Fluoride in the Water

Why does the government put fluoride in the water supply?

That means its good for you, right?

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sure you fucking burger

small amounts help clean the water or something i dunno

its got what plants crave

are there supposed to be black bits in my water

that hand signal

women and water. not. even. once.

It was suppose to clean the water and keep are teeth healthy, but people started to drink the water. I think... correct me if I am wrong.


The theory is that it's good for tooth and bone health, but I've heard that they don't even use sodium fluoride (the naturally occurring fluoride salt) in the water supply, they use a byproduct of aluminum production called sodium hexafluoride which is not the same thing and is likley dangerous.

Our dosages are much lower than China but significant IQ drops have been correlated with high water fluoridation in China.

Tooth decay. Fluoride ions help to form the mineral Fluorapatite, which replaces decayed hydroxylapatite.

In high concentrations, fluoride can have negative impacts on the human body, but it is in trace amounts if municipal water supplies. It is also in the vast majority of toothpastes. Also, many water supplies have fluoride ions in them naturally as many minerals on the Earth's surface contain the Fluorine in their crystal structure, and the weathering of these minerals creates fluoride ions in local water supplies.

Most conspiracies revolving around water fluoridation are peddled by people who don't even have a basic understanding of chemistry.

Because it specifically attacks and destroys the pineal gland.

it fucks up your pineal gland and keeps your third eye closed

Destroys the pineal gland - making us easily manipulated slaves. Everything else in this thread is bluepilled rubbish.

1. to get rid of toxic waste (flurocarbons from factories) and not have to pay to dispose of it by...
2. telling you it's good for you, despite the fact that americans have the worst track record with dental problems globally so that..
3. they can poison you, cause dental flourosis in your teeth which makes your tooth structure porous and more prone to cavities and breaking so that..
4. dentists have a never ending stream of income whole the fluoride eats holes in your brain.
6. profit.

nothing to worry about, goy



Flouride prevents cavities and tooth decay. Too much flouride makes your teeth turn brown, but still they don't have cavities.

Also, mind control and satellite tracking

I get it and feel very calm please try some

trump needs to make fluoride illegal!!

here is your solution

Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face.

Yes, but america's have brittle teeth because of how much fluoride is in the water. But it makes your teeth more white.

t. American living in the UK for study

FYI EVERYONE That symbol the girl is doing in the picture is a Satanic hand gesture that represents the number 666- you'll notice all of the elites flash this sign constantly. This is probably posted by a kike shill.

you need to buy Alex Jones magical filters



God willing, we will prevail in peace and freedom from fear and in true health through the purity and essence of our natural fluids. God bless you all.

But other countries in Europe without the flouride aren't radically different from Americans, I think you're taking this too seriously.

Plastic containers leach residue into the water, buy from store as soon as a new shipment comes then transfer into glass containers for maximum security.

Fluoride in water is unnecessary with today's dental standards. Also Flouride is an ion, like you said. Sodium Fluoride is what you find in toothpaste, Fluorosilicic acid is what is introduced into municipal supplies.

Basically it's not worth the additional cost for a modern society. Maybe in 3rd world countries it's a good thing.

I don't know about Kroger, but Walmart has a machine that dispenses the water and you fill up the plastic jugs yourself. The water isn't stored and kept in the plastic jugs.

But what about my pineal gland guys? If I filter my water can I astral project?

you can distill water yourself you know

they best method of clean water is those machines that grab it from the air

This is distilled water, but keep in mind that the vast majority of bottled water either comes from municipal sources, that are fluoridated, or are "mineral waters" which can contain fluorine naturally.

The entire reason water fluoridation exists is because it was discovered that people living in areas in which their water supply was naturally fluoridated, they had lower rates of tooth decay.

Ice cream Mandrake, childrens ice cream

It's true, I'm not certain about the costs or anything, but all the conspiracies with dumb new age pseudo-scientific fucks spouting off how it's dumbing people down and whatnot, it's all fucking nonsense. There are legitimate reasons to be against water fluoridation, but the majority of people that are against it know nothing about the science behind why its done.

Most people, even in first world countries though, are too stupid to take care of their teeth properly anyways. Brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste makes water fluoridation unnecessary for the most part.

baby's water user, for babies that don't even have teeth

Did I hear someone say the government is putting fluoride in our water?

no fluoride in my water, no fluoride in my water, you have fluoride in your water

it's molecular structure is similar to prozac and at certain levels it does lower IQ.

So bluepilled.

You're probably suffering multiple general health conditions but act like its normal.

There's a reason the best athletes come from farms and islanders now, they weren't contaminated by the fluoride jew among other things.

>similar to prozac

You mean prozac is similar to it? Fluoride, while added in many water supplies is natural in many others. It just so happens to also be an industrial waste.

The minerals..... hand em over

it's not even really an industrial waste product of the US anymore we import it from china now


>Why does the government put fluoride in the water supply?

its a communist plot to corrupt our bodily fluids.

Id run up and punch the shit outta that bitch if i saw her on the side walk.

