>Big oil company decides to build a pipeline through your lake (which is against the law)
>Peacefully protest against it
>Get tear gassed, shot with rubber bullets and hosed down in cold weather
Explain yourself Americans
>Big oil company decides to build a pipeline through your lake (which is against the law)
>Peacefully protest against it
>Get tear gassed, shot with rubber bullets and hosed down in cold weather
Explain yourself Americans
>Peacefully protest
you mean like the "peaceful" anti-trump protests?
Looks like they're in t-shirts. Can't be that cold.
Looks like your normal every day baptism OP. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Not sure why the media isn't covering this shit more.
>your lake
>Oil company builds pipeline over private property
>Protesters show up and whine "muh water"
>doesn't know that won't even still be their water source next year
>reservation leaders could have came to a committee hearing months ago and asked to have it rerouted
>didn't show up and literally cancelled other meetings
>company says fuck it, starts building
>People who are easily influenced by facebook memes show up and protest a literal non-problem
>Americans forget they don't have a constitutional right to protest on privately owned property
>Protests turn violent
Maybe if you would have informed yourself instead of going 100% armchair activist this shit wouldn't have happened
Because the protesters shouldn't even fucking be there
Educate yourself
that river ain't private you fag
Let's use "meme magic" to help out the protesters
Do you understand how watersheds work? If that pipe bursts everyone gets fucked.
natives have nothing to do so when a chance to be considered relevant again pops up they hop on it hard so they can say * we still exist look at us! look!!! *
hows that cum taste you faggot coward bootlicking fuck
Land of the free.
Do you have anyway to disprove what I'm saying or are you just gonna call me names all day for actually learning about what's happening instead of appealing to emotion
>peacefully protest
t. Bundy Ranch
guess they should have attended the consultations hahaha
chief chugalug wanted his wampum but he wouldnt smokum peace pipe so now only firewater
>peacefully protest
>>Big oil company decides to build a pipeline through your lake (which is against the law)
You do realize the pipeline isn't on fucking native territory to dumb fuck leaf. Its on private property hence why they are allowed to build the pipeline in the first place. So lets your story by removing the fire water from it
>Big oil company decides to build a pipeline instead of paying rail companies to transport product
>Rail companies don't like said lost of revenue
>Pays idiots to protest
>Idiots trespass on private land attempting to disrupt and damage valuable equipment
>Get fucked by the guards
>Cry why the guards are so mean
How is it not
It's a mile north of their reservation. The land simply does not belong to them. Please look at the picture I posted.
>your lake
uninformed faggot
Fuck off leftover CTR shill. Why would anyone want to stop hippie bashing?
I'm not actually familiar with the familiars of this case, but are they actually relevant? From what I've observed, the left protest against pretty much everything oil companies do...
Obviously Pocahontas hasn't gotten involved yet.
Fuck you
>(which is against the law)
lol. its federal land. they can do what they want with it, including those pipes already running under it. OP is a fucking idiot who reads too much fake MSM news
The land not only doesn't belong to those red nigger skunks, but it has zero historical value.
Ignore the other rudeposters, this user is correct.
wow you are retarded.
The pipeline is never crosses and piece of the standing rock indian reservation. It's not on the property. It goes underneath the bedrock below a river about 1 mile or 2 from the reservation.
It's all on private property. They did not confiscate land to build this pipeline. They talked to all landowners who either sold them land or allowed them to use their land for a fee.
It's 3.5 times less likely to spill than with the current method of rail transport. This is the environmentally friendly solution aside from just getting rid of oil, which we can't do for a long time.
This is such a manufactured movement, it's sickening how many of my liberal and normie friends have latched onto it.
Another reasonable and informed refutation
these people dont give a fuck about the pipeline, if they heard the news story about it being built without any kind of negative opinion alonside it they wouldnt give it a second thought
all they want is to protest and be beaten down by the police, they are getting what they want
>implying natives are not scum who should be treated as such
You disappoint me.
>It's 3.5 times less likely to spill than with the current method of rail transport.
remember the big train wreck that spilled a fuckload of oil?
lmao the fucking rail companies are paying the natives to protest the pipeline, because they lose money if it's built
natives don't give a fuck, it's not even their property and the company building it has full legality in the matter
keep on swallowing those blue pills faggots, you love to hate the identity politics bullshit and pretend said hate is 'red-pilled'
>All the faggots in this thread
go drink more fire water, sitting bull
>your lake
And that's where you're wrong.
Pipeline does not cross tribal land at any point.
Literally their ONLY legitimate complaint is that they are downstream from the pipeline.
The odds of the pipeline breaking right there are astronomically low.
Where we're really fucked is when the next tanker ship breaks apart and kills a big section of coastline and fishing areas. No pipelines = lots more tanker ships.
hahahahahahaa who cares?
>Explain yourself Americans
Nothing you said is true.
Fumigation and a bath.
They became people that day.
>make thread being obviously wrong on the subject so everyone responds with the obviously correct stance
>1 post by this i.d
Nothing to explain leafcuck
the peasants need to move the fuck outa the way for the pipeline
Its being built near their water supply. Its pretty hazardous to have a pipeline that could leak at any moment poison you
You act like oil companies haven't done a shit ton of immoral and illegal shit in the past
Kek, do you you wish to help the standing rock protesters?
hahaha shills in full force hahahaha btfo like the dirty protesters
the entirety of america is covered in oil pipelines, including much more important water sources,with little to no incident. the alternative are tankers and trains which are much more prone to accidents
>private land
>hundreds of rivers, lakes, estuaries, etc. are crossed every day by oil trains
>rate of failure for trains is 4-17x more often than pipelines
>asked natives to contribute in discussions
>natives refused to
>natives claimed burial grounds
>natives claimed heritage lands
>natives claimed land up river is theirs
>company changes where the pipeline is
>ensure natives get 0 payout
>protests ensue
To add
>389 Cultural Survey meetings held for the public by the USACE.
