Tells a Brit to
At the World Series of Poker
What happened to this generation of "men"?
And why are Canadians the definition of everything wrong with it?
Tells a Brit to
At the World Series of Poker
What happened to this generation of "men"?
And why are Canadians the definition of everything wrong with it?
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There there lad.
If you don't think your privilege needs to be checked, it probably does.
Sorry, but it's Trudeau
Day of the rake when?
This word has lost so much meaning....
Poker halls need to be a safe and welcomingf space for all. That rude behaviour from the British is unwelcome and he should APOLOGIZE
> mfw leafposting is not a meme
lmao will kassouf crushed ma boi jason les.
To be fair the other guy was being a dipshit. I would be fine if he said something less faggoty
Nah, he was being bullied by tournament directors cause some lady he bluffed earlier decided to use her pussy pass and the fact that she owned a dealer school in vegas. It really shows that the WSOP is dropping the ball.
It doesn't look so much like an sjw getting triggered. It looks more like a leaf not being able to handle the banter.
leafs literally can't handle the bantz
The UK faggot should have shut his mouth.
He was such an annoying pussy.
Man, getting triggered over nothing
That leaf literally played that bong. He got him to go all in by acting like that, I seriously doubt he meant what he was saying
benger shouldn't have said check your privilege, but he's not wrong about anything else. the guy Kassouf is being a piece of shit and there isn't really anything that benger can do about it other than ask him to kindly shut his ugly fucking mouth.
if this wasnt on camera in front of a bunch of people, and it wasnt in some first world country, kassouf would get lit the fuck up.
you can tell hes a little fagget who doesnt know how to fight, either. he'd probably be dead anywhere but in the west. little bitch.
They're both cunts. Annoying fucking Brit, and triggered Leaf.
He had WHITE FUCKING KINGS, second best pre-flop hands.
If he had like pocket Jacks or AK suited, it still wouldn't have been a bad call on the short stack.
>t. guy who actually plays poker and played online prior to Vegas and AC lobbying against Full Tilt and Pokerstars
that other dood isn't even even white, looks half asian
>piece of shit
You define piece of shit as light continuous banter.
You can say he was being a "real annoying guy" or something along those lines.
A "piece of shit" would've been making comments about his family or friends, things that anyone would consider out of line.
You haven't even BEGUN to see poker banter go over line, pic related (slavic australian Tony G)
Leaf posting in real life. Thank you le'queck, if I knew how to draw that tearful emoticon I literally would right now.
Canadians need to learn to handle the banter if they want to remain a part of this Commonwealth
play in a 10k tournament.
tell someone to check their privilege.
leaves please get your shit together
so? are you a racist bigot? check your privilege
No, he is an eternal leaf.
His flag's symbol is a withering leaf of a maple tree.
It's finally catching up to modern times.
Another question would be why the hell is the Mudslime player talking for like 5 mins ?
The briton is a fucking faggot, hard to listen to.
What a complete and utter fagtron.
not enough beatings if you want me to be honest with you.
Typical leaf cuck.
femboi hoodie
fag flat nigger hat
cucknadia should be nuked off the map.
even in person the leaf can't handle himself
>guys a fag
>everyone else is a fag
yall are dumb as niggers.
Tony G. the shitposter legend
>cucknadia should be nuked off the map.
I'm sure the International Sodality of Islamic Semites will make sure of that.
The 'privilege' line was retarded, but he was right, dude was a dick. And his rant got him to go all in.
>oh what a DICK, he used words, not even cuss words, to try and get into the head of his opponent
Go Fish and UNO for you; poker's a game of deception and table talk is neither discouraged or encouraged.
How fucking big of a pussy do you have to be to feel like this, holy shit. I mean he even fucking knew he had a near unbeatable hand, yet instead of trading bantz he plays the biggest fucking victim and whines about privilege.
And take a moment to think about that.
>Is in a tournament winning literal millions for playing cards
>Tells others to check their privilege
What? The dude was being a dick.
The verbal abuse and privilege lines were dumb too.
I wasn't saying that he shouldn't be allowed to play, or that it wasn't useful. I was just saying the dude was being a dick.
