>G U Y S
>He was winning so hard they had to restrain him for his own health and safety
Mr. Trump, all of this winning, it's got to stop. People are getting hurt now. I think I'm tired of winning. Just step down and hand the presidency over to Jeb.
based yeezy
Very strange timing..
Bless him for he was finally woke in the end
Yeezy just got his record corrected.
He will never been seen or heard from again.
He broke his toe. He'll be back in a flash.
all niggers must hang
Praise KEK may the all mighty help Kanye West
It was the fucking illuminati
They could reveal themselves, and we still didn't do shot. We've accepted ourselves as pussy ass fucking Cucks.
rip in peace
How long until you think we find out he died? I give it a week tops.
slef inflected gunshot wound to the back of the head
Two self inflicted gun shot wounds to the back of the head
overdose on redpills
I hope his wife doesn't cheat on him whilst he's in the hospital.
I thought Kanye was a god?
They are trying to silence him for his support of trump.
>Mr. Trump, all of this winning, it's got to stop.
it's been literally less than two weeks, and he's not even in office mind you, and they're already tired
top kek, low energy fagots
Illuminati coming after him. Stay safe please ye we support you
I like Kanye
He OD'd on red pills.
Stay safe Ye
another dead nigger good
Probably just saying this because he's facing a lot of lawsuits for cancelling the concerts if he doesn't have a good reason for it (ie. health problem).
he went full on Sup Forums behind closed doors didn't he?
>never meme irl bro, NEVER!
Nigger off the plantation trying to wake up other slaves.
Who would have thought...
Bad reaction to the red pill. Happens.
fuck he took the ultimate redpill. He really is /ourguy/
Is he, dare I say it, /ournigger/?
Kanye going down that path that Dave Chapelle avoided.
Sucks to suck illuminati dick, nigger.
Start worshipping thor.
Many such cases!
The DNC is gearing up for 2020 already?
What the fuck? For being pro-trump?
This is literally insane.
It's straight up 1984 illuminati shit
>kanye has always been a retarded nig
>even obama called him out
>he comes out for trump randomly
If he can turn a couple stupid nigs and beaners, I'll give him a break. But I doubt he'll change anyones opinion on anything.
red pill overdose just kicking in
hell be fine
can i get a link, I can't find it on their timeline.
Kanye's trying to appeal to the coveted "mentally ill" voter group
lol no it isn't
>yfw you realise Randy Quaid was right all along
bless him kek
(((They))) got to him. Just wait, in a week or two he'll come back looking like he's been through some kind of clockwork orange shit, renounce his support for Trump, and subsequently fade into obscurity.
Sup Forums was right again. This isn't just a coincidence.
And it's going to get stranger. This is the time line you guys chose. Find a good seat for the greatest show on earth.
Kanye's cool, he's one of the only respectable rappers, and he'll probably give Trump even more of the black vote in 2020. I've always liked him, he's woke af. I hope he'll be okay.
Did he OD on redpolls??
i would have liked knowing that,
just ate the whole bag.
The negro truth teller got to live.
>1 post by this ID
Died peacefully during his sleep on the bathroom floor
Do you think Jay Z is trying to get him? Was his waifu robbed by Jay Z's killers?
I heard it was Ricin that he was poisoned with
>liberal reddit breaking bad fanbois in charge of assassinations
>his redpills come in bags
Are they going to reprogram him like they did with Tay?
>he gets out in two days and the first thing he says is "i love hillary now"
>They're going to re-Monarch Program him now
Your heart was in the right place but you were reckless and got took down too quick to work from within to counter the monsters in your industry. RIP Kanye
I don't think so. Kanye spergs out all the time. He's the type of dude that would double down if someone was coming at him. It seems to me he just likes to stand up for what he believes.
>yep, figuratively speaking
the hillary train has already left the station he would just launch a full out on trump.
Its perfectly reasonable. There is 0 chance a black entertainer would be a republican --- and support Drumpf of all people --- if he wasn't having a severe mental breakdown. They're doing this for his own safety. He might legitimately try to harm himself
I bet you live in Oregon.
>He goes out, looks dazed. His speech is slurred and he seems not to know where he is
>Alex Jones invites him to his show
>Hands him a cup to which he plopped a triple dose of Super Male Vitality earlier
>Kanye absentmindedly drinks it
>His eyes regain their glow
>He goes on a mad freestyle rap rant on globalists, illegals, Hillary fucking Clinton, identity politics and escaping the DNC plantation
Please kill yourself.
seems that's like what happened according to article
>A source familiar with the case said Los Angeles police responded to a medical welfare call about 1:20 p.m. (4:20 p.m. ET). No criminal activity was involved; the decision to hospitalize West was for his own health and safety, the sources said.
Fuck, Ye really was one of us all along.
Gonna go back and actually give TLOP a real chance now.
What if he just regrets saying he likes Trump and this is an elaborate effort to say he was just "mentally unstable" at the time.
Nothing is going to happen you overreacting faggots.
No link, nothing.
Personally, I don't care what happens to this overrated, talentless dickhead.
this is all pretty easily explained by cocaine
dude needs to take it easy for a week or two, lots of valium, lysine, trazodone, food, water and sex
he should be ready to go again after that
Tell me Mr S0r0s hows the climate this time of the year
All memes aside I think Kanye is just bipolar, the weird shit over the top shot he does sometimes and how he is mopey as fuck others looks a lot like manic and depressive cycles. He's probably on psychatric hold or something but will be out in a few days and still pro-trump.
holy FUCK this
Those fucking bastards
you wanna go ahead an (you) some one who gives a shit?
At least they haven't yet given him the bob Marley.
>he can't search TMZ
wtf i love hillary now
He's getting Miley Cyrus'd
>no sleep
>grandiose (even for kanye)
>loosening of associations
>other shit that kanye normally has but seems out of control even by his standards
>history of depressive episodes
It's mania. Probably with psychotic features.
They're gonna drug our boy up and shock the gay out of him.
Guys, exploit black paranoia of conspiracy theories and government, START UP THE MEME MACHINE GUYS, SOMEONE CREATE A GENERAL THREAD!!!
get well based Kanye
Look at all you blue pilled cucks falling for this niggers annual attention whoring rants where he says anything for attention.
Kek hospitalized this nigger because he's a fraud.
This nigger dying would be a major blessing for Western culture.
Not politics related. Fuck off with your viral marketting campaign, shithead. sage
this. sounds like my ex gf
Although I agree, it was fucking funny regardless.
>They're gonna drug our boy up and shock the gay out of him.
Dont care if he supports trump. Hes a nigger and his music is generic nigger ghetto trash
we need to break the conditioning once and for all
who exactly 5150'd? the police?
can you not
It is politically related because Kanye recently supported trump publicly.
Thus him becoming hospitalized and supporting trump are probably connected.
Crawl out from under your rock.