>She is seriously being considered for Trump's cabinet
Is she our girl Sup Forums? She is a progressive but is pro gun and anti-refugee/islam.
>She is seriously being considered for Trump's cabinet
Is she our girl Sup Forums? She is a progressive but is pro gun and anti-refugee/islam.
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He's going to use people like her to take the piss out of the Bernie movement for next election.
I'd want to grab her pussy
>Is she our girl Sup Forums? She is a progressive
No. The only thing I've got for progressives are free helicopter rides.
I hope she gets picked. She's one of the few good Democrats left.
>No, she isnt. Do you even news?
> She is a progressive but is pro gun and anti-refugee/islam.
well then she is not a progressive dumbfuck
well she's not being considered for a position where she would have any power to grab guns or institute affirmative action, she's being considered for a position where she could team up with based Assad and barbecue terrorists.
so as far as SoS Tulsi is concerned, yes I'd say she's /ourgirl/
>she's a progressive, just not a progressive
Fuck off. They get nothing.
Yes, yes, 1000 times yes. She is full nat soc, in terms of policy she is pretty much a nazi only she hates mudslimes instead of Jews. The left is just dumb as fuck and are totally blind to it since, being unable to remove the concept from it's association with nazis and their presoncoved notions of them, they don't understand what the fuck national socialism actually means and because she is a young, ethnic, hindu, woman. She is also cool with Russia, Gabbard is based AF.
That high level of a position goes to a campaign loyalist. More likely she is offered to head up the VA.
based polynesian
fuck off with this bitch, this shit is proof we still have a normie/ctr problem
shes an aweful candidate for so many reasons
>She is seriously being considered for Trump's cabinet
Research done in your ass?
Wait now we are holding her in awe?
These gabbard threads are a leftypol raid. They've been banging on about this pocked faced idiot since the election in a desperate attempt to turn the page.
She's not in consideration for any position anywhere in the Trump administration.
she's got ties to anti-muslim indian organizations, and a possibly a hare krishna cult via family members, she's 100 % redpilled on mudslimes
anti-interventionist, military veteran, miniority democrat, anti-muslim? a sec state nomination would blow everybody the fuck out. seems pretty smart too, and of course a qt3.14.
1. ?
2. ?
She looks good to me. Predicted the Assad syria shitshow in 2015.
>She is a progressive but is pro gun and anti-refugee/islam.
So, in other words, she's not a progressive. Isn't it amazing how american political whores just abuse the everliving shit out of the english language?
Hamilton should be Secretary of the Treasury
Hamilton is a man of color
tulsi is an old fashioned real liberal who actually stands for principles which is why everyone hates her, except for bannon apparently. she fucking rules.
>this isnt houw you greentext. are you a newfag?
She's a moderate Democrat that knows the Iraq War was bullshit and she refused to sell out and back Shillary. She's alright with me.
>names 0 reasons
Yeah, because we should rely on a wifebeater to tell us about real virtue.
It's amazing how civilized and fair Wolf Blitzer can be in an interview when he's speaking with a nonwhite woman with a D next to her name.
I like her ideas, but is she really qualified as far dealing with other countries?
4 dimensional chess. she's the only credible candidate democrats can put out in 2020. makes sense to include her into administration; if you won't turn her into an ally you'll at least alienate her from the rest of her party
Good thing that opinion has nothing to do with foreign policy
you mean she's.....both nationalist AND socialist?
who/what are you even talking about?
rly makes me think
except not really, because Shitler banned guns
It truly is a 4D chess move. Trump is baiting the DNC to play the woman card again and trot out Pocahontas instead of a competent woman.
Bolton and Hillary are very qualified but they are enemies of a free society.
I want her to be Secretary of State. I also want her to be my brown waifu.
Why don't you do even a cursory investigation of the pieces of shit you're lionizing.
You don't send a practicing Hindu to represent your interests in Middle Eastern states you absolute dipshit.
Would she even make it past Senate as SOS appointee?
>4D chess
>The fag right thinks "I was only pretending to be retarded" is an argument now
>You don't send a practicing Hindu to represent your interests in Middle Eastern states you absolute dipshit.
Her religion makes her more likely to distrust Muslims. Make her Secretary of State.
No sane person trusts Muslims. That's not the point. The point is that the Muslims need to have some modicum of trust for the Secretary of State, or they won't even agree to meet with her. They've pretty much learned what they can expect from whites. Gabbard is a bright red, but admittedly hot, flag.
US policy is not and will never be dictated by the prejudices of muslims, real or imagined.
Well now you're just being retarded.
Look, I'd sleep easier at night if that entire section of the earth was glassed tomorrow. The point is not 'pandering' to the will of the Islamic hordes. It's whether or not you can get their leaders to sit down at a table with you. If you cannot accomplish this, then you are at an immense strategic disadvantage right out of the gate because all diplomacy is taken off the table.
Gabbard is a retarded SecState pick.
She seems like a straight shooter....
I believe this twitter post.
Tulsi not going to be in the cabinet
progressivism - using the power of big government to force society to fit the contortions of the latest trending popsci theories - is never acceptable. just because she favours some of your values right now means nothing in the long run. her ideology will always consolidate power to the federal government and away from you.
>he thinks being progressive is the same as being a democrat
This guy gets it
Trump is a progressive Republican.
Like Teddy
she doesn't want to ban guns... just restrict them... and restrict ammo...
but not BAN them! lol. that would be crazy!
