Isn't waterboarding also one of the absolute worst forms of torture you can do?
It's fucking messed up Trump would want to do something like that
Isn't waterboarding also one of the absolute worst forms of torture you can do?
It's fucking messed up Trump would want to do something like that
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Fucking pussies.
Well your people are truly awful, cuckflag man. They deserve it and it's a method of extracting information.
McCain was tortured himself and he thinks it is disgusting to do it toward your enemies
Also, when you are tortured you say anything to get released and it mostly end up that the torture victims tell lies because they didn't know anything in the first place. It's fucking inhuman.
>what is Chyna
Man, fucking get someone to waterboard you and see how you like it.
McCain is entitled to his opinion.
You say anything until something checks out and helps us kill people. Otherwise it continues.
Why would you wanna be like China?
It absolutely sucks. Duh?
McCain is a cuck. He's a loser that instead of doing his job, got captured and became a prisoner of war. What a disaster.
Pretty sure there are worse things - needles under fingers, getting pieces cut off, not to mention pharma
It's only natural for a former veteran to know military terms. I am not sure if Trump even served but I'm sure McCain did.
It is a method of torture that will mess with your head, make you feel like you are drowning and it is torture, however it doesn't leave permanent damage and will not kill the target.
The real question is, why would you force your own military to use questionable methods like those that go against the ideals of your nation, that can be seen as war-crimes, by not outlawing it it turns off people off the military.
McCain is a man with vision who understand the American public and believes in the constitution that made the country a pillar of human rights in the past, why wouldn't you be against waterboarding?
If you serve the military do you want to be the good guy, or do you want to create more Snowdens who will end up leaving the nation for doing patriotic things?
Why don't you go on Sup Forums and look at some of the rekt threads? People will post ISIS stuff once in a while, watch those videos and then tell me waterboarding is "fucking messed up", you little pussy.
McCain was a man of honor who killed many heathen gooks.
It's not that bad really.
I know you're memeing CTR but I have to agree with McCain on this.
ehh I think waterboarding is pretty humane considering other methods of torture
people think torture works, that is what happens when you watch to much shit tv.
there are more effective methods, you fucking talk to the people. When you are their only source of human contact everyone will break.
i bet he has waterboarded a few people himself
im disgraced that this "hero" was born in this land, hang yourself high m8 lolol
You make friends by removing unpleasant stimuli. I'm not an interrogator, I'm the guy that saved you from waterboarding. Have a cigarette and give me 3 names for a night of sleep.
Who gives a shit what we do to sand niggers.
They deserve it.
this, we actually used to do it to firstyears in college, obviously not long sessions but they're also not terrorists.
it works sometimes but mostly it ends up with the person being tortured saying anything to make it stop regardless of its real or fake
i agree there are better ways of getting information out of people without going too far
The point of torture isnt to be enjoyable for the victim
Trump supporter here, I agree that torture mostly doesn't work and hope that he will find a way to minimize its use.
>Isn't waterboarding also one of the absolute worst forms of torture you can do?
if you seriously think like this then you're an unbelievable pussy.
go read up on medieval torture devices. waterbording is a fucking cakewalk compared to the shit we used to do back then.
>Isn't waterboarding also one of the absolute worst forms of torture you can do?
It simulates drowning and causes your body to reflex like you're dying. You can go into shock etc. But I can imagine much worse torture. Like taking sharp pieces of metal and hammering them into people's nails/fingers onto a table then putting a billion spiders on their hands unless they told you the codez
>sold out to the gooks
>war hero
How do you propose we get information out of people? Ask nicely?
Shit like this is why he got caught in a jungle-cage.
you don't need to resort to waterboarding. isoloation is more then enough. You then go about questiong the subject over and over till you get desired results
You can find the old DOD vidoes online, they are cheesy as fuck but we didn't have to torture germans to get good info
It's not torture, it's simulated torture. Thry never have a chance at drowning
I'd give em my mother's panties
mccain is a dipshit corrupt career politician
Remind me of how McCain voted on USAPATRIOT.
Right, it's for the enjoyment of the torturer.
John McCain wasn't actually tortured he got a nice hotel room with a radio because he was famous. He's just a politician like Kerry who literally shot himself in the foot.
shit's pretty cool, will watch
>isoloation is more then enough
i agree with this sensory deprivation and isolation are probably the most humane way you can do it
Taking anything off the table emboldens our enemies because they know we wont resort to certain actions.
Nazis in WWII continued to kill people weeks after U.S occupation rolled through simply because there was never going to be sufficient punishment for their actions.