The guy was literally just doing shop-talk type of needling. In a match where they are all guaranteed to win a million dollars and first place is 8 million dollars.
If you are good at reading people through the talk strategy, you should use it to your advantage.
The Canadian manchild is so used to his altruistic maple syrup jacuzzi games with no vibe of real tension and leveling that when the arrow's in his face he just throws a tantrum.
Absolutely embarassing for leafs. They are really being fundamentally altered.
They are mainly Irish-Ulster-German-Anglo for the white men and yet you rarely see any of the great qualities in of those racial groups present in the white men from Canada
For some reason my roommate turned this on right before this happened. Typical leaf but to be fair that guys annoying as shit. I love mental games, but sometimes there's a line between annoying beta male and a mental agitator.
Benger is a FUCKING cuck. Glad he only won one (1) ONE hand at the final table. BTFO
Hopefully trump makes online poker great again
I sure as hell hope so.
My bank account doesn't do international transfers, I'm at least 1,000 miles from AC, and more than that from the nearest legal poker state, and where I live the home games are all lightweights or not regular enough to consider playing for money.
I honestly believe Trump would side with the gambling kings before giving in to the internet.
Think of the people he's rubbed elbows with in Vegas and you should know the answer.
hey retards, Kassouf was going all in, regardless of Benger talking.
Benger was butthurt rather than using speech play. You could tell how buttmad he was when he kept saying how happy he is even if he loses and miserable the other guy is. top kek what a pussy
I find it absolutely retarded that grown adults can't play regulated online poker here but we can give ourselves alcohol poisoning.
At least Michigan is trying to pass it here. We need the tax revenue from it desu.
>We need the tax revenue from it desu.
This is yet another thing.
They must know that the brick-and-mortar rooms will suffer greatly, otherwise they'd be hiring nothing but IT guys and programmers to set this shit up themselves.
Unfortunately for them, without Full-Tilt, the Euro companies took over the market share for the most part.
Most sites that have betting aren't exclusively for poker players like PokerStars.
The amount of tax dollars they are losing considerable if you include United States legal male population into the equation.
>blue jays fans still salty they didn't make it
>goes to the world series of poker
Fuck the casino jews desu
I just want to beat the shit out of him and his fuccboi friends.
user I know fuck all about poker/cards but I like the drama of it. How much money do you clear by playing? a college buddy of mine said he could pay rent ect by playing at this casino in the next town, do you do that or just for fun/extra cash?
At the lowest stakes I can pull 15-20 an hour tax free, even with the ridiculous rake at my local casino. I'd probably make alot more at higher stakes but I don't have the bankroll (uni student)
I was just still in high school when poker was reaching it's heights in 2006/2007. Buy 2010, most of the major sites had been taken down and only FTP and Pokerstars remained.
I had pulled enough money to start a real life bankroll if I wanted but I was making over 150 a day running bots on PokerStars before they cut off all American players. Even if you opened overseas accounts you'd risk getting arrrested and your account chips seized if they found out you were an American player.
Other sites were a waste of time and, while I wasn't as good at home games, I definitely made a lot of side money, paid off my first car and other stuff.
It takes time though and good games that are available and I really didn't have a big enough bank roll or enough confidence in my real life game to try and just quit college and move out of state.
A lot of people I knew online who did that went busto too
Benger fucking played Kassouf, that whole priv thing was to make Benger bet. Kassouf thought they were better but Benger just let them spin then after calling clock he let rip and baited Kassouf into losing all his chips.
>he played him
>Kassouf has the second best pre-flop hand
Ever played NLHE before have you?
>At the lowest stakes I can pull 15-20 an hour tax free
Shit that's still pretty nice. $20 an hour tax free to shoot the shit and play
> I definitely made a lot of side money, paid off my first car and other stuff.
That's pretty cool. I always was envious my friend could pay his rent by cards, but good on you if you have the stomach and ability. I have neither desu.
Yeah and Benger had aces, he just wanted Kassouf to go all in.
