This is why he's not my president, fuck Trump and fuck all you racist white people
This is why he's not my president, fuck Trump and fuck all you racist white people
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Kill yourself nigger. Your leftists have been cheering the death of white people for decades and you want us to come to your aid when some "literally who," tier asshole says a few choice words?
why did donald trump hitler salute himself what an asshole!
oh it was some random guys no one cares about
Lol triggered?
Now you can feel how it feels faggot
If you're not racist then I have no problems with you, if you are then die in a fire
Why do you have an issue with nationalism? Do you not care about your country? Nationalism amounts to Patriotism and smaller federal govt. But you want the gib me dat plan where you get welfare , free cheese , foodstamps and want to live in that cycle forever? Do you have any idea that Nationalism is GREAT, look what it did for Germany. Stronger Economy,Stronger National Identity. Trump's going to make it so blacks can run their own businesses in their own cities, something the democrats would never want to see, WHY? Because helping you motherfuckers help the economy as a whole and makes it #MAGA. Now get on the TRAIN or get the FUCK out of the country.
I'm an undocumented person, not black
Go fuck yourself mouth breeder
Found the nigger.
Then kill yourself, you fucking savage.
Bernie Sanders lost, go fuck yourself
> No enemies on the Right
No enemies on the Right
> No enemies on the Right
No enemies on the Right
> No enemies on the Right
No enemies on the Right
> No enemies on the Right
No enemies on the Right
> No enemies on the Right
No enemies on the Right
> No enemies on the Right
No enemies on the Right
Jews shouldnt have pushed anti white racism for a decade in all forms of media and academia.
time to go back lul
This is my land
You dont prosper in a community that wont let you feed off of it like vermin. That is why you hate so deeply. Because you'll have to apply yourself
Go back to the jungle nigger, we don't fucking need you.
People are so fucking naive.
No one who hates trump (and there are a fucking lot of them) would ever go to a place like this and do a NAZI salute.
That would never happen.
Not ever.
No leftists mind is sick enough to do that.
I'm sure of it.
>my land
Pick one and ONLY one.
When I read/watch something like this, I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
I need this nationalism in my country.
Thanks for allowing this to happen, if it wasn't for savages like you, the Western world would still be blind.
If you think this random faggot is more racist for saying "heil trump," than Noel Ignatiev is for saying "whiteness is cancer and whites should be exterminated," then you're a buttfucking genocidal leftist turd who needs to be drawn and quartered.
This is cool and all, but will Trump talk about this Richard Spencer guy though? Seriously guys this is just embarrassing, and I say that as a former alt-righter. I can't be apart of this movement when these guys are making this movement look like a complete joke.
I don't even know who that is, I don't want to genocide white people
Did you heared about the word?
The Word about Bob"KKK"Byrd?
The people that saluted are retards, and so are the people that can't grasp that this will alienate a lot of people from the right wing. The KKK, and people that are just like them, don't win elections, you fucking morons.
go fuck yourself you need to fuck right off back to lebbit
He's not your President yet but he soon will be.
I don't know who this dude is either. So I have no comment. Unless you're willing to condemn anti-whites I'm not going to bother condemning whoever this guy is.
Hillary is NO ONE's President.
Fuck your black pathers and your racist AL Jackson.
He's a DNC plant made to look like the "alt right" which is really just reactionary American groups disillusioned by the state of the country.
This spencer whatever his name has done NOTHING for Trump. He's just another David Duke
t. Someone who has followed Trump presidency to the end
Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that you're a leftist. Not even right wingers like Nazis. THIS: DOESN'T: LOOK: GOOD:
i love watching the media fucking freakout look at the tweets by Tim heideicker and other jewllywood elites
this is fucking funny and it will help the alt-right grow even stronger his comments about jews are even funnier
As much as I don't like anyone trying to co-opt our memes to push their politics, I'm OK with the cucks and faggots crying and knowing that their cancer was the reason for the return of nazism
HE isn't your president, he's your president elect :)
>The people that saluted are retards
no thay where paid to do it
Yet more Clinton plants to steer up you liberals
>commies can commie
>niggers can nig
>third worldists can nig
>ethno-nationlist can't hail their victory
tbqh famiglia I'm activating my almonds
I bet that ebil nazis are Daniel Lombroso and Yoni Appelbaum themselves.
He is your president, tho.
>Raising hands to be called upon, in a group, is racist now
Neck yourself. Immediately.
Literally everyone is racist. Even if its subconscious, people always judge people by race
Why do you think that embracing Nazism will help us at this point?
>Fuck white people
>Fuck racists
Choose one.
You can't fuck both. You only have one dick. Unless you're a feminist. Then I'm sure you have a bowl of them somewhere.
Kek what a bunch of faggots
>This is why he's not my president, fuck Trump and fuck all you racist white people
Okay, so it's totally valid in return that I say FUCK HILLARY FUCK LIBERALS FUCK YOU RETARDED LEFTISTS due to the faggots in your party who are antifa scum who need to be shot in the face for their actions. Same with your self-hating whites who I believe need to kill themselves immediately if they want to make the world a better place. As well as the "Die cis scum!" perpetual-gender-identity-crisis retards who don't understand that they came from the same "cis scum" they loathe. And many more of you retarded cunts who aren't worth the oxygen you use.
If you agree to my statement, I'll let yours slide. Fair enough?
This really charged charged my neurons.
You do realize that its only the right that is made to distance themselves from their more radical elements right? When do you hear a leftist saying "oh no I renounce those commies/black nationalists/anarchists"?
You play right into their hands by further dividing the right and wanting to be respected by an entire group of people who have nothing but contempt for you and your values.
Get documented problem solved.
Otherwise move back to your own country.
if he's not your president it's your time to go back
OP how many levels of irony are you on mate?
>tfw 4th reich
fuck you too shitskin lover :-)
Come on and just start the civil war already so we can get this over with
Major keks
Take your "racisim" and shove it up your own ignorant ass.
How the hell did morons like you ever get the idea that "racism" is the ultimate crime against humanity, yet at the same time assume that your own brand of "racism" (i.e. hatred of whites and hope for their demise) somehow places you on a higher moral plane?
Oh. That's right... it's because you're morons.
Check your black privilege, nigger.
Awesome video (besides the fat fuck, that was totally disgusting). There is nothing libshits can do about this except cry for 4 glorious years.
Heil OP, you are now a product of the white nationalists.