What does Sup Forums think of Mormons?
Mormon General
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Very conservative. Great Americans.
Shame they are going to hell. They are not Christians. They are badly deceived. They believe there is more than one God. They believe that they can someday become just like the God of our universe.
They believe things about God, Christ, and Salvation that directly contradict scripture.
Not allowed. Not Christian.
They're ok, I guess.
They aren't Christians. It's like a less shitty version of Islam
Full Heresy tier.
Nice guys.
Not Christian.
As a White I hate Joseph Smith and Brigham Young for deceiving tons of White people into believing this crap.
I feel sorry for mormons and see their religion as a ripoff of Freemasonry.
Batshit crazy religion but probably the saviors of the white race in America.
so they're great people in almost every respect but not great enough because they don't worship an ugly jew?
really ripens my apple
>you cannot defend their sick ideology
Truth is the greatest good. Because they deny the Truth, they can never be truly good or right. They deny the fulfillment of their nature as intellective beings.
Mormons are odd, but they're okay.
Insanity self-worship cult.
Gas, rinse, and repeat.
They keep trying to love bomb me back into the church. In other words, annoying.
>I know the very nature of reality and you don't
Religious people are the most arrogant cunts ever shat into existence.
Why are they not christian? They believe in the godhead and as far as I was aware thats all you needed?
The arguments made in the Aristotelian-Thomistic school of thought remain nearly unchallenged to this day.
Of all religions, none are better supported by metaphysics and reason than Christianity. And outside the scope of religion, the only people who deny the Christian case are those who believe such things as "nothing is really real".
So no, it isn't arrogance. You just have literally no idea what you're talking about, and maybe in 15 years or so you can come back and try this post again.
Top kek
They changed my Uncle and cousins.
I must go to Utah and bring them back.
>people who believe the world was flooded, evolution isn't real, and a lich who walked on water is going to bring people back from the dead
>unchallenged to this day
>day 1 atheism
>unsubstantiated sarcasm
You're even worse off than aussiebro. I'll give you 20 years and then we'll meet again on Sup Forums to have this discussion.
One hopes you learn and grow during that time.
>everything i don't like is a strawman
You're worse than fedoras
Your mom has some godhead if you know what I'm sayin'
19 years 364 days 23 hours until you have learned enough to try again, lad
Enjoy paying your 10% to a corporation
they think the US is the promised land and holy. They believe in self sufficiency, self determination, and a religious mandate to arm themselves.
10/10. Im not mormon, but they make damn fine neighbors, as long as they full LDS mode.
If you arent mormon you arent christian
That wasn't an argument either, by the way. I'd worry about actual theological questions first, if you don't even know what Christians have to say about those.
Joseph Smith was a textbook cult leader and a child predator, just like Muhammad.
Mormonism is unique in that every one of its claims can be scientifically proven false. There were no ancient cities in the americas, no Iron Age weapons, therefore no ancient battles, no chariots (the native Americans didn't even invent the wheel, they had no carts), there were no horses in the americas, Israelites are nowhere to be found in the DNA record. Joseph Smith literally made it all up.
Hi Sup Forums
Whites obviously had cities dumbass
Everyone but me gotta learn
like all religions it was started by a conman but this one was recent enough that we have solid evidence
Good people and all that but they got pretty fucking shifty with us this last cycle.
They really can't get over the Romney loss and its kinda annoying to see exclusivity in our party or culture.
mormons are christians ,they follow the 10 commandments of god and jesus is the son of god who rose from the dead? congratz you are christian , if it was not for the other ridiculous claims i would probably be mormon because in every poll they are most the most based when it comes to christianity
aquinas was an autist who built an entire philosophy around his imaginary friend
I don't know if you felt like this argument "scaled" per se, but perhaps you'd be surprised to hear that there are a lot of extant documents providing supporting historical evidence for Judeo-Christian claims.
It is in light of the incredible multi-layered detail and degree of this cohesion that you can begin to recognize that the things for which we do not have empirical proof of (e.g. the resurrection) might just be true as well.
If you actually believe Christianity was created as a con, you have clearly never taken the time to ask yourself why or even how it was accomplished. It had no reason to be as successful as it was other than by the simple fact that it was true.
And unsurprisingly, he did a lot better of a job logically defending his position than you have done in your two shitposts thusfar.
I was raised Mormon. I hate my family to some extent
Offspring-expanded religion that *could* have expanded rather brilliantly before the information age, but with the current progressive meme virus, it is fairly susceptible to loss of children. Mormons are stupid for not realizing that simply allowing polygamy has a dysgenic effect (as shown by the collapse of the formerly intellectual Arab world), and destroys society by pitting males of the tribe against each other (by design) rather than having them work together.
When were you diagnosed with Asperger's?
>What does Sup Forums think of Mormons?
You do know mormons* haven't practiced polygamy in over a century right?
*The LDS branch that has over 15 million, excluding the few thousand FLDS that the church excommunicates
Fuck I'm retarded. The CoLDS denounced polygamy in 1890.
