Is there a better representation of Sup Forums than Richard Spencer?
Is there a better representation of Sup Forums than Richard Spencer?
Fuck of antifa fags
Brianna Wu.
Who the fuck is this
F off soros shill
How about this faggot?
Pretending like anyone here gives 2 fucks about him here doesn't make it true.
Perhaps not.
He looks a retarded faggot desu. Can't say much else because i've never really heard of him. Seems like he was elected by the msm.
Richard Who???
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that importing millions of Australian aboriginals into any first world country would have a negative effect on that culture, in proportion to the number of immigrants. Why should it be any different for Somalians or Ethiopians?
Race determines various different kinds of intelligence, temperament, facial structure, height, even hair and eye colour. Since culture is the free association of human beings in a civic society, it follows logically that these character traits have a huge impact on the development of a culture.
Liberals assume that countries such as Mexico and Ethiopia are awful places to live not because of personal shortcomings, but because of of poverty.
Is it just a coincidence that white societies tend to have stable governments, strong communities, and successful economies, or is it something more? Could it possibly be the outcome of thousands of years of natural selection?
It's all well and good to repeat the slogan "Treat everyone as individuals". Of course there are outliers in every racial demographic, but when speaking about large groups of distinct ethnic groups with distinct characteristics it makes sense to think in terms of aggregates.
Whites should think very carefully about the kind of world they want their children and grandchildren to grow up in. When whites are a minority in their own countries, will the mantra of diversity be extolled so graciously? Will ethnic minorities treat us with the same dignity and respect when they are in the majority?
Political correctness works when minorities aggregate together in a vanguard way. It doesn't work when majorities fall and stagger into minority status and then look around for allies when they realise they are in the minority.
So stop calling white nationalists racist. White nationalism isn't about unfairness and inequity. It's about who can set the standard and tone for the cultural domination of a civic space.
Controlled opposition.
He's chosen by (((them)))
They should have just stuck with Pepe
Profiteer; same as cernovich
Both Jewish btw
literally the cunt that's been shilling the alt-right label all around
Even he doesn't recognize being the leader of alt-right.
Is this copy pasta of this faggot? If so give me milo anyday
nah, he's too well read and accomplished and distances himself from shit youngins get involved with and find core, compromising being true to the sentiments they espouse
Sup Forums is essence serves as the noise for actual doers to get shit done, useful idiots
Fuck off with these Jew agitprop threads. Fucking CTR/JIDF in overdrive tonight boys :DDD
he is cool but the supporters of his in the audience throwing up roman salutes are total autistic faggots hurting our entire cause
we get it, you like hitler. You should also get that although the "alt-right" and "trump" want the same things that you want, throwing up roman salutes never looks good in any scope of media outside your own
this is what happens when these faggots listen to TRS faggot radio (fash the nation is cool, but fuck the rest of that cancerous garbage, especially the "daily shoah")
what the fuck is this bullshit?
who keeps shoving this fuckstain all over Sup Forums as if he was worth more than a stale fart?
Never even fucking heard of him until NPR started advertising him. He's controlled opposition.
What the fuck is an antifa and why do I keep seing it?
And can we please stop pretending that we're alt-right? We're trolls, trolling each other. That's what Sup Forums is for. Almost nothing on this board is serious.
What the fuck is that thing?
The nu male king?
Is he a wizard?
That guy in the brown pill gif?
I see you are pretending to be nu-pol
bad bait
He looks of subhuman latick definitely not Sup Forums
Sage all one-posts.
He claims to have dated asian girls. Multiple asian girls.
Yeah, my money's on wizard.
Antifa: abbreviation of Anti-fascist.
Sage this nigger