Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests ?
Because the alternative is voting for a party that thinks you're literally hitler
lol the two lowest income brackets went to Clinton and Trump won the rest. Conservatives actually work and want to pay less taxes you stupid nigger
if you are poor , maybe you are labor worker , maybe that new mexican wont take your job if you vote emperor trump , but its ok liberal burger you are just an idiot
>the economy is a zero sum game
when will this meme finally die
what the pic says
and this and the video
You did this.. .with all your anti-white anti-male anti-american bullshit.
Lol you all taught people that sexism was bad, so we stopped the sexist vote!
You should be proud of your handiwork and thank us!
funny, you could say the exact same thing to trumptards
That fucker has more stuff than 10 democrats combined.
I love it this is exactly why I vote conservative in the UK.
>aborshuns make Jesus cry
>dern democrats wanna confiscate muh guns!
That's literally it
Sorry Bernie didn't win
Democrats want to take from those who work for what they have, and give it to those who can work but simply don't want to. Being one of those who work, voting Democrat is against my own economic interest.
>Raise taxes
>Make taxes so complex that only the rich can hire expensive accounts
>Add loopholes such as carbon credits that only the super rich can take advantage of
>Tell the poor higher taxes is helping them
TRY to out invent a better way to fuck the poor than this tax policy
pro tip: you can't, faggot
Bonus if you convince people it's the republicans voting against their own interests.
Why do leftists vote against the future of their own people? Their own children?
Easy there to fucking stupid to see the people that are actually taking there jobs and money are the ones they elect cause they believe the bullshit those people feed them.
"America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves.
To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor,
even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more
estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters.
The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question:
'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from
the cash register. Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is
very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame
and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately,
than any other ruling class since, say Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass
of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves."
-Kurt Vonnegut
bs, and now you'll see and hear those opinions this idiot thinks everyone should listen to
>implying that people should have to depend on the govt for a handout
Are liberals eternally cucked? Do they wake up each morning anticipating prepping the bull for their wife?
I think the righteous right is determined to be poor and they'll fight everyone how is not
I just hope when they get old, they realize it
Because you libs come with a load of other issues. faggots worship. taxing the piss out of generational wealth.
Your nordic brand socialism works....in 97% white and employed Scandinavia.
Now lets see it with a bunch of inbred mudslimes in the mix that only want to Jihad and breed (more Jihad).
Where does this "democrats are good for the working people" meme even come from?
This hasn't been true during any of your lifetimes.
how old are you?
How is being taxed for the welfare of millions of non-whites and non-citizens in their economic interest?
How is being taxed for welfare for the rich and multinational corps in your economic interest?
you realize that white and male means that you're not a protected class and therefore don't qualify for the majority of government benefits
every chance the get, republicans will vote to give even more to the rich and then bitch about the great life the poor have
>every 3-4 years* a new study comes out and they realize they missed a whole bunch of stuff last time
Why do working class democrats vote against their own economic interests?
Fuck off Leaf, go fix your own cucked country.
Something like this:
Another Cucked Leaf... please go fix your shithole of a country first, then go lecture others.
Democrats haven't been a party for worker representation for at least a decade
I'd really like to, but we have to live by the rules the imf/us imposes on the rest of the world.
for now anyway
>democrats taking my money and spending it on things I don't approve of is in my own economic interest
yes goyim we're for the working class. open borders, higher taxes, and forcing you to buy healthcare is good for the working class
they're selfish pieces of shit
They probably care more about their country than their money.
>be a working class guy
>trump will lower your taxes
>hillary will raise them
>Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests.
We vote for our ideals, even if they go against our interests.
Just because I don't have nice shit doesn't mean I'm petty like a liberal, and think "no one" should have nice shit because I'm not personally well off.
Hey don't shit on real maple syrup, it's 10 times better than that Aunt Dindu corn syrup bullshit.
Just make sure it's from Vermont and not Leafistan.
republicans have their heads shoved so far up their asses that they think they can see everything
#1 Stop being a cuck
#2 Sup Forums is already swinging back to the left
Sup Forums has no ideology, we're contrarian its own sake.
I get donations as i'm related to a legitimate monarch, so a certain government wants to keep me down.
Worth it though.
Was World War III in my economic interest? Is an open boarders welfare state in my economic interesting?
Do you want to be an arms dealer?
>thinking election was about voting in one's economic interest
Same answer as it's always been: low-IQ, high testosterone. A fucking devastating combination.
We should start making fakes of these, like /k/ does with the Brady Campaign.
