Reminder that Canadian's are Kek's chosen people
canadians r gay lol
>we arnt green nor amphibious
i dunno man
Fuck Canada
Kek loves us. dunno why. im ok with it tho
so funny, where did you get that humor from
We sure are :^)
We will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind us, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join us in the sun. In time, we will help them accomplish wonders.
ur flag literally has gay in it you nigger
Kek pities you.
fuck you buddy
>we've stolen so many gets from Sup Forums
I think it's mainly because kek blesses those that are despicable. When you're in a website of the most despicable, on the most despicable board of despicable people only the most despicable flag is seen.
And I've seen a lot of fucking shit being posted by Canadians. Fuck, if this is keks chosen dint expect a good time lmao.
Lately I've been feeling like the kek power has been wearing off. Maybe our time here is coming to a close. I almost always get 5's now instead. It's a super strange experience. Like flipping the same coin and always getting heads.
82 keeps coming up as well.
nuke us please
kek literally just took the white house
even a god can sleep, even a god can dream
And blessed