Is this, dare I say, our show?
Is this, dare I say, our show?
what the fuck
what show is this
I must know
The Jews did this
God damn kikes
Really rubbed my shekels
I knew you all were into this shit.
>no female nudity
You're the worst
Fucking Jews. I'm part jew though :(
You're the Worst is unironically a great show. They have writers that clearly browse Sup Forums.
that is the point where you slap a whore
goddamn this is hot as fuck
This should be a banner for Sup Forums
No it's not. How's your wife's son though?
lol the Jews aren't even trying to be subtle anymore
tiny bit hot maybe?
kek before cuck
now this is what i call art
It's always white men who have to watch white bitches get fucked by minorities
How does it make you white cucks feel, that shows and propaganda like this makes white girls dream about coloured men inside them?
This is our show
>It's always white men who have to watch white bitches get fucked by minorities
Yeah, that's literally what cuck porn is. Btw- cuckold porn is most popular in Britain. Somebody post the graph.
>when memes go too far
Remember Sup Forums, you did this
All Jews must leave.
top kek
>he doesn't suck the bull's semen out of his wife
fucking dropped
It's just Jewish tricks, mate. They wouldn't have to shove it in your face if it were actually true.
I'd be interested to see the last names of the writers and directors and producers of this show.
Sup Forums in a nutshell
It's satire, as a viewer you are supposed to laugh at the idea of cucking being normalized. And it's obviously based on Sup Forums culture, that episode is even named "inferior beta males".
Finding Bigfoot is reddit as fuck
Mountain Monsters is /ourshow/
Yep this is actually putting a boot in its ass. It doesn't help the Jews trying to push this nonsense at all.
>investigator named Bobo
seriously america?
Satire still lives? I just assumed liberals went full Poe's Law years ago.
They down with the shekels!
Stephen Falk is the creator. He worked as executive producer on Orange is the New Black, so I'm not so sure this is actually satire like some anons are saying.
If it isn't they jumped the shark so far it may as well be.
>Girl in the OP looked kind of hot
>She is actually fat
What trickery is this? She looked a LITTLE overweight, but as soon as that dress came off she is literally a hunk of bubblegum. What the fuck do they call this, is it some sort of angle they shot it in to make her look hot or is this some vaginal jew trickery I'm not aware of?
>Created by Stephen Falk
I'm sure it's a coincidence.
kek it
try self inserting as the qt maybe
Digits confirmed!
>What trickery is this? She looked a LITTLE overweight
Uh, what? She looks clearly fat to me.
They wear clothes to compliment their body type. Men do this with suits for example.
But the moment it comes off is when you realize you fucked up
Hitler was definitely on the right track. This is degenerate as it gets. As to the assholes that say this is not normalizing it you couldn't be more wrong. First they make you laugh at it, that lowers your defenses and plants the idea, then they slowly push it more and more. Eventually you see a bunch of bet cucks following their wives around doing shit for them while Tyrone rails them every night.