christ fucks, how can god exist when there is so much fucked up shit in the world. there are kids born only to suffer from a fucked up genetic disease and die a few years later.
Just one question, then i'm done
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There is no good answer to this question
Why do you assume a god would be good?
Greetings edgelord! I am an angel sent from Heaven to help you!
The answer to user's question is that God did not make all the fucked up things in this world! He allowed man free will and we have created such evil.
And I ask you this question, without evil itself (children dying young, tragic car accidents, cancer) how do you define what "good" is?
this is the consequence of the sin, which entered our world by our acts.
Everybody suffers it's consecuences in both a physical and a psycological way.
As the Amish say gotts will.
It never says anywhere in the Bible that the world is a nice comfy place. Rather it states that Satan is the lord of this world, and that man is placed here to toil and suffer for Adams sin.All evil arises from the hearts of men, not from God.
WE are the ones fucking shit up, not god. and why would god take away the ability to have children?you question is selfish. we destroy things, kill people, kill animals, have wars, got terrorists, got a migrant crisis, there is violence....well these are all problems created by us. it's up to us to fix it as it is man made
I don't believe in a god that would allow niggers to exist.
Why bother to make us capable of sin?
You wouldn't read a book where there's no antagonist, where nothing happens, where everyone is happy and healthy and everything is candyland forever for everyone.
So why would you want to live a life where there's no struggle.
The struggle defines us and purifies us. The struggle is the crucible. Be thankful that it exists.
Freewill, you choose to pollute the earth with every filthy abomination you can muster. Then unironically blame God, really makes you think.
god is beyond comprehension probably. everything that happens inside our universe is simply natural
Cuz then it would be boring
Easy friend, remember the story of the Tower of Babel? The bible (old and new) does not condone multiculturalism.
Because blacks have a little bit different way of life then whites your faith in God is totally shaken?
How about this question for you, can a person who is semi-retarded believe in God? If you say yes then there is no reason blacks can't be saved just as the retarded fellow can. There is no intelligence requirement in order to ask for mercy from your creator.
So god is some neckbeard watching us for entertainment? No wonder Americans like him so much.
In essence, humanity is its own biggest problem. See all the fucked up shit happening everywhere? Who's doing it? People. God gives us free will because without it, we would be nothing more than glorified robots who always do what is right. Doing the right thing means nothing unless you have the choice to do the wrong thing. If you give money to the poor, you will be seen as a good person. If you are forced to give money to the poor through, say, taxes and welfare, you're not necessarily seen as a good person. Without evil there can be no good.
If God intervened to stop all forms of evil, you would question whether a "good" divinity would take away your precious freedom. If only the worst forms of evil were stopped, you would complain about God's criteria, because yours is probably so much better than his (even though He has always existed, he created you, etc.). So, basically, haters gonna hate and /thread
If god is so smart why doesn't he launch a nuclear bomb into hell
Keep in mind different denominations will have different views on this. But consider that if man did not have the choice to choose between right and wrong how could he really be considered good? Can there be light without darkness, male without female, or good without evil?
Not a religious person but a "creator" doesn't need to have any morality to exist, dumb poster.
man the retards are out in force tonight
>make toy
>give toy free will and tell it to be good now ya hear?
>Reeeeee like an autist when toy fucks up
>how can god exist when there is so much fucked up shit in the world
Because in the future humanity perfects medicine and time travel allowing them to create heaven and bring all those who died back to life.
the good thing about an all powerful god is you can excuse any shit you want, here watch
the babies are just going to heaven sooner, god works in mysterious ways
If they're retarded then they don't consciously know what they are asking for when they pray for forgiveness. They're just enacting a pantomime, which begs more questions:
Are they inherently forgiven because of poo brain? Why make them go through the motions? Can I pretend to be retarded and get a "get out of hell free" card?
>implying you wouldnt do the same if you were God
I know I would
>make child
>child has free will and tell it to be good now ya hear?
>Reeeeee like an autist when child fucks up
There are only feedback loops.
Everything attempts to be circular, to loop back to itself.
The heartbeat.
Your breathing.
The expansion and contraction of the universe.
It all circles home, including our birth.
You don't give your child free will it already has it built in.
