1 in 5
Women are raped everyday in the united states of America. Women are an oppressed class, and Sup Forums needs to fight for their rights.
Sup Forums needs to accept this
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where's your sources
20% sounds like a high number
>20% of women get raped every day
I was just going to say
no one cares. kill yourself OP
There is literally nothing wrong with raping women
More men get raped if we count prison rapes.
>20% of women are raped daily in the US
Not high enough number desu
>Not saging
we did already.. MAGA
they're get sent the fuck back in a few months
6 in 5 women are raped every day in Ethiopia.
"build a wall" = Mason
and the funny thing is Trump is supported by alex jones, but trump is the one turning the country into a FEMA camp. it is so beautiful in its irony.
>1 in 5
that is a lie. It's a clickbait lie. That clickbait statistic has been debunked even by your favorite liberal news media of choice
In all states of the US, (www.rainn.org) rape is the sexual penetration by force, coercion or incapacitation (unconscious, retardation, etc)
A stolen kiss, a grope at a party, drunken regret sex? not rape.
You lie, and not only do you lie, but you do it poorly.
nice source faggot. is this based on an university poll?
literally looking at a women can be classified as rape you fucking male chauvanist rapist hetero capitalist macho sexist mysognistic scum
The statistic is that 1 in 5 women are raped at some point in their lives, and it's also complete bullshit
They're not counting stare rape yet?
> 5 out of 7
Low quality bait.
Fuck off
whoever's counting should add one more because this guy went in dry on OP
Fucking shitlord trying to minimize the subjective experiences of strong womyn of color rapesogyny victims.
Studies prove that 5 in 1 women are raped every second and go unreported.
Fake and gay.
The rapist in OP's pic is white.
You're right but at the same time, coming from you, it's like a vomiting alcoholic saying that Hitler was too strict.
I don't rape. Not my problem.
Women have enough rights.
They can own guns to use to protect themselves.
Stay armed and quit being afraid of everything.
Or you need to accept that rape is normal and not as big a deal as you've been told. Haven't you noticed that a minimal rape society is an exception to the rule?
This can't be real, I don't believe this! Are 4 out of 5 American women really deprived of hot daily dicking? This injustice can not stand, I know we can easily get it to 3 out of 5 without even having to touch the fatties.
98% of rapes are done by niggers, the other 2% or done by jews
therefore, it logically follows that in order to fight for the women, we must shoot at and kill all of the niggers and the jews
good, glad that you agree with us, OP
Boo Hoo, I was born with a Vag, the whole world hates me.