>180 filings were made by environmental, and civic groups in three states.
>9 meetings between Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SRST) and USACE.
>2 comments are filed with the USACE by SRST (01-08-16 and 03-23-16).
>7 meetings proposed by USACE to adress the 2 comments by SRST.
>0 meetings attended by Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
In the years leading up to construction, the USACE, DA LLC, and the State Historical Society gave them opportunity to voice any concern they had. They didn't get involved. They didn't do anything until they saw bulldozers.
how about a bridge over the river where the pipeline goes over the river? our founding fathers are fucking spinning if this is the nation's most intellectually provocative discussion on the issue
While I would oppose building a pipeline through a private lake, the fact that you went full CNN (you did) makes me happy they got hosed
>private property
>muh boots
You seem to be confused
That won't be their water source next year. It's being changed so it literally doesnt matter
If their goal of protesting is to get the oil company to allow more third party analysis of the pipe to inspect its quality being up to standard- that would be reasonable.
And that has already been done.
So here comes the tear gas if you keep protesting. Feels good man. Trump being president means no pity from up top either. Feels so good man.
Use renewable energy
Op posted twice though.
spineless shill
Kek, do you want to stop or disrupt Fracking and or tar sand mining?
if a pipeline is under a river bed, a leak will not likely damage it all thanks to gravity. building it OVER a river however could cause some problems.
in any case a cleanup would be quick and only really a problem for where the water ends up, since its a running fucking river.
You no lookum. Great Spirit make oath on sweetgrass that paleface leave water to moon possum or give heap big wampum at gamble tipi
Hippies being mad. They can suck it.
Play dumb fucking games win really stupid prizes. Don't come to the meetings, start saying "hurrr durrrr burial ground", and then throw hissy fit?
Disappointed we don't have a wolf brigade to deal with these hippies yet.
but then the liberals can at least sleep easy that it's not in the lake
I like how not one single user has disputed anything I said with any kind of factual information, and has just called me names and told me to fuck off for telling the truth.
Real fucking intelligent you gullible fuckwits
You shabby nigger canadian liberal snow nigger tundra monkeys can suck my rancid cock. I'm sure you're fine with trains derailing and spilling oil everywhere. Fuck You. Moose molesting igloo dwelling gay beast. When you're not guzzling listerine, you're ripping copper from the walls abandoned Canadian hovels, to pay for your meth habit. I hope you stone worshiping savages one day go extinct, so we don't have to put up with your smell any more.
Please explain what kind of watersheds you mean, and how they work
idiots don't operate using facts and logic. they will try to use emotions to sway their arguments, but that doesn't work on the internet at all. in real life you at least get a pity nod
Lmfao. Are you retarded? I mean really, do you have down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome?
Oh wait. It's leftism.
is that like a cuckshed?
Utility Right of Way is a helluva drug
Tbh im ready for river of tears part 2 electric boogaloo
doesn't even matter. there are pipelines through basically every important watershed in the USA already.
Honestly if they were armed like the Bundy Ranch people they'd be treated with MUCH more respect.
Stupid leftists.
>Oil leak contaminants the lake
>Kills off many wildlife that could be used as food
>Its okay bois, the oil companies bought this land
Keep this up and most of your rural areas will be contaminated and hazardous
>Your lake
Nope, it's on private land and not on the reservation. They had plenty of time for input and thorough archaeological surveys were done confirming that this is not sacred land. Blah blah blah, everything is sacred and we have a "right" to fuck up anything we want. Sick the hounds on the fucking squatters.
God I hate uninformed fucking liberals so much.
Just fucking kill yourselves.
If you look on jewtube at the tyt videos on this subject it is moron after moron writing dumb uninformed messages about "muh evil government"
fucking die you people won't spend 10 minutes researching, you'd rather bitch online to feel like some faggot hippie hero, die or cry
>oil leak killing off all nature
I love this meme
where did her chin go?
>muh racism
Realz over feelz
>most of your rural areas
yeah because we have oil pipelines criss crossing all over our country, fuck you can't go anywhere outside without tripping over a pipeline.
Oil company bought it, you're about as stupid as the Italian foreign exchange student I fingered behind a Dennys last week.
>Italian master race
It's nice to see how much this protest is scaring the Koch Shills.
people are about 100+ years too late to be complaining about oil pipelines
Just another day in Obama's America
>Honestly if they were armed like the Bundy Ranch people they'd be treated with MUCH more respect.
>Stupid leftists.
Define respect; Lavoy Finnecum got shot to death and Pete Santilli is universally despised
Oil is from the environment.
he was murdered in cold blood and the officer who did it made sure to pick up his shell casings before forensics arrived.
Subduing instead of exterminating all the natives was a huge mistake.
This user is 100% correct.
>ignore there's already an existing pipeline there
Really now.
The Indians sit around all day long collecting the government checks they receive for simply being born Indian yet they still have the nerve to cause trouble.
Just firebomb the reservation and be done with them.
A pound of flesh, no more, no less.
they already have some oil infrastructure running through their land they get paid huge bucks for too.
I don't know about that but I know he got shot for being an armed protester, whilst the unarmed Indians are only getting non lethal tactics used against them.