>we created genetic diseases
>make toy
>give toy free will and warn it not to walk of the edge of the table
>toy walks off the edge of the table and breaks on the floor
>other toys reeeee and blame you for not padding the floor to prevent toys that choose to walk off the edge of the table from breaking
I was one of those babies born only to suffer and take painkillers mixed with NSAID's on a regular basis like candies thx to rheumatoid arthritis and on top of that developed a bunch of related diseases over the years since i was 7 years old.
It's a miracle I can walk let alone not stayed as a midget like most people with the same thing as me so im very grateful I can shitpost everyday like a normal person user.
>I haven't read the Old Testament
We weren't "given" free will, we were created in God's image and born with the same will he has, the same way a child is born in the image of its parents.
No they dont. Some people are born wealthy and spend a life of debauchery doing whatever they want to whoever they want and die rich and happy after a long life of not caring about anything.
>Can I pretend to be retarded and get a "get out of hell free" card?
I don't understand. Do you think you need to do good deeds (be a good person) in order to get to Heaven? That's not how it works, you need to believe in Jesus Christ and ask for his mercy. Your FAITH is what saves you, not your "perception" of how good you are.
>Mark 10 KJV
17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
evil must be fully revealed and allowed to reach its most terrible eventualities so all of the beings begot by the almighty will have no doubt whatsoever as to the absolute necessity of God's horrific annihilation of every last one of his children who choose the great and nightmarish dragon over their father.
>Humans created genetic diseases
>Humans created natural disasters
>Humans created resource scarcity (the cause of most war)
>inb4 Eve at an apple so that is why all of humanity must suffer forever
Why blame God for his failings when you can instead become better than him?
those arent loops
those are oscillations
wave like patterns
proceeding along continuums, always moving further from their origin, never back to it
You clearly haven't read the Bible and you don't grasp the basic concepts of Christianity. Man is not considered a mere toy, but an image bearer of the lord, hence possessing an immortal soul. What kind of God would not be upset at his creation that he made in his own image consciously violating his precepts and engaging in evil? If you really want to understand these concepts you need to read the Bible, because its obvious how ill informed you are. And you should also stop and contemplate why am I consciously rejecting the triune God of the universe?
>suffer forever
be serious
likewise, be serious
So you admit god is fallible and makes wrong decisions?
When you breath in and out, it never reaches its initial resting point from origin?
>We weren't "given" free will,
>we were created in God's image and born with the same will he has,
same desires, not same will
> the same way a child is born in the image of its parents.
true metaphorically
major similarities of mind, not of body and power
Literally zero proof of the afterlife.
Where is the proofs?
>What kind of God would not be upset at his creation that he made in his own image consciously violating his precepts and engaging in evil?
Genesis 6:7
And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
That still doesn't address if a retarded adult can even have faith. I know you'll tell me "oh you don't give them enough credit," but I work with them, they really are just barely sentient. You can make them do every ritual and say every word, but you're just making them go through the motions.
It's really a plot hole that regularly goes unaddressed
no, the continuum of time makes sure it does not
the states of the system that repeat do so over time
it is not a loop, certainly not a feedback loop
a microphone cascade scream-shriek is a feedback loop
God needed them back in heaven early.
I am being serious. If you believe God has failed in some way, then shouldn't you attempt to rectify that failing? And in doing so, do you not become better than God?
proof is impossible
true absolute undeniable incontrovertible proof cannot exist
you must choose without "proof"
Did you read my whole post? I'll go slower and explain it better -
How do we KNOW what good is? What defines goodness? How do we know it when we see it?
Because evil. Evil gives us the definition of good and allows us the CONTRAST of it. Understand?
I'm not claiming natural disasters are the result of original sin. I'm saying that is the way God set up this world so that we may understand his glory. To make an even deeper point -
Evil glorifies God, because God is the very essence of goodness.
So you admit there's a God?
Do you believe time itself is not a loop?
here is the crux of your entire assertion:
Exactly. Your point?
non falsifiable
putting effort into such a discourse as that is as vain as "which super hero would win in a fight"
Your conception of god is flawed.
Or, there is no god.
Consider matter itself, neither created nor destroyed, immutable in a sense, play-things of loops.
The burden of proof is on you my friend.
>implying there's a omnipotent space wizard in the sky
>It's really a plot hole that regularly goes unaddressed
Read your bible, you think just because the world isn't cut and dry that there is no God?
