Let's have a /leftypol/ general
Let's have a /leftypol/ general
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But seriously there is nothing to discus. It has been tried.
let's not and say we did faggot
Why do you support internationalism even though it's clearly been used as a tool of the bourgeois to bring cheap labor into 1st world nations in order to reduce the wages of the national proletariat?
Not to mention the EU has been used a tool of capital consolidation. Nationalism is the first step towards socialism. Why does /leftypol/ autistically screech when this is pointed out?
Where can I find a flag with this white hammer and sickle?
I want to burn it in front of the next protest at my local university.
Lets not and say we never will.
Socialism ftw
Lets not and say we did.
neat. will you record and upload it?
>hammer and sickle
Fuck off commie
I wish capitalism had a cool symbol associated with it like that.
Fuck Drumpf
Any Marxists going to answer my questions here?
yes with a big weed symbol behind it
>leftist totalitarianism can't exist
you make stalin laugh
where do you think we are on? 8ch?
Good idea, I don't like traveling to double chan (which is just glorified reddit) for /leftypol/.
>this thread gets immediately spammed and shat on by butthurt rightcucks
>"B-but Sup Forums isn't a conservative safe space!!!"
I've literally banned from /leftypol/ about 5 times for having an opinion that goes against the grain. Sometimes the description of my ban is nothing more than "Strasserism". I haven't once been banned here for saying something unpopular.
Ok, so if all attempted internationalist systems have effectively been co-opted by totalitarians, is there any chance that a democratic socialism can effect change, or is the ruling class a permanent fixture?
How do you respond to this argument? Because honestly I'm stumped.
Are liberals the same thing as leftists?
A lot of butthurt commies will rage at you if you try to say that they're the same. They say that liberals are really on the right, but more to the left, and that to be a TRUE leftist you have to believe in muh gommunism.
NOPE....a liberal wants to give access to all classes
A leftist says "Kill the rich, take their shit"
Any actual gommies here? Want to ask a few questions.
yes, based tsar?
get out you fucking nigger.
>.99662123 ▶
> (OP)
>niggers would even be able to understand the dialectic
liberals still like capitalism very much, so yeah, it's not the same, just watch that video of Cenk Yogurt hilariously explaining Socialism like "the capitalist market does it's thing + the state gives you cool handouts"
So who /Bernie 2020/ here?
we don't tolerate commie scum here
communism is about as realistic a system as fucking anarchocapitalism or libertarianism
they all rely on the "rational man" being true, and it is not. man is an irrational, rationalizing creature
Are you a pto-white commie?
If you are pro-white, you're welcome.
If you are anti-white, you're in the wrong board.
Only kind of "left" support system I accept is a high class on a race.
For example, I'd increase the tax on Blacks, Muslims, and Mexicans so I can put more money into white communities.
*high tax on races
Policies that disproportionally affect non-whites can't by definition be left
>taxing a race
>thinks he's fighting for the white-european heritage
Yankeedoodles can't into being civilised..
checks out
communism has nothing to do with libertism , you cant just own property , nazist hated them for that reason and there socialism had nothing to do with it . communist and socialists today are liberals because they feel different , they dont want society to have an udentity and nazism killed right wing socialism
A stateless, classless society where the workeres own the means of production....does not mean you can't own property.
Is Marxism anything other than a pipe dream?
Can we have any form of socialism without being indebted to Marx?
the gov will tell you where to work and what to do , then they will take the food you made and give it to the poor , its ok if you want to survive i guess , but you will never get something more than that
Because nationalism confuses the issue of class with that of race/nation, and uses that to prevent actual socialism. It's why fascism (which is what you're talking about) must ALWAYS find an enemy to focus upon, so this fact can be hidden.
>citizens of capitalism have freedom to get the education they want and any job they want
C'mon man, all proles are just pawns
Stalin was right wing in the USSR, and in fact began as allies with the Right Opposition.
That said, pretending that Leninism or Stalinism especially weren't authoritarian and anti-democratic is pure bullshit.
underrated post
Scandinavia seems to have done pretty well, even if their internationalism is more casual than systematic.
>Stalin was not a leftist
No True Scotsman in full effect
what are you going to do about it, faggot?
In both capitalism and communism!
i believe in private investment , it will give more jobs than gov investments and more money to the gov from taxes. with a balanced taxesion you can give that money back to the poor and that program is called socialism . many countries in balcans and ex ussr had communism they were fucked up , it just doesnt work . free market neo-liberalism doesnt work eather (2008 crisis)
Relatively small, homogeneous population
democratic socialism yes, but I've never seen a push towards worker solidarity from them
Jesus, try actually reading the post, mkay?
Stalin was on the right side of the left economically. It's almost like there's multiple axis of politics or something, and Stalin's was firmly authoritarian!
taxing money to feed the poor white old guy is not the same as taxing for the nigger woman with the 5 children , national socialism - facism can work where the community has something in common an identity
Sorry i thought i was on /pol
Meh, it's pretty much built into the system - worker reps on corporate boards, etc. Democratic socialism is not a revolutionary method, much more a practical utilitarianism.
Who here is part of Antifa? I want to ask why you joined. Are you bribed with concert tickets and drugs? Why do you join a protest for the sole purpose of entertainment?
Exactly...why is revisionism a bad thing? Fundies come in all stripes
Taxing money to give the meth head is not the same as poor blacks trying to get an education either - what's your point? Whites actually abuse drugs at a greater rate than blacks.
Class is actually far more unifying than race, but as unification on class presents a far greater threat to neoliberal capitalism it's also far more repressed. So race is left as a poor alternative in many cases - and like I said a false hope for actual solutions.
Pic related.