I know like torture is like horrible and stuff. If you kill your enemies they win.
that song
>i ain't no senator's son
was about mccain being treated like a princess by the vietnames and the American government bending over backwards to get him home / media etc
McCain needs to try water boarding I think he may like it
>Isn't waterboarding also one of the absolute worst forms of torture you can do?
>Get in the shower
>Grab a rag and put it over your face
>Put your face under the shower head
>You just waterboarded yourself
It's really not all that bad, mostly uncomfortable as shit. It's not like they're putting electrodes on your nuts and hooking you up to a car battery.
This. It's useless.
He REFUSED to be released out of order. He purposefully stayed knowing the gooks would use him as leverage.
It's like the least bad torture ever. No mutilation, no scars, no dissabilities, no sequelae.
Only a big artificial panic in your brain. It's not pain that makes you speak, it's your own survival instinct.
Admirals son crashes 3 jets then squeals instantly when hes captured, ends up a "hero" senator who is out to ahcieve Israel's will no matter what and at any cost to "his people" ie poor people he never mixed with in his privileged life.
fuck that surrenderfag!!
If you want to waterboard people to make them suffer and make your dick hard while you feel like God, then go for it.
If you want to waterboard people for "information" it's a waste of fucking time. You can make Ahmed confess to being your grandmother with enough torture. They are other, much more effective methods.
waterboarding is holding someone down, putting a shirt over their face and pouring water on the shirt.
In high school we called it hazing. it isn't torture at all
McCain's claim to fame was being a Vietnam POW. He was also a turncoat who did a bunch if intelligence and radio work for NKVD and proceeded to cock block a bunch of attempts to reclaim POW's from Vietnam cause its possible there was even dirtier shit on him.
Unpopular Opinion that even horrifies the most Pro-Torture CIA agent:
if someone is worth torturing for counter terror intel, they are far more worth killing.
fuck this capturing mollycoddling, kill ISIS on the battlefield (which is legally ANYWHERE on Earth.)
Muhammad orders in the Quran to "kill them (you kufar) where ever you may find them", so how come we gotta be pussies and not hit them back eye for an eye?
if chickenshit Bush/Cheney/Hayden had stuck to kill over capture, there wouldn't be any Gitmo, there wouldn't be a 50,000 page Top Secret CIA report on far worse torture that still has NOT been revealed to the American people and we wouldn't even be having this Philosophy 101 Prisoner's Dilemma moral paradox debate.
Good ol' Songbird.
McCain deserves it
t. CIA asset
>Dumping water on people's faces to give the illusion of drowning
Pick one.
We shouldn't waterboard because it's too pussy to produce results.. Not because it's inhumane. Retards
Sometimes you do it for the information. Other times you just do it for the screams.
have you never seen the hitchens video. He was all about kill the sand niggers and pro waterboarding, till he had it done
>Capture prisoners who work with people who burn people alive, drown them in cages.
>prisoners have valuable intel that could save lives
>Trump "let's just pour water down their nasal passage until they talk. They'll be fine."
>Op "wtf Trump? That's horrible! Don't you know how uncomfortable that is? "
being burned alive for being in the wrong place at the wrong time is uncomfortable. don't be a fag.
I doubt it is the worst torture you can do. Humans are WAY smarter than that when it comes to hurting living creatures.
It still wouldn't be pleasant I'd wager.
Problem with waterboarding might be, if you want information from someone, they cannot give it to you while underwater. And their brain shuts down so much that they can barely speak between sessions.
Nail into the foot might work.
>tfw you'll never get drunk with british atheist man
no, it's such a light form of torture it's debatable.
>expecting a retarded bong to be anything more than a pussy
Try it yourself.
fuck sake mccain, dont be so asshurt because trump called you out on being a loser.
Take it like a man
are you retarded, aren't you?
even electric one would be far worse
>Have someone in custody who you think has "valuable information"
>You torture them and they say ANYTHING to make you stop
>You end up chasing down bullshit information said by a delirious person trying to avoid pain and dread
Why do you think this works?
>cuckservative that lost to Obama
Just die already you old piece of shit.
yes, it does produce false information sometimes. and sometimes, it will even fail to get people to talk even if they DO have information that we want.
but, what is the alternative? when you really fucking NEED that information that this guy has, and you need it fucking fast, then you simply have no choice than to try everything you can to make the fucker talk.
leave it to belgium to talk without knowing shit. your brain literally thinks its drowning, and drowning sucks. its one of the most painful ways to die, but at least you actually die...waterboarding continues without killing you, its like experiencing the pain of drowning without ever being relived of that pain.
>when you really fucking NEED that information that this guy has, and you need it fucking fast, then you simply have no choice
You always have a choice, you can chose to maintain your principles at the cost of lives.