Im just being honest

Here's the truth folks.

The fluoride found in water is from the fluoride rinsed from your dental hygiene products you use in your everyday life.

Is it possible that we the people are the government and are poisoning ourselves at our own expense as an excuse to not work on better and widely used filtration methods?

I think so.

Teeth decay is more related to a sugary and acidic western diet.

Most tribal communities have perfect dental health because of their clean diet.

Sodium fluoride has limited topical use for dental health, but nothing that will prevent tooth damage from a bad diet. And has absolutely no benefits from being ingested.

Unfortunately the fluoride put in drinking water isnt sodium fluoride. Its something called hydroflurosilic acid, which is a by product of aluminum and other mining industries. It is classified as a toxic waste and therefore needs to be disposed of in such a way that meets stringent guidelines.

There are ways around this however. You can sell the product for a use in smaller amounts (most commonly was used as rat poison in the past).

Or perhaps if you could convince a certain industry that it is medicinal, you could just dump it in the water supply instead..

And there you have it.
Big mining companies being paid to dispose of their toxic waste into the water supply because everyone thinks "its good for your teeth" despite the alarming lack of actual evidence.

Jeez, all of these people ignoring obvious signs of the truth.

Donald supports it. If you don't that means you're a heretic and will be purged.

when did he ever talk about it?

The flouride in the water is giving my son bitch titties.

Its got electrolytes

Speaks truth

They are fucking making us retarded. Seriously

Yeah, biting apples aren't recommended these days.

Makes me wish humans had shark teeth.

Must be nice to be able to cycle in sets of new healthy teeth throughout your lifetime.

Scientifically speaking there are actually two (2) different types of fluoride. There's industrial fluoride and the chemical itself, fluoride.

Both have been linked to carcinogenic effects however the former is actually a blend of the chemical itself and a potpurri of industrial wastes. These go mainly to the black communities, whereas in white communities where the taxes are more and thus, the politicians give a shit, the water is mainly the later, more refined fluoride.

And that's what plants crave


>Most conspiracies revolving around water fluoridation are peddled by people who don't even have a basic understanding of chemistry.

this is correct.

What about George Washington.

Sugar was still way too expensive even in colonial America yet George Washington suffered.

I think human teeth are just badly designed.

Even our celebrities have bad teeth and most of the teeth they flash are fake.

For example, Katy Perry's teeth are mainly fake yet it seems everyone seems to believe all Hollywood stars have naturally beautiful teeth.

Small amount of it is good for your teeth, gives you a less chance of cavities. Large amounts (drinking & absorbing) it for 15+ years causes health issues, it's toxic.

or... we weren't made to live this long.

Average human life spans back then were like 20-30 years, 40 years MAX for elites and very rich people.
Teeth lasted barely that long.

Either Hexafluorosilicic Acid or Sodium Hexafluorosicilicate are use in water fluoridation. Other than that both of you are correct.

Interestingly from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: "Chronic exposure to sodium hexafluorosilicate... can
result in severe calcification of the ribs, pelvis, and spinal column ligaments; effects on the
enzyme system; pulmonary fibrosis; stiffness"

>hydroflurosilic acid
SOource? I would like to read about this.

>teeth meme

Kind of like Asbestos or Crisco. They started it a long time ago, because it was amazing and it cleaned water and it was easy. But now people are more aware of its side effects so that's why you've seen a lot of people outlash and people have made money off of filtering it. However, those people are fucking dumb. Multiple studies by the NHS have shown that fluoride, 1ppm, is not harmful short or long term, but help against fluorosis.

Plenty of science sources if you google it and connect the dots.

From Fluoride Toxicity in Animals by Rakesh Ranjan, Amita Ranjan

"Fluoride concentrations in unpolluted freshwater usually range from .01 to .3 mg F/L"

According to cdc cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5727a1.htm

"Optimally fluoridated water" is "Defined as a fluoride concentration of 0.7--1.2 ppm"

Note the high discrepancy between those two numbers.

For more reading: fluoridealert.org/

They fed me fluoride tablets as a kid and I have yellow teeth and fibromyalgia. I also fight mental ilness and general health conditions.

>start getting heaps of sun so I die from skin cancer, but I got healthier.
>eat more fish so I die from mercury poisoning but I go healthier.
>stop taking in any fluoridated products so my teeth fall out and I look funny but I got healthier.
>eat red meat so I die of cancer but I got healthier.
>stop consuming mass media so I was out of the loop and would maybe kill myself but I stop being mental and wanted to live.
>start exercising so people think I'm obsessed in my body and possibly gay but I end up healthier and start shagging women
>stop worshiping women and they suddenly start worshipping me and ask me why I'm different to most "men"

I just realized I probably didn't answer your question. Just wikipedia it for a simple explanation of those chemicals.


Originally, sodium fluoride was used to fluoridate water; hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) and its salt sodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) are more commonly used additives, especially in the United States.

Ask a farmer if he'll use fluoridated water on his farm.