>Because nationalism confuses the issue of class with that of race/nation
But racial and especially national differences between people make them less able to cooperate with one-another. Some African migrant invading a European country for welfare money doesn't care at all about the class struggle, he doesn't speak the language, he actively works against the national working class by sowing division, partly due to his very existence as a stranger in a white country and partly due to the fact that Africans are ideologically racist as fuck themselves. He is a scab, an international scab who comes to either leech the lifeblood of foreign nations or to undercut their people.
Many international people of the world are not capable of making any kind of socialism work, they are dumb, they are crude, they are barbaric, they are incompetent, they are lazy. Even the foreigners that care for the class struggle and are capable of sustaining socialism still sow division inadvertently (when they are not in their mother country) due to the fact that they are culturally, racially and often even linguistically alien to the majority of the national working class - cooperation is difficult even if they are willing participants in the class struggle due to these barrier that are extremely difficult to overcome, it is best for them to fight their own struggle for their own people than attempt to leap these hurdles.
Is it not best, then, to simply throw away the notion of internationalism and allow all nations to engage in their own class struggle from a strictly pragmatic perspective? Is it really worth the extra effort to attempt to overcome massive cultural, racial and linguistic barriers AND fight a class war at the same time when a racially unified national class struggle alone will suffice to establish a socialist society, as history has proven?
Because fascism is inherently opposed to actual human rights, and is a great danger in times of stress like now.
Praise KEK
>I hate commies too
as per socialism,yes
as per communism....the existence of even one state threatens the stateless society
Oh shit my bad praise kek
Why is equity between social classes desirable?
Why should others be entitled to the fruits of my labor?
Does merit matter to you at all?
Then why harass innocents because they don't share your ideology? Why smash windows of places that didn't do anything to you? That's what Antifa has been doing for the past few years in California since the first BLM incident took off.
Human rights, my ass.
Where's the data showing those differences?
A class solidarity that prevents exploitation fixes the problem before it starts. Take the Mexican immigration to the US, for example - while it is now zero the millions that immigrated in the 1990s and 2000s were primarily driven by the collapse of Mexican agriculture - which was driven by NAFTA. The lack of class solidarity of US workers is what allowed an exploitative pact in the first place.
And like I said, since national socialism is corrupted from the beginning and will always be used to block actual socialism it is a dead end. Fascism is at its core an anti-Marxist philosophy.
Fuck off Marxist scum, niggers can't into high trust society.
School Test Scores by Socio-economic Status in the same District
Table 43 of the FBI - Crime Rate by Race
Welfare rates by Race
Chicago Crime Rate by Race:
NYPD Crime Rate by Race:
- USA:
- Canada:
- Brazil:
- United Kingdom:
- Germany
Percent of Black Serial Killers in USA showing their population size
Despite being 30% of the population size, 99% of blood is given by white donors.
not equity....abolition of social class
none of us are self sufficient
of course, and trotskyist systems definitely gave more to those who surpassed their quotas...but the utopian marxist system is no match for a dictator or oligarchy who understands the rules for rulers
so i guess poor whites and poor blacks coexist fine? . nationalism will never work for you unless you are in a war but it works for countries with racial identity
sage & ignore
The right not to be extra-legally murdered by the state is a human right, yes. Attacking part of that system by economic paralysis is a valid tactic.
That said, I don't think it's particularly effective here - unless you can shut down a significant part of the economy (as in the velvet revolutions), protest does little. The work Antifa does that is far more valuable IMHO is preventing the normalization of fascism, especially the street fascism that usually precludes societal takeovers.
>It's why fascism (which is what you're talking about) must ALWAYS find an enemy to focus upon, so this fact can be hidden.
Isn't that what also communism (or marxist leninism if you prefer) leads to as well? Some early examples being the kulaks, krontstadlt rebellion, all smallscale black markets getting btfo. Other examples are found elsewhere like under Mao with his numerous purges against (the inevitable) rising classes, whether intellectuals or economic reformists.
Point is, there's always going to be capitalism developing somewhere, on home soil or abroad. And the idea is that eventually, somehow, you will due it enough times that you finally reach true communism and everybody will be happy forever after.
The focus is indeed very different, but I wouldn't classify socialism as something that doesn't look for enemies.
564475720857657587256017063482644476555066132667056746667834If you leave any trace of Marxism in your new branch of Leftism, it will fail immediately, and if not, sooner than later. Just forget him. He's gone. Give up. Be a true liberal. Be a populist. Just don't be a Marxist.
>Smashing the business of a law-abiding citizen is a valid tactic
Stopped reading.
>hurr the government is literally killing blacks and minorities by legally electing a republican
>better rob a cornershop, that'll show the government!
liberals are this fucking retarded
Poor people don't exist well with ANY poor people in a capitalist system. The south aside, before blacks moved in the great migration and were mostly in the south poor Irish conflicted with poor Scots-Irish, who conflicted with poor Italians and Jews, etc.
Meanwhile a poor black and poor white have MUCH more in common than they do with a 1%er of any race.
I second that.
>If you leave any trace of Marxism in your new branch of Leftism, it will fail immediately, and if not, sooner than later. Just forget him. He's gone. Give up. Be a true liberal. Be a populist. Just don't be a Marxist.
> Anonymous (ID: hzTHy1NJ) 11/21/16(Mon)22:06:36 No.99668546▶
>>Smashing the business of a law-abiding citizen is a valid tactic
>Stopped reading.
> Anonymous (ID: ahqq3l3i) 11/21/16(Mon)22:07:36 No.99668664▶
>>hurr the government is literally killing blacks and minorities by legally electing a republican
>>better rob a cornershop, that'll show the government!
>liberals are this fucking retarded
>The right not to be extra-legally murdered by the state is a human right
define the state. because by what appears to be your definition, antifa is a state