>but, what is the alternative?
lol, why don't you leave it to people who understand human psychology? You're a fucking idiot. I can brain wash you and make you my willing, eager slave without any torture.
Everyone can be "broken" and you don't need to terrorize or torture them to do it. You act like it's impossible to brainwash brainwashed Muslim extremists.
>its like experiencing the pain of drowning without ever being relived of that pain.
not even close.
the real pain of drowning comes from inhaling water. this damages your lungs, which leads to extremely painful coughing fits (that only make you inhale more water and thus reinforce the pain)
waterboarding doesn't do this. waterboarding just creates a very uncomfortable sensation on your face that triggers your brain into near-death panic mode. really shitty feeling, but it's not the pain of drowning.
Bengahzi! wtf do you think happens to children even in that sandman shithole!? It happens to innocent people (kids)for shits and giggles with those animals. Stfu
>invade foreign countries
>completely destroy cities and infrastructure
>kill thousands
>leave millions without home and future
But, guys, we can't just waterboard 20 people a year, that would be immortal.
>when you really fucking NEED that information that this guy has, and you need it fucking fast,
also, stop watching 24. Do you honestly know what a total faggot Kiefer is?
Ban waterboarding
Instead send detainees children to a typical american pizza place.
>Absolute worst form of torture
They use freaking raping kids as torture my God you tool terrorists don't deserve humane.... there's no reasoning with them
shut up sven, the men are trying to save civilization
go back to your cuckshed
It's not about the torture per se, it's about sending a message to a dumb and ruthless enemy that absolutely everything is on the table.
exactly. people have to realize that this is what it boils down to. spare some shithead a few hours of torture at the cost of risking the lives of your own comrades.
>dude just brainwash them lmao
sure mate
I doubt that was about McCain
"He is not lucky enough to avoid the war through the influence of his family. Most likely referencing David Eisenhower (grandson of Dwight Eisenhower) who he believed was given preferential treatment due to his family’s position in society."
These sweet boys loved a good waterboarding :3
>Isn't waterboarding also one of the absolute worst forms of torture you can do?
Sleep deprivation is the worst
>implying freely doing it yourself is the same as having your entire body strapped down and having water poured on your face
you have a bias when you choose to torture someone. You're expecting them to actually have the information you think you need.
But you have no idea what is in their head. So you lead them with your own bullshit and they lead you, just to stop the pain and dread. They tell you exactly what you want to hear, because you are torturing them.
Humans are pretty easy to brainwash, especially some susceptible people (like pre-brainwashed Muslims), especially people in despair like a prisoner, especially given the weaknesses of the human mind.
Stockholm syndrome is a real thing user.
I mean this dude got ancient vietnamese torture techniques practiced on him, so I think he knows what's going on.
>waterboarding doesn't do this. waterboarding just creates a very uncomfortable sensation on your face that triggers your brain into near-death panic mode.
Waterboarding gets water up your nose and shit. You inhale plenty.
John McCain sat in Hanoi Hilton for multiple years as a 'hostage', treated like a king because of his daddie, while good american soldiers were tortured, and this fuckstick has the nuts to pretend he's against torture?
GTFO McCain.
Man if you're autistic you'd probably be fine with waterboarding.
drip.. drip.. drip.. drip..
>almost blew up uss forrester, killing hundreds of his own men
>crashed fighter jet 3 times
>on 3rd time he got captured and sung like a fucking bird
u guis listen to mccain he is relevant! xd!
made me think of the bourne series
kinda off topic, but do agents like that really exist? not the brainwashed ones, but these super-secret, high-tech fighters who are over there and fuck shit up? from different movies it looks awesome to be a CIA agent, but I imagine in real life the 'agents' aren't killing a bunch of people but rather just listening to hours of tapped phones and shit --boring as fuck
Torture isn't just wrong, it damages the person doing it as much or more than the person doing it, and it's just not effective at getting good information either. Every good interrogator knows that and most could explain pretty clearly why.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and even John McCain is right on this one thing.
I thought it was funny as hell when Trump said that, just watching the fucking liberals take seizures (even though they defend it when Obama does it!) made it funny as hell. But it's not actually a good idea, and I hope he realizes that too.
The most important thing right now is to watch who he's picking. Bannon is good. Flynn and, particularly, Pompeo, are worrisome.
Wait until foreigners and your enemies are killing your country men and are on your doorst......Oh yeah, never mind you're just a cuck
You forgot about the part where he started singing like a canary to save his own hide.
>its one of the most painful ways to die
how the fuck would anyone know that