kill yourselves pussies
kill yourselves pussies
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reddit is shit
Yep fuck the Shills who want to divide the Right wing movement
Actually, don't even hate on the Donald faggots, just calmly correct them. No enemies on the right
Be most concerned that they are antifa shills though
That is the real enemy now
They have ZERO governmental power in two months
Their only hope is to infiltrate and divide this movement
Alt Right, Alt White, Alt West --- all allies --- 99.9% same goals
I really wish reddit would finally fuck off and leave us to our fringe ideologies in peace, the election is over, go the fuck home.
I want my national socialist ethnostate and I want it now.
Sorry Bernie lost
>Sup Forums - Politically Correct
D-don't say anything too extreme go- guys.
dude ebin xd haha everyone who disagrees with me is a bernie supporter
Antifa shill faggot, that doesn't work here
Typical jewish divide and conquer tactics. "I'm more alt-right than you are! I'm more facist than any of you!". Try harder schlomo.
I want le donald faggots to leave
I actually agree. All these newfags crying about how being called a nazi or giving a roman salute is ruining everything. Fuck you faggots. This is a NatSoc board. We know exactly who we are. We know what we stand for. I don't care what the lugenpresse calls us. Don't cuck, ever. Not for them, not for anyone.
>NatSoc board
Hello, newfriends.
It's not just newfags, it's an Antifa psyop.
Sorry Hillary lost
I have a problem with this and the "gay jokes aren't cool in the alt-right anymore, don't shame male bondingggg safe space reeeeeeeeeeeeee"
Yeah I am talking to you, Daily Shoah, stop being a bunch of sensitive faggots and ruining the humor with your "not cool, bro no jokes about my wife being a tranny plzzzzz" shit. If your gay orgy pool parties make you that uncomfortable stop having them.
this place grew out of its lolbertarian phase around 2012. Get out kike.
The r/the D invasion is far worse than ctr
i voted for Trump you retards.
But really guys this is just embarrassing, I can't be apart of this movement when these guys are making this movement look like a complete joke.
Dylann is very displeased with all of the naughty little antifa fags on his board right now... you antifa fags don't want to make Dylann mad, do you?
Yeah its cool to LARP about it on here. But when you start doing it in real life it really kills your movement. You have to take these things gradually, America is just now normalizing nationalism again. You don't just jump in and start sieg heiling in front of the media, it lets them create a boogeyman and discredits your movement to moderates.
then leave. we don't need you.
Trump hides his power level for obvious reasons.
He is our guy, whether weak minds like it or not.
Then don't be
Go and join the mentally ill transniggers at their riots
I like how Joey Ramone (a jew) doesn't have his thumb pointed down.
Just because storm front rushed into our board in the last year doesn't change the fact that they're Leftist faggotry is not widely accepted.
Its Newfags arguing with newfags at this point, even back in 2012 the "libertarians" were the newfags that ended up sticking around because the Libertarians were still less cucked than Neocon Republicans at the time.
This place has always been about Gassing the Kikes.
What part of "Hitler did nothing wrong" did you think was an-cap?
>muh just leave
Nu/pol/ is fucking gay
go back to stormfront
This board is called Politically Incorrect
Trump is a step in the right direction but the end-goal for plenty of us here is literal National Socialism, you can either accept that or leave.
No one will give a fuck about that if he actually does close the border and improve the economy
And if he doesn't, no amount of Romney tier pussyfooting will save him
Fascism and Socialism aren't mutually exclusive.
Says the Slavic subhuman.
and what movement would that be, /qa/?
>A leaf dictating terms
Aren't you already in a Socialist shit hole?
That thread was actually very white pilling, the whole thing was basically the safest white nationalist memes around and people agreeing to them.
when will you faggots realize that race is a spook
>look how contrarian I am!!!
now let your wife's son have a turn on the computer
>muh stormfront boogeyman
we have literally been barraged by every political and culture on the planet, if one ideology stuck there is PROBABLY A GOOD REASON FOR IT
A leaf is correct for once. Nat. Soc. it has always been, with respect for fellow travelers like the Pauls and even anarchists (when someone like Trump was inconceivable).
Trump may only be implicitly white nationalist with his civic nationalism, I'll take it.
fuck the shills
kek wills it