Holocaust deniers

Are you seriously going to deny the fucking HOLOCAUST? Evidence is simple overwhelming. Even Hitler admited it in Mein Kampf and in this speech:


And Himmler admited it in this recorded meeting with SS members:


Any DOUBTS? Read all the counter-arguments for Holocaust deniers here:


>Muhh wikipedia is not a source

This is not an argument. Attack the evidence, not the source.

Pic related: Criminals knowing they can't hide their crimes.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're crazy, OP. What's next, that Argentina is white?



Its à lame Bump. We all know it was à hoax . Figure it out urself now u reddit cuck




>but muh himmler meant something different


We ABSOLUTELY deny that American jews, who lead the bleating sheep herd of anti-semitism claimers, were in ANY way, shape, or form, victimized by the depredations of the Second European War.

dont kike girls start sweating when they see german bros

I think we all acknowledged it happened, just the numbers were over exaggerated.

Anti-semitism and holocaust denial is exactly the reason why I seriously consider that at least half of Sup Forums is fucking autistic and degenerate. Can't have any valid right-wing discussions knowing that literal nazis visit this site.

Stormfag propaganda always gets BTFO by posters that actually know what they are talking about.

They're all almost dead now anyway, does it matter?

>Attack the evidence, not the source.
Wikipedia actually has pages that endorse the claim that Michelle Obama is the natural birth mother of the two adopted girls.

NO FUERON 30.000

Doesn't say anything about holocaust. Just warns people extermination of Jews in Europe will be a consequence of another world war, not how or why exactly.

Could be anyone speaking.

>I think we all acknowledged it happened,

Not a fucking argument, all in all, wikipedia is certainly more credible than any of the news sites you visit. Just cause you don't like the truth doesn't mean it's not true.

I feel like OP is a denier and just wanted to fill up his Holohoax image folder.

try actually reading mein kampf you retard.

>Just cause you
argument at the schoolyard level

didn't nazis flee to south america, maybe to argentina?

There were no gas chambers.


>Are you seriously going to deny the fucking HOLOCAUST?

No, but I do think a lot of it has been conflated with fantasy, and I don't think it was a big deal for that period in history.


Ad hominen detected! You lose the fucking discussion.

The holovaust happened. As long as you change Jews with anyone seen impeding Nazi 'progress'

Jews were just named because Hitler didn't understand the great divide within Jewish families and battle for influence with the top Jew bankers. Hitler overstretched and attacked Britain as a formal nod to their new encampment.

Look who is calling OP a retard, an actual fucking retard that suggests other people to willfully indoctrinate themselves into this nazi bullshit that does not apply to the current world in no manner whatsoever.

At this point I am pretty sure you just want to believe what you will and not interested in what actually happened in the history. Do you seriously think that holocaust survivers made it all up, and the big amount of research on the topic is biased? Fuck no! What you are reading has a bigger chance of being made up, because a paranoid old man cherry picking stuff from Mein Kampf or Hitler speeches out of context and reurgitating it in some nazi blog is not considered more credible than actual historians.

Typhus happened.

The person I replied to commited ad hominem and I called him out on his bullshit. Don't be such a toothpaste and take a note in what is going on in this thread!

>actual historians, goy!

>the holohoax lie is fading and the Jews know it...that's why kikes like you keep trying to perpetuate this bullshit..games over shlomo.

Spend some time in Germany. Look into the actions of the Jewish diaspora. Look at the actions of the diaspora in burgerland and then tell me again critizising that is *anti-semitism*

>Do you seriously

there is realistically no evidence that 'the holocaust' happened. a war is what happened. that's all.

damn forgot picture

>Yeah, heres some videos that are interpreted, so since the video says thats what happened then it must be true even though there is no way to 100 percent prove it unless an actual german speaker stranslated it right now, but since there isnt one, then these interpreted videos are an irrefutable source

Even if it did happen, who the fuck cares? You think the Nazis were the first or last group to kill a bunch of people? Ask yourself why exterminating the poor innocent Jews is the crime held up to be the worst in history.

Funny that it doesn't explain why Stalin sent lots of jews to a desolate far-eastern territory as a punishment when communism was supposed to be a project started by jews. Why would they kill their own kind?

Just accept that jewish community is naturally quite well off because their community has valued education and talent in diaspora for centuries, which is the reason why they are at the top today. It has nothing to do with them being evil, it's just a fact of life. The same reason why japanese have higher IQ's on average - the education amd success is more valued in their society. Nothing to do with taking over the world, just a way to make do in this world.

Macri gato

How many died in the firebombing of Dresden? How many died or were raped in the Soviet expulsions of Germans?

Do you know the word "terror bombing"?
Attacking civilian centers with the aim of causing mass starvation and panic?
It was invented by the Allies.

I have heared the same stuff a hundred times and it still doesn't ring true. Jewish nepotism is very real. So is their prevalence for leftism. Their experience and skill in subversion. And their factual role in Germany back then and now.