Notice that clock is called before Benger starts talking, he starts talking back immediately after. He's doing exactly what Kassouf did back to him, distracting him and putting pressure on him, he doesn't know what Kassouf has but he wants to bleed him of as many chips as possible. Having kings doesn't mean Benger wasn't also trying to get Kassouf to bet.
good post
>He's doing exactly what Kassouf did back to him
That's not what you said. You said "he played him".
In poker, what Kassouf had is called a "cooler". It means you have a huge hand but run into a hand that's even bigger and you're almost always moving your chips into the pot in that situation.
Not to mention, the bet was on Kassouf and Benger didn't start talking until 3 minutes after Kassouf was talking.
It clearly was not Benger's intention to "play him" or else he wouldn't have started talking until the clock was called on him.
You seemed to have missed all of that in the exchange.
>explaining what a cooler is to me
Benger didn't know what Kassouf had so it couldn't have changed Benger's behaviour retrospectively, and yeah he played him he was trying to manipulate him, or at least that seems to be his intention whether or not it was the kings that make Kassouf bet (which it obvious was).
>he wouldn't have started talking until the clock was called on him
do you think it was a coincidence he was silent right until the clock was called? he was just talking shit to put the pressure back on Kassouf.
b-but he berated a woman into tears
plus after they both stand up Benger doesn't say one more thing about abuse or privileged and they shake hands afterwards.
>do you think it was a coincidence he was silent right until the clock was called?
Yes, I believe it was a coincidence since at any time prior to that he could've called.
Benger hardly talked the entire match. I believe he was legitimately upset and wasn't worried about opening his mouth because Kassouf was short stacked and he was sitting their with Pocket As.
They were both trying to pull the other in, but for Benger's sake, it wasn't through his wordplay whatsoever.
If you're going to try and throw bait at your opponent by opening your mouth you don't give him all year to fold. Your logic makes no sense from a poker standpoint seeing as the clock rarely ever gets called, even in big tournaments.
literally an arab, i thought only whites had privilege
>mfw "why isn't his hand dead? He is confusing me, I need to think right now."
>mfw guy at the table was tired of Matuson's pussy pass bullshit and called the clock on her right after Kassouf was escorted from the table.
>mfw she tried to turn the entire table against him for calling the clock and the judge staff just sat there with their dicks in their hands.
>I believe it was a coincidence
>I believe he was legitimately upset
Oh come on you think he was upset holding aces? Why did he stop being upset after he called then?
>Your logic makes no sense from a poker standpoint seeing as the clock rarely ever gets called
we already know Kassouf plays with time and takes a long time to bet though so it makes perfect sense. Benger didn't even call the clock somebody else did, and the instance after Benger opens his mouth. If Benger wanted to call a clock he would have but instead he just used that somebody else did to open his mouth and try to get Kassouf to play. Ever think he didn't call clock because he didn't want to let on the strength of his hand?
There's more going on than just a canadian getting upset.
wow that ending sucked
not trying to start an argument, aren't most pure arabs basically white? I mean Steve Jobs was basically white, right?
I've played and watched thousands of hours of poker; the entire match was a fait accompli before Kassouf even spoke a single word.
I'm going to explain exactly what happened for you since you keep thinking that Benger was "playing him".
Benger raises, Kassouf re-raises, Benger three-raises.
At this point, Kassouf being short-stacked has to make a decision to move the rest of his chips in or fold. He's short stacked with Kings; he wants to get the chips in the middle but he also wants to get a call from Benger when he decides to push the rest of the chips in so he starts building his "house of cards" since that is the type of player he is.
Benger has ALSO already made his decision and is trying to maximize the amount of money he can get out of Kassouf, so he throws out the minimum re-raise trying to make it look like he's testing the waters to find out how strong his hand is (as Kassouf points out).
Almost 3 minutes go by of Kassouf trying to build this facade before making the move. Benger, after showing some visible consternation, cracks and throws a fit.
This was so entirely separate from the entire hand and strictly his inability to keep his composure against a fairly adept "talker".
I'm not exactly why you're so sold on this notion of him being some hyper-prescient mastermind that suddenly decides to open his mouth at the 11th hour in the hand.
At any time after that third raise by Benger, Kassouf could've very easily made the final raise OR fold, in which case Benger would insta-call.
