Trump BTFO.
Trump BTFO
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Good. That's a stupid. unconstitutional position.
>The entire democratic party couldn't fight Trump combined, but on NYC mayor can do it!
If Trump wants the mudscum on a register, they're getting registered.
They'd still lose. All the Jews in New York combined cannot hope to stop Trump.
That's not a stumbling block, just another brick for The Wall.
Hilariously enough, he could just combine some basic machine learning with the NSA's treasure trove of information to make a muslim database.
No one needs to register, they'll just be added automatically.
Why did NYC get such a cuck as mayor? I didn't agree with everything Giuliani and Bloomberg did but they at least had positives, De Blasio is just pure shit.
>mfw NYPD doesn't care what De Blasio says because they all hate his guts and removes illegals anyway
>all these niggas shook before he's even in office
Maybe they can fuck off along with California.
They've already said they're not doing a database so all he's doing is blowing himself off.
I'm getting so tired of these major cities.
I hope Trump smacks them really hard over sanctuary cities. They really need to be taught a harsh lesson.
>suing the president of the United States
Hope they enjoy their pakastani muslim rape gangs.
De Blasio is a smarmy faggot.
And Manhattan floated out to sea
Is a muslim registry even one of trump's policies? I thought that was something rato wanted to do
>implying we all arent on lists
Does NYC even have an illegal problem? I swear all the Hispanics around here are Puerto Rican.
>Manhattan floating
I like this leaf
Good thing he won't do that and he never even suggested it.
Trump has never supported the idea of a muslim registry.
This man is a blight on society. When is his term up? I'm already sick of his daily hissy fits.
Oh wow some pussy wants to sue the man with over 4000 active lawsuits against him. Top kek.
If you can show me a direct quote of him saying he'd start a Muslim registry I'll send you $100 to your paypal.
New Yorkers should sue De Blasio for using 8 million of our tax dollars for his legal team. Show how corrupt this piece of shit is. I don't think I know anybody who likes this fucking cocksucker.
>NSA already has us on list
Trump is much better off just piggybacking the surveillance state already in place and just not publicly announcing it.
We crossed that bridge a long time ago. I don't see you fucking cucks pardoning Snowden.
I can't remember which interview but he basically said that we should keep track of the muslims in our country
whether it be registry or armbands idk, either way they would sue
I would take the train out to Brooklyn and build the fucking bridge to New Jersey everyday until it's finished for free if this was the case.
I don't remember Trump ever mentioning it. I remember MSM saying he mentioned it, but that means nothing. AFAIK he just said heavy vetting of incoming "refugees". I would already hope to god there's some database somewhere of every incoming immigrant, no matter their origin.
When the fuck did he ever say he's putting Muslims on a register? He said that he wants to get more stringent vetting systems for migrants from troubled regions like Syria and the Middle East in general. Holy fuck how can they actually just make things up?
Also you fucking retard why don't you fight against the NSA spying on your own god damn constituents? Oh wait lol you don't give a shit because that gives you more power too. Go rot in hell with the rest of NYC please.
>tries to show solidarity with mudslimes
>sikh in background
He said it right here you fucking mongoloid:
Wrong, never happened. I know the "interview" you're talking about because Rush played it on his radio show when people were accusing him of wanting a database of all muslims.
Some reporter in passing (nothing formal whatsoever) asked him multiple questions and part of this string of questions was a database, Trump answered with a single remark that wasn't directed at anything the guy even said, and thus, for that very short while, all the leftwing media shills were using it as propaganda. Once the hype died down and people started linking to the full comment and question, it was never used again.
Hence why I said I'll send anyone $100 to anyone that can show me a direct quote. I already know my $100 is safe, because the quote doesn't exist, hell, he has never even alluded to such a registry.
sanctuary cities like this should be cut off from ALL state and federal aid or funding, they should be treated like independent city states, as though they were foreign nations. checkpoints and passports are a must.
starve these fuckers into submission.