>Two world wars
>Nuclear weapons
why would god give a shit about humans after all that?
We aren't and weren't given anything, we were created in his image, mind body and soul as a package deal, no one thing without the other, including free will.
if you, in your mind, put yourself above the almighty, you have chosen death
not just "being dead" but the "2nd death" of the bible
get the fuck out with your religious pap smear
God hates it when you do evil and would never bring evil himself...
>1 Kings 14:10
>Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel, and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh away dung, till it be all gone.
God didn't exist to serve. God existed to be served.
I don't know why anyone would think that the numero uno reason for god not existing would be because bad things happen. Dude wasn't a fucking genie in a bottle. You don't rub the bible and make a wish.
head over to 8 ch /christian/
to answer your question quickly: why is there evil, if god is almighty?
two things:
he allows free will and
christianity follows a linear timeline, and god will give his judgment in perfect justice as the eschaton of all history.
all suffering is temporary: his judgment will be eternally just.
god suffered for you: remember that when you scorn.
I'm not asserting anything to you, I already have my faith, you're the one with something to prove.
we were given life & the power of choice
a power much more profound and great than almost everyone ever imagines
It is falsifiable if you can escape time.
We know we can manipulate time with time dilation.
We theorize we can travel thousands of years into the future by merely orbiting a black hole...
What stretch of imagination is it to exclude time itself as a variable?
there is no "/rel/"
therefore, Sup Forums is also religion
>god suffered for you
Was he worried he might die?
god be with you all
And? He saw that evil (specifically murder) was rampant in Noah's day because of the lack of the death penalty, and rightfully eradicated the reprobate of the Earth. After Noah and his family were safe the death penalty was given to man to stop the unchecked spread of lawless evil, and the rainbow given as a covenant with man, not to destroy all of humanity with water ever again.
If matter strictly obeys physical laws. How can free win exist? If matter doesn't obey physical laws, and instead is commanded by mental phenomena, then those mental phenomena still obey a sort of logical laws of change and development with one leading into the next. If there are no laws governing mental activity, or mental activity is free from laws to an extent, then it is fully or partially random, and thus not under "control". Even if there is a soul/spirit/etc. "free will" is a non-concept.
the burden of proof is and always will be on those who claim god exists
i bear this burden proudly
god is dead thou
/literally/ committed suicide.
Humans act, humans can change. In that way, we are above the almighty.
If your God is truly all powerful, then what threat can ambitious humans pose to him?
Have you considered you might be a retard?
Why are we conflating the meaning of "good" in Christianity? It means to follow your nature, your essence or your form, not anything else. God's goodness is not measured by some external standard because he's good by implication of his definition as the single necessary being whose essence is existence itself. To classify catastrophes as good or bad is meaningless in this context. You christians should know better.
he knew he would die: and he did it anyway
and he knew you didn't deserve it...
and he did it anyway
seriously...JESUS is the answer to this age old atheist question over the mystery of evil
hint: understand what really happened on the cross
>we created evil
Evil is not something 'created'. Evil is the absence of goodness. You actually have it confused; you can define good without evil but not evil without good. If you could not define or have good without evil then you couldn't have God as a creator of all things.
>head over to 8 ch /christian/
I'd warn anyone that takes this advice, /christian/ is very heavily Catholic, which is constantly bending doctrine to fit the Pope's globalist nonsense.
>free win
free will*
There are no such thing as choices.
You would have never contemplated these things you are typing unless the connected series of events waterfalled to this eventuality.
Everything dominoes and pushes. Sooner you realize this, sooner you see the strings.
>1 post by this ID
sage sage sage
How do you know when something is obeying physical laws? How do you define the physical laws? How do you know when they're not?
If you have never seen something disobey the physical laws then how would you know to recognize it?
>It is falsifiable if you can escape time.
but that endeavor itself is also non-falsifiable
>What stretch of imagination is it to exclude time itself as a variable?
and.... again, another non-falsifiable
time dilation is testable, and even proven
your "extensions" are not testable even in any plausible non-psuedoscience/quack theory of any known physics
>he knew he would die: and he did it anyway because he knew he could rez himself
google "Theodicy"
Fuck that I want to live a life where I fuck bitches and play games all day.
We are talking about the act of bending, and eventually escaping time.
Escaping time = falsifying.