Todays events in Japan prove her to be right. We need to end nuclear power once and for all!
Todays events in Japan prove her to be right. We need to end nuclear power once and for all!
michael bay films much?
chernobyl much?
>copying trumps tweet pattern
"Jill Stein is anti-science" meme'ing liberals BTFO
We really shouldn't be fucking around with nuclear tech honestly.
Drumpf is president now
wtf I hate Jill Stein now.
if anything bad happens we will just deactivate the atoms
Jesus christ, people think that?
Sure the water contamination is a true hazard of nuclear plants, but do people actually think they are just fission bombs waiting to go off?
Do I live in a world where people think that?
holy shit this lady is nuts
anyone who equates nuclear bombs to nuclear power plants has no idea how either of the two work
Jill Stein is a fucking retard
>detonating a nuclear power plant
I thought that was good, but bad really was. I feel the shit hard on her, and like rely what if it happen like that where she just knew everything,/ right/ like what lmaso jk but I realy ned to sleep now brb. also dont remember but nucular is bad for envirment somhow
You live in a world where the radical left turned so hard they are now alt right.
She's mad
>We really shouldn't be fucking around with nuclear tech honestly.
Gen 3+ reactors are safer then being raised by single hovermom.
What a fucking moron.
t. physicist
PS: Shut up about shit you ain't gotta clue about, greenfag
Bet this dumbass thinks CO2 is a pollutant.
t. chemist too
She should be. People keep trying to use these weapons for power when they were DESIGNED TO KILL and then wonder OH HEY WHY DID THIS THING THAT'S MEANT TO KILL PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE??
Everyone should be mad about this.
>Everyone should be mad about this.
Mad about what?
BTW, taking on my chemist moniker ITT just to fuck with you, cuntrag.
I'm pretty sure that people who are talking about the weaponization of power plants are referring to the possibility of leakage, rather than actual large-scale explosions.
Leakage is probably worse, in all actuality
wtf im a british cow now
This shit right here 'redpills' me more than all the other pseudophilosophical bullshit I read on here.
Fuck me sideways with a barge pole.
The way modern plants are designed keeps the irradiated water in a different system from the pumps that go to the turbine halls. Something fucking dire would need to happen, like an attack, and even then penetrating the reactor shielding is no mean feat, thats like 6 meteres or more of lead and concrete.
what a fucking retard. someone should nuke her.
>waiting to be detonated
yeah i don't know about that m8
the only reason fukushima failed is because apparently legendary japanese quality control doesn't apply to cooling mechanisms
nuclear fission is one of the most environmentally friendly ways of obtaining energy
This is a nuclear power board
Gas shills and solar cucks need not apply
>Leakage is probably worse, in all actuality
No it's not. You cannot comprehend how much water is in the Pacific. You just cannot. Leakage ain't shit. It really is NOT.
You could dump all the nuke waste in the world and all the weapon fuel into the Pacific and do almost nothing to it.
You really really have no clue about how much fucking water we're talking about here.
To give you an idea, there's more gold and platinum dissolved in the Pacific waters than has ever been mined in all of human history.
And gold/platinum salts aren't even appreciably soluble.
What's the certainty that the fallout would all immediately sink to the lowest levels of the ocean? It would all just sink down, and wouldn't bind to any living organisms that would move throughout the upper areas of the ocean and across the Pacific?
Yes, it makes humans fuck off while nature takes back the place
Nature is only allowed on this planet by us. Ours is a struggle eternal between Chaotic nature and Ordered civilisation. A garden looks better than an unfettered forest.
Nuclear power is unironically the best power source. It is the most environmentally and economically friendly power source ever built. All this fear about containment breach is based on propaganda. France is not a nuclear wasteland, and never will be unless a nuclear war breaks out. Greenpeace cucks BTFO.
ok back here now
It doesn't have to sink.
There's so much fuckdamn water there that it all gets diluted into a non-issue.
People in general have no clue about how massive and powerful nature and this planet really are. They believe shit, like humans being a serious threat to the climate.
Motherfucker do you have any concept how BIG the atmosphere is and how much damage something like Yellowstone can actually do vs our pussy asses?
Humans have an ego problem. We actually think so high of ourselves we think we're a threat to nature.
Nature who wipes out geological epochs for shits and grins.
The plant was built near 1970. Japan was not first world then.
>live in one of the biggest countries on Earth with vast swaths of tectonically stable plains
>compare country to tiny, tectonically unstable island nation dotted with 40 year-old reactors
not really no, even if a reactor were to melt down, with the advances in medicine(particularly in treating cancer), a site may be inhabitable for maybe a few decades where there is risk of radiation poisoning. after that everything would be fine.
>solar energy is totally harmless and not a WMD at all, you guys guys
living in the US sucks. if it is not earthquakes, its fucking tornadoes, if not that, then you got hurricanes.
our lord and savior must really despise you guys.
>then you got hurricanes.
Florida here. Know a good time when you see it.
>beers being tossed
>awesome winds and rains
>some house repair and lawn maintenance to do afterward
It's like heaven on earth.
My town in Minnesota doesn't have any big natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes. There's just a chance to get snowed in for a day, but that doesn't stop us from leaving the house still.
Sleep tight, drunkard.
Most of the American West is tectonically stable, far inland and outside tornado alley. Spoken like a true statelet. We have multiple states bigger than your entire country. Sad!
And burn your fat ass as an energy source?
Nuclear power is only relaible power without filling your lungs with burned particles.
>Be asked if I'm a theoretical physicist
>Tell NCR that I have a theoretical degree in physics
>NCR says "Welcome aboard"
the problem with living in a big country is that you have to transport that energy. there is a certain loss that goes with energy transportation. I am no engineer but I would assume that it would not be economically viable to build a power plant in the middle of fucking nowhere.
They are WMDs if you build them where there are fucking earthquakes and tsunamis all the time.
Plenty of places in the US that are not on fault lines where a nuclear plant would be very stable and safe relative to the damage caused by oil spills.
What's the worst that has ever happened with a NPP? 8 or 9 people dead?
lol did another power plant get hit?