That act alone would save NY, you dont even need to total the city just remove fucking Manhattan.
What a shitshow
The Snowden leaks effectively confirm they can make a mudslime registry already.
Trump will win that lawsuit because he literally doesn't know how to lose.
>can't read
makes sense
idc about your 100$ lmao
he said we should keep a close eye on them
want to argue implications?
Wrong, dipshit, actually read and listen to how he was asked. Trump responded with the same answer relating to refugees and other muslims immigrating/visiting from foreign regions.
But go ahead, I'll give you the same offer, give me a direct quote from Trump saying he'd demand muslim citizens enter into a database.
Ohhhhh, wait... he never said that... you'd think you would have something new than hit pieces and remakes made in passing out of almost 2 years.
Weak cuck faggot.
Try reading all of the image in the OP and not just the headline.
One issue: you can't stump the Trump
Piece of shit mayor
>made it legal to piss in streets
>put in fines and jail time if you use wrong pronouns
>suggested ban for residential indoor smoking
>banned criminal background check if you're looking to hire
>told son not to trust cops
Fuck everything about him.
Kansas couldn't be further from the ocean.
A religion based DB is dumb, but nothing wrong with noting when people come from Islamic or terror prone regions. Immigration DB basically already does that. A news story today was about a Yemini immigrant (who has a US green card) trying to join ISIS. He fought along them in syria then came back and planned a Times Square attack.
Straight up dumbass you foreign fuck; his remarks have always been in relation to foreigners/refugees/immigrants, not citizens.
This entire story fell on its face weeks after because guess what? Some shit tier reporter asking Trump a loaded question that didn't imply anything specific doesn't lend your argument any legitimacy.
I'll say it a second time so you get it through your thick/empty skull, his remarks have always been in relation to non-citizens.
Don't forget making it illegal for bartenders to refuse pregnant women drinks. This guy is a piece of shit. Can't wait for his sudden heart attack or house burning down for defying Trump.
It's OK when Obama blocks iraq refuge requests
We'll just have to amend the constitution then.
Man, he sounds like a real fucking stand up guy.
And by that, I mean worse than the mayors of LA and San Fran.
Trump said a data base for immigrants from high risk areas, he has never once said "a database for Muslims"
The media likes to kick shit up because they are buttblasted faggots.
>Trump responded. "I want a database for the refugees that -- if they come into the country. We have no idea who these people are. When the Syrian refugees are going to start pouring into this country, we don't know if they're ISIS, we don't know if it's a Trojan horse. And I definitely want a database and other checks and balances. We want to go with watchlists. We want to go with databases. And we have no choice."
He's bullshitting. Registrations are not against the constitution. Nowhere, not even in amendments, is it forbidden to have one. The closest it comes to breaking is the 1st, but it does not prevent religious practice, so it doesn't break anything.
>implying they don't already have them in a database
>>put in fines and jail time if you use wrong pronouns
>>suggested ban for residential indoor smoking
How in the fuck?
Fuck that lazy asshole De Blasio , he hasn't done shit except waste time and money.
Nyc arab/Hispanic here. I hate the Jew fuck mayor. He is a blight on this city along with all those out of state Midwestern born hipsters
>yfw the National Guard makes them do it anyway
Hey, if all of our fucking degenerates are putting themselves in one of 2 states, I'll take it. Midwest belongs to the Conservatives.
Don't get me wrong some of these out of staters are cool and gard working... it just the beta males you guys keep sending here that drives me crazy
They're too shitty to make it out here, so they go to where they'll be accepted.
Not enough minorities for them out here.
The reason theyre doing this is so that they get to claim "we stopped hitler" when nothing happens
I bet De Blasio is a communist. I just know he is. He is so absolutely salty that Trump actually contributed to the betterment of New York by building it up in its most trying contemporary era, while Bill does literally nothing except go to mosques.