This is exactly how the hand went down but you've committed to this very strange idea that a man would give his opponent every oppurtunity to fold or raise before finally saying something. It makes no sense whatsoever no matter how you slice it.
I watched this shit live yo and that was the most cringe shit I've ever witnessed in poker and also life.
We all know that won't happen
It was nice being in the club
This. It's 2015+1 ffs
>the entire match was a fait accompli
Which is still besides the point.
>You're so sold on this notion of him being some hyper-prescient mastermind
can you say strawmanning? I said he was putting pressure on Kassouf not playing the mind game of the century. If he was genuinely unable to control himself because he was that upset he wouldn't have done it exactly after the clock was called on Kassouf.
>strange idea that a man would give his opponent every oppurtunity to fold or raise before finally saying something
If you've played/watched thousands of hours of poker then you'll know speaking as Benger did before and after the clock has been called will have different effects. It's clearly not impossible Benger decided to pressure Kassouf.
I'm not gonna buy that in a match for that much money a rant that starts right after the clock is called is purely because somebody is just upset.
inferior humans fight with morality based on fantasy
helps them not face thier weakness and suicide
its a coping mechanism
Of course it was an australian who started it
This is what real life shit posting looks like
>Which is still besides the point.
Yes, but I'm compelled to point it out to you because you're clearly injured by the fact that your entire point is based in illogical conjecture that he was his "big move" was to start talking after giving his opponent every chance to make a move.
>>You're so sold on this notion of him being some hyper-prescient mastermind
>can you say strawmanning?
Actually, it's not a strawman when your entire point is based on a premise that lacks any real world rationale. If Benger would've started talking back within 20-30 seconds, we wouldn't be having this argument. But 3 minutes went by, which is an incredibly long period of time between one bet in a hand pre-flop. This is inconceivable to think it's actually the BETTER MOVE to give your opponent all of this time to potentially fold, losing you the rest of his chips in the process.
So you've based this all on the idea that SOMEHOW Benger KNEW Kassouf was going to wait until someone called the clock on him to decide to start talking and putting on airs. You seem to be missing the key argument I've made now 3 times.
End of argument. That's not smart AT ALL when trying to maximize the amount of chips you extract from a hand.
>and yet you say that I'm strawmanning even though you've made Benger out to be some sort of genius by saying that he absolutely knew the clock was going to be called
Oh, and I'm curious, why did you switch Session IDs?
Not him but it happens on phone. You seem new here.
>End of argument
>you're clearly injured by the fact that your entire point is based in illogical conjecture that he was his "big move" was to start talking after giving his opponent every chance to make a move
>entire point
>big move
I don't know who's posts you've been reading but they weren't mine, my only point has been that he was pressuring Benger after the clock was called.
>to think it's actually the BETTER MOVE to give your opponent all of this time to potentially fold
Then why do you think he was silent for so long? He had a pair of aces, he didn't want to scare Kassouf off, Kassouf wasn't under any time pressure so it would have been pointless to talk before the clock was called, especially as Kassouf likes to talk and Benger's strategy was to say nothing. Why do you think Benger gave Kassouf time?
>SOMEHOW Benger KNEW Kassouf was going to wait
Nope, I didn't say that, I think he just used the opportunity. You're saying that I've said things I haven't, and then attacking those things, and I think that's called strawmanning.
Glitch in the matrix
No need to be mean
*he was pressuring Kassouf
Why are leaflets so annoying?
Allright I've had it Sup Forums I'm sure we can all agree we are sick of the Leaves and their relentless shitposting THE DAY OF THE RAKE is close at hand and soon we will fill the streets chanting
Leaves you have been warned if I see one more fucking shitpost I will start THE DAY OF THE RAKE there will be rakes and leaf blowers everywhere Autumn is over and spring is coming it's time to RAKE THE YARD.
Day of the rake has been cancelled now that Trump is deporting all your gardeners.
>Trump is deporting all your gardeners.
Then they will hire new gardeners that actually do their job properly because they wont be lazy spicks
I can live with that.
I think its genetic. He's got Michael Moore face