And as for your question for Stalin: his purges were a power struggle between the first generation of the NKVD which was 85% Jewish and his own clique. Examplary is how he took out Beria with whom he had worked before and who did a lot of dirty work for him.

After the purges the Soviet Union remained anti-semitic for a while, but after the collapse nineteen of the twenty richest oligarchs were Jewish. And it had nothing to do with intelligence or gifts, just with who could get his hands on the privatized state industry first through connections.

In a way you have to respect them: they proved more powerfull than the Russian mafia which even the Spetsnaz feared. Sometimes.

Because it's a genocide. They didn't kill people indiscriminately, but certain kind of people, and systematically, in death camps. That is a big deal, since sustaining such kind of operations changes a man and makes him lust for violence and psychopathic stuff. Think of school shooters, for example - they don't kill just randoms, they want to shoot up people in a particular school they go to, which indicates that they are not just "embracing their desire to kill", but they want to specifically target people who they think have humiliated them. While it could be true and well, an extreme reaction such as bringing a fucking gun and taking them down shows that they are not quite right in their heads and need help. Not comparable to, for example, an hunter killing the prey in the woods, who is not a psychopath, because his reasons are not vicious.

Holocaust *education* really took its toll on you. We all know it. I was once just like you. Sooner or later you will realize the total hypocrisy of a world status quo that normalizes socialism and even communism after the sixty million of Maoism, the 25 million of Stalin or the other millions of dead people under Pol Pot, North Korea, or even Cuba. But demonizes rightists, because of the six million.

>this shit again

All I'm saying is ask yourself why denying the holocaust is illegal in so many countries. Why make it against the law when the evidence of 6 million deaths should be overwhelming? That was the first step for me. But it's a step you have to make on your own.

>How many died in the firebombing of Dresden? How many died or were raped in the Soviet expulsions of Germans?

Not enough.

Talk shit, get hit. It's time the Germans learned this.

Their prevalence for leftism comes from the fact that they are away from their homeland - the same reason rapefugees favor left-wing, not right-wing politics. If you look at Israel, it's hardly a communist paradise, but quite nationalist, and rely on american help since they are surrounded by violent sandniggers who seek to destroy them at any given opportunity. Even though the foundation of Israel disrupted things in the middle east a little, I'd say things are still looking better than to have jews endlessly wandering around in the western countries and desperately looking to establish themselves somehow.

I think this talk about jewish oligarchs has nothing to do with ill intentions, but that the centuries of pogroms made them stick together to avoid extinction. Just for survivial, not for robbing people of their monies. The fact that they got rich is that the centuries of persecution taught them a thing or two about how important it is to inherit knowledge, record it and teach it to their youth. Basically, them being rich is a defense mechanism to protect them against being wiped out. It's kind of an unconscious process that happens in some odd communities, like for example why in Estonia we actively have segrated the local russians for centuries on our land - to avoid our own cultural extinction.


You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

Yes he did, but you did it too. Does that change the fact that there is ZERO evidence for the holocaust?


It "happened" before I was "born"

I wasn't "there" so how can I know it "happened" if I didn't "see" it?

>How many died or were raped in the Soviet expulsions of Germans?

Those numbers are debatable, there were rapes, but the real number was probably a couple of dozen, Chrurchill inflated the numbers, remember his famous anti soviet speech

I don't know what they teach you in Germany, but in Estonia, we consider Stalin and the other communists to be as awful murderers, if even more so than Hitler, but that still doesn't change the fact that holocaust should be minimalized.

Because denying holocaust is usually tied to harboring violent thoughts that people often like to act on. This is just a preventive measure. There are quite many things prescribed in law that are designed to single out people who might become violent. The percent of holocaust deniers who act on their beliefs and seek violence is quite high, or has been so in the past. This is the same reason why people are cautious of hardcore anarchists too - because of shit that happened in Spain and the fact that they murdered an american president of the time in the beginning of 19th century.

>muh jews

Germans are literally retarded genetic backwater full of arabs, mongols, french, and gypsies. who are undoubtedly the most ignoble, cowardly, and backward of races.

>what is lithuania
>what is the einsatzgruppen

Eisenhower saw it, who am I to question Ike?
Don't you guys like Ike?

I've also heared this many times before and I don't buy it either. Self segregation was willfully intended by the Jews in Europe for centuries. Becoming the loophole mechanism for aristocracy to get around the Christian and Islamic ban on usury was a way for them to get rich and it ultimately got the European leadership as the creation of the FED by FDR.

This is also evident, because the Jews wouldn't even exist in the first place, if they didn't reject and kill Christ. Therefore they also did not desire to integrate into a Christian society. Not even mentioning how fine they speak of the goyim in their holy scripture or Jesus for that matter.

Logically you get good at something you have centuries of experience with. But that doesn't justify it.

And their attraction to leftism runs much deeper. After the liberation the enlightenment brought, the rabbis lost much of their authority. Zionism was a means to reestablish the old order in a materialist world. While communism resembled it.


