. We need to change our stance and the things we output to the community at large. Our end game should be promoting large families( white) while pushing the idea that multiculturalism doesn't work because it solves nothing meanwhile working with third worlders on how to become a prosperous country.


Showing your power level before you have the power results in hypercucking.

These faggots are destroying what we were working hard to achieve. They have no tact or patience and are no better than sand niggers.

hello cnn


Fuck off back to facebook or reddit you fucking cuckistanian

Sup Forums has no fucking leader and no fucking label other than Sup Forums

Nope. No enemies to the Right. Ever.


But stormfags are our basement dwellers and retards. We need them to remind us how stupid the neo-nazis are so we never go there. They all unironically think everyone agrees with them which makes it even funnier.

>Showing your power level before you have the power results in hypercucking.

>They have no tact or patience


Yeah, listen to this guy who totally isn't CTR and come up with some choice quotes about our neo-Nazism.

>t. Jew

I don't know if you thought we were just memeing but we were serious when we said we wanted you all wiped from this planet.

>multiculturalism doesn't work

Always use northern Ireland to illustrate this. It never works.

REMINDER: The label 'alt-right' is a form of subversion. Anyone who self-identifies with such a label is controlled opposition.

oh I get it. you faggot racists still feel that you have to hide your racism but are waiting for the time that trump makes it ok for you to get your racism on. cowards.

Ive been on pol since n and don't remember ever talking about this guy until recently

>If you actually care about the white future,

I don't though. I don't care about race.

I want redditors to leave

'p-pls liberals, we're not the baddies'

the clarion call of revolution if there ever was one

stand up and publicly state what you believe, or cower within the narrow confines of allowed opposition. 'but what will the normies think!' If there's anything the 20th century taught us, it's obviously that beleaguered ppl never gravitate towards new movements.

There is just about zero reason for an assault on the post-war consensus to respect its every rule and shibboleth.


Stop squealing a word that people like you caused to loose all meaning. According to your ilk everyone is racist anyway(or at least anyone you disagree with) so it means nothing.


Sure smells like (((antifa))) in here

>I want redditors to leave
I've always been here. Partly because the stormfaggotry from people on here who take it seriously is fucking funny. You have no idea how many people are laughing at you. Nothing to do with Trump or being right in politics. You faggots with the nazi threads have always been stand up comedy. Even after the great stormfag invasion you never realized that you are still basically satire.

this response or something very much like it is what I expected, thats not an original thought. "muh racism word has lost its meaning" fuck off. stand up and be a proud racist instead of hiding in the shadows.

>First faggot Milo
>Now this faggot Spencer

Who's next in the line of "I AM THE LEADER OF THE ALT-RIGHT"

>this response or something very much like it is what I expected, thats not an original thought. "muh racism word has lost its meaning" fuck off. stand up and be a proud racist instead of hiding in the shadows.

I'm proud of being Irish. Why is that racist?

Your a bit hung up on screaming racist at people.


Ben Garrison would like a word with you, I'm sure he was laughing at the Nazi's. Oh wait!

>proud of where you slid out of your moms pussy as if that was any sort of accomplishment on your part

get lost creep

Why don't we take a step back and view both Spencer and Cernovich as what they are - sideshows. No one is behind these people, they're just entertainment. It doesn't really matter that much. Milo was even bigger then the two of them combined and that was just what it was ...

>Reminder to Sup Forums that we should completely distance ourselves
Easy enough
No one knows who the fuck this guy is

>You don't show your power level yet.
If not now, when?

antifa loves these fucks they make their claims of literally hipster seem legitimate and are useful caricatures to parade

Never goy.. I-I mean when the time comes, (((I)))'ll tell you..

>Ben Garrison would like a word with you, I'm sure he was laughing at the Nazi's. Oh wait!

Come on. You get people claiming that the word nazi has nothing to do with Germany. How is that not funny?

'Or the I hate jews, I love hitler, hitler never killed jews, I want to kill jews. Hitler was a great man' shit

Its fucking funny.

Storm fags are a bit downs syndrome, its sick yeadh but watching them discuss history is like watching a retarded spastic do a rubix cube. It has a funny side to it.


This is why the right ALWAYS collapses.

Another bunch o cunts like the stormfags, very funny, Loved the comedy austin red guard teletubbies.

'Communism does has not been done right'

My sides.


They are not enemies, an enemy has to be a threat. They are the stand up comedy that entertains the crowd. Ever since they teleported here in 2007 they have been unironically posting pictures of hitler without realizing that that practice was always basically a form of trolling lefties. That they are still doing it 7 years later just shows you the downs syndrome aspect of stormfags.


So their master plan is to splinter a bunch of fringe minorities away from the enormous body of people that support Donald Trump (America First Policies). That's making Trump's work for him. How nice of these antifa fellas.




Then when

OP is an ANTIFA faggot

Sorry Bernie lost, fucking faggots.

Nothing of this has any chance of success as long as not 90% of the population are aware of the jewish question.
The anti-white subversion can only be stopped of (((they))) are afraid of prosecution because everyone watches!

You try to insult then apologize like a faggot. Typical mudslime kraut

Fuck niggers