Would be great if he could turn a few senators from the Dems as well
51-49 is a close margin, if they can squeeze a few Dems then it's game over
Yeah, guns are a constitutional right and everyone should be able to have them even criminals and children.
While we are at it private citizens should be able to have RPGs, tanks and chemical weapons because that is what the founding fathers intended.
biological weapons too, fuck the UN
How is that based? That's far from pro-gun
Obligatory reminder that if you don't own at least two nuclear warheads you're a gigantic pussy.
Well who do you think he should pick?
I'd smash desu
>comparing 30rd mags and "high powerful military assault weapons" to chemical agents, explosives and heavy armor
Jim Webb if he still wants the party crossover thing. Gingrich if he doesn't.
I'd go surfing with her, if the pacific ocean wasn't radioactive as shit from fukushima that is.
this is not a typical Berniefag
The thought of a new Teddy is exciting. If he plays his cards right, he really can win over the vast majority of the country and make America great again!
> not owning at least one full nuclear triad
> fucking scrubs
If he wants moonbases, yes
> johnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmaddenjohnmadden
Second that!
>Free helicopter rides
Does anybody have that Hillary pepe where "Drumpf" supporters are being thrown out of a helicopter?
This is the best timeline.
>Gabby Tulpa
is she pacific islander or poo in loo?
>Trump is a progressive Republican.
yes... for proponents of limited government (like me) it's a major drawback. hillary is/was also a progressive. progressives come in all flavors but the one thing they all share is the love of a big, powerful government.
>Like Teddy
>As President, he pushed executive powers to new limits, arguing that the rise of industrial capitalism had rendered limited government obsolete.
her dad was 1/2 samoan, 1/2 white iirc
If she gets SoS or something, then she's going to be groomed as Trump's successor. Just imagine this scenario, let it play in your head.
Tulsi Gabbard becomes Secretary of State and for 8, or god forbid 4, years our foreign policy situation looks much better: no more bellicose overtures towards Russia, instead working with them to deal with ISIS leading to a weakened Islamic State and more stabilized Syria. Maybe even make some attempts at helping to stabilize Libya too. All in all, a very successful tenure.
During that time, the right/left dichotomy loses meaning vs. the new nationalist/globalist normal. Tulsi Gabbard, fresh off of a successful tenure as SoS, runs for President and wins.
And watching it all is the withered husk of Hillary Clinton. She has to watch as someone who took a vaguely similar path not only does her job better than her but goes down in the history books as the first female President. She rages, now more of a pathetic flailing as her failing body can barely even get the words out. But she hangs on just long enough to watch Gabbard take the oath of office whereupon she finally keels over, raging in the knowledge as she's dragged to eternal damnation in Hell, that she will be remembered only as a footnote; as a failure.
I find her more attractive when she airbrushes the holes out of her cheeks.
>got fired for supporting Bernie instead of Hillary
>Bernie turns around and supports Hillary
If I was her I would be so fucking pissed. I have a feeling she secretly voted for trump.
>She is seriously being considered for Trump's cabinet
there's no citation for that. she had just drafted a bill to stop the syrian conflict, which trump is in favor of. her letter she posted about meeting clearly says she asked for no job and trump didn't offer one
You are right, bro.
Jim Webb?
muhnigga has the vision
No, she willingly stepped down from a position in the DNC to support Bernie. The DNC repaid her by cutting her off from campaign funding.
Also, she 100% voted Trump. Her not jumping on the bandwagon of a bunch of her Dem comrades to sign a letter decrying Bannon proves it to me.
Observe 'em digits.
did some democrats call her an islamophobe for meeting with trump? is there a quote somewhere for that?
I know you think you are joking but I personally would give anything for america to allow all of those. I think we should have a mandatory pistol law.
>She is a progressive but is pro gun and anti-refugee/islam.
so not a progressive
Absolutely top tier - would make a great Democratic presidential candidate. Trump is pretty clever reaching out to her, could get the shitlibs to hate on her (already they are throwing a hissy fit on twitter, calling her an Islamophobe, normalising 'racist' Trump etc), thus potentially neutralise her as a future rival by harming her standing with the Democrats if she is seen as being too close to Trump.
I don't see this as a bad thing
Season 2 when
Actually, she resigned from the DNC due to seeing how the nomination was rigged for hillary and she supported bernie as the nominee unwaveringly, more unwaveringly than bernie himself who conceded the rigged nomination to the hildabeast. Granted, it's not like he wasn't coerced 7 ways from sunday to do so in a shitty attempt for shitlary to court the bernouts (which backfired tremendously in Trump, Johnson, and Jill's favors), but still.
remember when Trump said "It's called the Republican Party, not the Conservative Party"? well it goes both ways. It's called the Democratic Party, not the Liberal Progressive Party
I know the r/politics crowd is and going over every other "impurity" she has (supposed tights to anti-muslim Hindu groups, pro-gun, poor LGBT record before going into congress, dating a Republican at one time, etc.) and given that it's CTR central you can expect to see those start coming up in the next few days on Cuck News Network, Fox Jews, HuffGoy, (((Vox))), etc.
You armchair politicians are shit, a Bernie fuse with trump is natsoc. You cuc ks are just scared of seeing a Democrat get power. It's a long game u faggots
its like they want her to join the other side
>dating a republican is on the same level as the rest
What the fuck?
>private citizens should be able to have RPGs, tanks
you ARE allowed to own those, dumbass. You have to jump through the hoops and pay a lot of money, but those are 100% legal. Just another libtard who doesn't know jack shit about the issues he wants to legislate
She's also anti-"moderate" rebels.