With Donalds inevitable literal cuckolding of Justin "The dead are historys greatest victors" Trudeau. Will Canada win the grand-cuck-prix?
With Donalds inevitable literal cuckolding of Justin "The dead are historys greatest victors" Trudeau...
My answer: yes
I find it completely appalling that we haven't yet followed Sweden's lead and imported millions of refugees into our country
at this point it's a real toss up, but I never would want to underestimate Justin in his cuckiness so I'm gonna put my 20 hard earned polbucks on Canaduh
No one can defeat the Cuck prince of canada.
Also, hope Justin gets his shit wrecked.
Rape and violence is the sweetest of plums
Germany is worse than Sweden. It's a pretty close race between Canadians and Krauts.
he's only getting warmed up, he's upped immigrants from the high 200k to nearly 500k within a year. at this rate 4 million pakis, sandniggers, somalis, gooks, etc by 2019
canada is ok, the cucks only congregate in toronto and vancouver
outside the cities its great.
are you fucking insane? they're distributing the muslims on purpose
the feds are shoving muzzies everywhere in london, hamilton, KW, etc.
>tfw dad is Swedish and mom is German
>tfw live in Canada
I'm doing my part to uncuck the world. Step 1 - Make nigga loads of money
I have faith in germany. They hit it so far outta the park the whole world took notice back when racism was the in-thing
I live 100km outside vancouver. Maybe we'll get a reset switch in the form of that great tsunami theyre always not preparing for.
We can turn it around too. Canada has a silent majority of disgruntled whites just like the U.S. All we need is a Trump- like figure in politics. Now that's easier said than done but it's not impossible.
Ultra-nationalism when?
Is Quebec our greatest ally?
toronto/vancouver is liberal HQ
outside you are ok. prairies/maritimes are also safe.
They're Canadian too. The rest of the provinces need to be more like Québec and implement language laws, control immigration, etc. I miss the days when we complained about frogs because now we have a real and serious threat.
only 90s kids remember
Undercover corn picker
Fucking try it, canuck.
I know sweden wont give up the title without a fight. That why Justin is making the power play of letting Donald fuck his wife Simul-cast on CBC and C-Span
Well, before you make your decision keep in mind that my girlfriend's son is actually typing this right now. I thought it would be more fair and inclusive if he posted my opinions for me.
Muslims lean right and are anti drug, so if the conservatives could kick their habit of wanting to ban burkas they'd kick the cuck out.
Why is glorious Finn's flag still a shitstick?