What the fuck is zero evidence? Are deliberately being a moron or something? I think you willfully ignore anything that anyone has ever credibly researched on this topic and want to believe it so that your skinhead buddies will continue to accept you as one of them.

>t. tyrone goldstein

>in mein kampf


The Twin Towers was an insurance scam.

Admission is not proof of anything, only physical evidence counts, of which there is little to none.


"The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit [to Gotha] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to “propaganda.”
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

People say a lot of things about Hitler. How better to see what a man is all about than to read what he wrote. To do otherwise is to keep yourself willfully ignorant. Besides, the truth fears no investigation, except for the holocaust. Only when people start asking hard questions do people get thrown in jail for even asking.

Zionism would make sense if there would be no Israel, but I don't think it offers any solutions for the jews that are in diaspora today.

And communism is a larger topic than something that jews came up with. People at the time were displeased with monarchy and felt unappreciated for their hard work in the factories and wanted a leader who would represent them. I know that it doesn't justify communism, but communism was just bound to happen, that or something very similar to it. I think it has more to do with russian historical context and less to do with little factors such as jews wanting to establish zionism.

I not ignoring anything about the fact how western values are endangered, but I blame the muslims and libcucks pandering to them, not jews, since even if there are jews on top, they can't long ignore the will of the "goyim".

Who cares? This is the future. We are the future. The alt-right is rising. Donald Trump is our fuhrer.

>killed by starvation


I'll have you arrested for that

Zionism and Communism are two different topics, yes.

But it's really too late now for me to make another map of the activities of the Jewish diaspora in my country again. And for what purpose would it be anyway? If you are interested in it, look into Moshe Kantor, Joseph Schuster, Stephan Kramer and Michel Friedmann. For starters.

Then you can do the research yourself and not call it stormfag propaganda.

neither is yours you obvious kike

How many Jews lived in Europe sept 1, 1939?
How many Jews lived in Europe sept 2, 1945?

Wouldn't happen to be related to allied strategic bombing would it?

Neither was your hatefull, anti-historic and anti-German, race baiting garbage directly from a JIDF textbook.

kek, I'm not answering that, it could literally get me into jail

Really makes you think that the unquestionable, self-evident, absolute truth needs draconic laws like this to "protect" it from "Nazis". Even in a country where literal rapists walk free.

>defending the eternal Aryan
Why have you succumbed to their lies and propaganda? were you not suckled on Aryan blood like the rest of your countrymen?


Pick one

>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"

Except that holocaust is widely studied and documented, and everything points that it happened. The people who find flaws in the studies are commiting logical fallacies on their part, taking stuff out of context from lengthy studies instead of commiting a research of their own that follows the accepted standards of a decent study on historical events to prevent bogus research. You see in the media all the time how lies surround us all, like the chemtrails and anti-vaccination stuff, but that doesn't mean they are close to truth. Conspiracy theories exist not because of truth slipping out, but because it fits somebody's agenda and justifies it, while the dumber people accept these things for a fact because it's in their nature to deny the more truthful, but harder-to-read explanations for things.

I am familiar with what has been said in Mein Kampf, but I don't feel that I should read it. The man wanted to exterminate estonians and replace them with germans. I don't have enough respect for him to try to convince myself that what he says is true, because if you take Mein Kampf at a face value, it's just a book to justify german imperialism, no matter how beautiful the rhetorics of Hitler sound.

Sup Forums also denies climate change and probably evolution

Fucking idiots.

This is literally your entire history: youtube.com/watch?v=5mMiy417aIc

How can you even get out of bed in the morning ?

Have a last


I like how (((they))) destroyed the word "revisionist" becuase they knew they couldn't argue with facts without having their argument fall apart. At least it's not jail worthy here i guess...


Wow hitler admitted to it in mein kampf decades before it happened. I wonder if he was a pence

Fake and gay himmler speech you provided there. This is Himmler's real voice: youtu.be/5H26B01SbC0

After hearing your reply, i think Hitler was right to exterminate Estonians. Are all of your countrymen such insufferable know it all cunts? Id like to hear for your accounting of how exactly they burned and disposed of six million bodies in that timespan. Even with todays technology ot would be near impossible to gas and burn that many people in that time period.

Looked up your names but I didn't find anything that shocking about them, just a typical bunch of rich jews, but not criminals or particularly bad people.

what a dumb bunch of information - summing up an historical event by some old man taken out of context. This is not comparable to any of the serious research, even the ones that equally mention shit like Dresden bombing.

Then your research was absolute garbage, new friend. Fitting for the short time span. But whatever, I'm out.

>(((serious))) research

Yeah nah m8, try again

Everybody admits Jews were put in work camps but the existence of a genocide and gas chambers is very questionable

(((eye witnesses)))

Someone post that newspaper story about the Nazi bear that ate Jews.

>it was real
>in my mind