>#2 Sup Forums is already swinging back to the left
No, those are just newfags and shills
>Vote literal white nationalists into the whitehouse
Gee, I wonder why anyone would think such a thing?
C: Exterminate you worthless cucks.
Poor conservatives typically just want to be left alone. This is why they want guns, to be able to protect their own property instead of relying on police, and why they vote republican, to keep the government out of their life as much as possible.
Poor democrats just want to live in a perpetual welfare state and complain to the government about all their problems.
At least they aren't cucks.
You are cucks though. You can't get laid. That's why you threw this """"alt"""" right tantrum to begin with.
no you couldn't, we won decisively syrupnigger
The Democrats are the party of the welfare leech nigger baby mama. The working white does not benefit from higher corporate taxes nor does he benefit from negroid welfare and open borders.
>A massive influx of low cost labor is better for normie wages than having lower taxes.
These aren't the Democrats of the 1980s. These Democrats don't even pretend not to hate white people and the working class.
>That guy in the picture is from an anti gun lobby group advertisement paid for by Bloomberg to convince Democrat party fudds to support an antigun agenda
Know what you're posting dumb shits
I am my own person, you don't know what my interests are. Fuck off with your identity politics
>can't get laid
Bruv I need to keep my dynasty going alright.
Anyways who came up with the Alt-Right anyways. We're supposed to be Reactionaries.
Red herring Democrats take more money from corporate interest
Why do libtards continue to fail to see that their retarded identity politics aren't in ANYONE'S best interests, and are now the reason your party is dead because you chose to side with otherkin over the common working man?
Let me know when you faggots figure this one out, I know it's a challenge for the liberal pea brain to get this, but let's see you try to solve the puzzle here.
Lamest duck in the history of lame
Because voting for what is right is much better than voting for what gives me the most perks.
the vote was down on both sides from 2012
more on the left. you won by defult
>Anyways who came up with the Alt-Right anyways.
Richard Bertrand Spencer, silly newfag.
Well this Richard is a faggot alright. We should always stick with being Reactionaries. As we come from the great Reaction of the 20th Century.
Culture of cuckservative.
>the most perks.
Being flooded with Mudslimes and spics while paying for nigger welfare are not perks. Also lower class whites do not get to benefit from affirmative action.
Impossible to understand without retard reasoning power.
You have no idea where you are and what your'e doing. Lurk more.
I'm not even gonna respond to these lame ass trolls
Did you learn about fourchin from cnn? Go away smelly paki.
You're reacting to civilization because you're barbarians. I warned people about the germans decades ago. Nobody listened. "Everyone is a barbarian if you go back far enough in history," they said. They're not laughing now.
Yeah, because he's a republican. I'm glad we finally got the fucking kick in the ass we needed to get rid of all these fucking "leftwing" republicans like Obama and Hillary.
I'm here on Earth, and i'm getting rid of degenerate "alt-right" in favor for the Reactionaries. What're you doing sonnie?
Lurk more stupid.
I'm reacting to the left. Where have you been since 1914 bruv?
how is preventing brown people from taking my low pay job for even lower pay voting against my own economic interests?
Why can liberals never answer this?
I wouldn't care if the idiot was satisfied with being poor themselves, but they want everyone to be poor with them
you know what's gonna happen when trump doubles the debt again?
nothing, they won't notice that it's because of their stupid choices
And conservatives don't want any handouts
Doesn't your picture just taking away from yourself. Of course this would be assuming that you are using the photo to insult my intelligence.
But under Democrats, a working white would get free healthcare, more money for foodstamps and higher wages. What the FUCK is the downside?
>not knowing we just swirl in the new shit and pack it down
sounds like newfaggotry to me
I've been here since Sup Forums was 2 days old.
and Sup Forums long before that
because its outside their dogma and they REEEEEEE CHANGE THE SUBJECT YOU'RE A RACIST
Immigration and over all Liberalism.
Yeah, like I said. You're reacting to civilization. You hate muslims because you share so much in common with them. You want to return to beating your wives and openly having slaves. And don't give me that crocodile fucking tears bullshit that you don't. You still apologize for the south and spousal abusers like Steve Bannon. Don't bother going and fucking yourself. We're coming to fuck you.
>Worship the rich cunts who outsource jobs and fight to suppress wages and increase the cost of goods and services and expand their own paychecks
>Oh my god, it's clearly the brown people!
This is both why we say this and proof you're retarded.
I wouldn't care if the wingnut idiots were satisfied with being poor themselves, but they want everyone to be poor and stupid, just like them