The shit-eating girls at Goldman Sachs who value effort over talent are literally capable of less than you lot are. You guys could easily do the shit those goldman girls do and you could do it better than they do. Anybody who pretends that effort matters more than natural ability is inferior tier prostitute material.
Goldman Sacks:
What dept/group are you in op?
Implying this 3rd rate company is worthy anything.
Hedge funds are where it's at OP. Put your talent to good use and join a High-Risk hedge fund.
If you think the average Sup Forums poster has anything resembling "natural ability" then you haven't been paying much attention.
Im in consulting and i invest myself.
Id be more into doing that if i didnt have to cold-call and kiss the ring
What's your Uni Education?
In my experience, GSfags are pretty smart and effective desu
A pretty good one. Even though college is worthless. Youre adult iq is fully determined by the time you are 12
It pisses me off competing against chicks, who get preferential treatment, in recruiting when they don't have technical knowledge and aren't in it for the long haul. These girls want to play Wall St career girl for a few years then find their rainmaker Ivy League husband so they can retire to stay at home mom status in Fairfield county. Meanwhile all the guys who get screwed over in recruiting by girls who aren't in it for the long run still have to provide for a family one day and are deprived of better career opportunities by girls who do not.
I heard a story about how the upper mgmt scheduled a speaker at 2pm for the interns and associates to attend and upper mgmt had the speaker actually scheduled for 8 pm and anybody who didnt wait the 6 hours was fired. I cant even convey how inferior these people at gs are. Like God probly doesnt even know they exist.
That or they became ball-busting careerist cat ladies that make everyone around them miserable when they're 30-40 and childless
What's your uni education in?
What do you do at GS? I heard UBS is better.
>Full Disclosure: I have an internship at UBS next summer. Unifag here. Finance
You clearly have no fucking clue how the finance industry works. Back to
Probably fake. Sounds more like Enron. Enron was fucking savage when it comes to this kind of shit and discipline.
> In the thick of bonus season
> Getting outcompeted by female colleagues
> Grousing on anonymous chat board rather than putting in extra hours
Maybe your time is better spent thinking about business principles 6-8?
Enlighten me. Of course there are girls who are all-stars and genuinely deserve to be where they are and move up the IB/PE/M7 path but there are plenty who don't.
If they told them to stay as part of work duty then they better fucking stay.
If I tell my employees to stay overtime and they just say fuckoff and leave you bet your ass they're getting fired.
Kek'd. Sounds apocryphal, but its a good story.
pls, kek, a plague (or minor inconvenience) upon the poster identified as 04A0JZ1/
Fuck that noise I wish I could get an internship there. My School is only top 50 not Ivy Might end up trading in houston. To be IB in FO is the dream here or a botique like Houlihan Lokey
What firm?
Get into finance, Hedge Funds and Investment Banking. it's all given out by Merit. If your portfolio does well, you will get a big fat bonus, if it doesn't you're fucking out.
It doesn't matter what you have in between your legs. All that matter for them is Numbers.
kill yourselves, what a joke of a career
Goldman values conformity, given the level of criminality. it is a fucking important trait for them
Go do your construction work, you fucking pleb. Banking rakes in Hundreds of Thousands a year, you moron.
>Thinking Investment Banking has anything to do with trading stocks and managing a portfolio
>Claiming to know a lot about finance
Nice try. Hedge funds are a different story but I'm talking about IB/PE at the junior levels which has nothing to do with public markets investing or managing a P&L. Your performance can't be quantified.
Lol no. You have to be mentally retarded to think the people working at Goldman Sachs aren't smarter than you in every single regard.
t. Manhattan Jew Yorker
>You have to be mentally retarded to think the people working at Goldman Sachs aren't smarter than you in every single regard.
Wait, who was responsible for the 2008 Financial Crisis, again?
Cool story bro. There's about a billion general contractors raking in hundreds of thousands a year. And they don't have to live in a 500 sf apartment and ride a fucking subway to work ;^)
I had a classmate in college whose parent worked in GS. Dumbass nigress always said the Goldman Sachs part loud as fuck.
Yeah, my parents work AT GOLDMAN SACHS!!!!!!?
probably shit tier back office fags dont feel jealous. I know someone whos mom has been in a VP position for like 12 years lol
>Youre adult iq is fully determined by the time you are 12
Nigga youve been having too much cocaine today.
Get those TPS reports ready and stop menstruating.
>America still would have been much wealthier than Emuland
>Thanks to the financial giants in NYC
>"On all levels except actual, Wall Street will self-regulate"
>[economy collapses]
>Almost do Great Depression 2: Electric Boogaloo
>NYC is still the financial capital of the world
It's only fair that we handicap ourselves to give the rest of the world a glimpse of hope.
uh oh hicklib detected
Im putting in time at NYL in PE.
Is GS the move if I can jockey my way in?
I may have an in with the PE division there but I hear theyll work me to death and spit mr out with no exit options
Curious about is there a way to backdoor your way into being trained by institutions on their secrets of market marking?
>Anyone with pride in their homeland is a hick
>You guys could easily do the shit those goldman girls do and you could do it better than they do.
Gimme a ref and a position and I'm there brah
t. Non-finance graduate
>tfw didn't major in accounting