

Like I'd ever fuck a monkey.

I dont think shit makes good kindling

>tfw you still have Harambe's driver license and ID pictures

I don't get it.

What did she mean by this? No seriously, I have no clue.

Where is the logical connection between coitus and being inside a chimney?

what does this even mean

Can anyone translate this monkeyspeak?

Is this a play of self awareness, where Harambe realizes his comedy career is worthless, and now must become the gorilla manifestation of a lump of coal?

maybe she's like the black andy kaufman and it's only funny to her

What is that supposed to even mean?


>black female Santa Claus
That's where I draw the line!

Sorry you weren't born white.

She is referring to men as in, human versus non-human, and not men versus women, yes?


Is this some sort of sodomy reference?

I want to say it is, but I have NO idea why it would be.

i dont get it

Everything is sodomy with these sub-humans.

Is she saying she's going to force us to oven her?

It means she wants to be sent to the ovens

is that a holocaust reference?


Bitches are crazy. Never heard about the chick who tried to sneak into her exs house through the chimney while he was on vacation? She got stuck and died

what did she mean by this?

Maybe she just wants to try her hand at being a chimney sweep.

Does this mean that if you one night stand a chick, she's going to stalk you and try to break into your home?

Because that's what came to mind.

Chimney is a bad idea though. People die from doing that... or get very broken.

I thought it meant she'd be a stage-5 clinger and all up in your bidness, because it's obvious with her looks that she doesn't get much action.

Really made me think

I think we are being memed right now.


> Negroids breaking into houses
I'll take daily occurrences for 400

How do you idiots not realize she means she'll fuck your ass if you have sex with her, which doesn't make sense to any relatively sane human being?

Its speaking English and yet I still don't understand.


Despite the meaningless quote, any white male ought to be seriously ashamed. Do any of you have the slightest bit of dignity? Ghost busters was amazing.

This is it. One of those "tragic" local events that'll make the rounds for 10seconds one day on CNN (or even Weekend Update), so obviously not a lot of ppl got the reference.

Oonga boonga oonga boonga

I'll admit it wasn't nearly as bad as I was told.

Is she giving us advice on how to score with Jewish chicks?

was her head used to clean out the chimney?


You stay the hell away from my chimney!

ooga booga

She actually has pictures of her taking it up the butt oti, when she says chimney she means butt stuff

damn negros!

This means that if you have sex with a woman, don't be surprised if she begins to leech off of you and use her to your advantage. Chimney (figurative) references being within your household under your care.

Women are funny get over it haters gonna hate

I genuinely feel sorry for every man that fucked her.

Is this Santa Claus 2016 edition? Do I have to tell my son that empowered black woman-claus is coming to give him gifts?

That pic makes no fucking sense to me or my anus.

Could use her hair as a chim(p)ney brush desu

So I get in her pants and she pretends to be Santa Claus? Could someone please explain this? Could she be referring to a man's anus? Why would she stick something up a man's ass?

We should poll Sup Forums about this.

I don't even know what te fuck that says. I've read it more than once and still don't understand.