Reported for being Jewish.
I dated a Mormon in high school.
Cult-like them and their church. Lots of SRA and domestic violence.
Modern day Gnostics. Anyone that says otherwise is ignorant.
Ye are gods
>someone wrote it down 2000 years ago
>it must be true! Nevermind the misinterpretation of a dead language or the simple possibility that he pulled the story out his medieval ass
they do not consider Jesus as Lord God.
Really? Please tell me more. I must have missed this in sunday school
They make lots of White babies, I'll give them that.
Oh wow you don't know what you are talking about. Poor little guy.
Amen brotha
LDS is more of a new Christianity, to replace the last one. John changed a lot of things and wanted a new Jerusalem called Zion, where he would rule and return as a prophet once again.
Also Satan and Jesus are brothers.
First post the best post.
They're alright.
>Would you like to know about our Lord Jesus?
>No thanks.
>Ok, have a nice day then.
Mormons are qts.
I've been fucking this qt freshman who comes from a mormon family, she's obviously lapsed though since we drink, get high, and have premarital sex a few times a week. She does have a ton of crazy stories, like her sister who's waiting to marry her boyfriend because he hasn't fully resolved his "masturbation addiction." Dude actually confesses every time he faps, and he can't stop himself while she's away on her mission trip. It's nuts to me that faith could make somebody that honest, to the point that something this easy to conceal becomes a major source of stress because they feel compelled to confess. Miss me with that shit, and bring me more qt Mormon virgins to defile.
Jesus has eternally existed as God.
He is not some spirit child of a man who became a god.
Jesus is and always was and will be God.
Mormons are the best of us. 100% conservative, great people. I don't care what you believe, if it makes you such a good person that almost nothing in the world could get you to hate your fellow man, its valuable to society.
the book of Abraham is the biggest lie
If you don't marry her I'm going to come to you and murder you for your treason against humanity.
I think not!
you are fucking retarded and that is not at all true
t. actual mormon
Well, Jesus being the son of God is entirely different than considering him to be Lord God.
We believe in both, and literally, not just in name.
checked and kek'd.
Lol she is even less into the idea of an "actual relationship" than I am. We just smoke and fuck and hang out, and I tutor her sometimes. It's college, anyone with a brain is focusing on their career, which means they could go anywhere once they graduate. If you're tied down to a partner you both need to find jobs in the same place, or one of you is just a parasite. So neither of us really expects this to be long-term, it's just nice to have someone to fuck instead of going to degenerate parties every weekend.
Jesus either was or was not created by Father God.
Mormonism said he is a created being.
this is blasphemy
If you don't marry her I'm going to come to you and murder you for your treason against humanity.
So you are saying Jesus wasn't the son of God the Father? And you say my religion preaches blasphemy?
There's a special place in hell for shitbags like you. I hope her father finds out what you've done to his daughter then puts you down like the animal you are.
The only conservative Christian group there is
What I did to her? She's the one that super liked me on Tinder. What harm am I doing here, exactly?
Can confirm.
t. born mormon
>So you are saying Jesus wasn't the son of God the Father?
You are putting words in my mouth. I'm not arguing that. Jesus is not a created being like Mormonism teaches.
>And you say my religion preaches blasphemy?
Dude, imagine how cathartic that nut is tho. It's more than just physical edging, it's metaphysical and ethical edging. Each ejaculation must feel like being baptized in holy water laced with LSD.
I like the mormon boys gay porn but why do they all have mutilated cocks?
If God the father did not create his Son, then he isn't his Son. Maybe that works if you think Son is just a title because he gain a body of flesh and blood, or just a title be he's subservient and close to God he's like an adoptive father. I don't know how else you can say he is his Son.
We have a strong judeo-centric culture, sadly. My sons won't be mutilated though (thanks Sup Forums)
Because they don't tolerate or accept his degeneracy
How does it feel being a Mormon Trump supporter? I know a lot of Mormons went against him.
When they come around to convert people I always explain to them why they are heretics and not really Christian.
They're closer to Scientology than Christianity.
Christian Science would be closer to Scientology than Mormonism. Mormonism is more like Islam but hasn't done anywhere near the same amount of damage.
>If God the father did not create his Son, then he isn't his Son. Maybe that works if you think Son is just a title because he gain a body of flesh and blood, or just a title be he's subservient and close to God he's like an adoptive father. I don't know how else you can say he is his Son.
You are thinking in human terms: in sexuality and genetics. This is how human sons are made. Sonship is much more than this.
God says that the unsaved are sons of the devil. Does this mean Satan had sex and Satan is our dad?
The gospel of John makes it quite clear Jesus is and was an eternal being.
>We have a strong judeo-centric culture, sadly. My sons won't be mutilated though
mine either....but they won't look like their father :^(
>in be4 muh mutilated dick
Feels fantastic. Yeah a bunch voted for egg mcmuffin, but I knew Trump was the best. My brother and I followed him all the way from the first republican primary debate. Mormons can easily be turned off by perceived intolerance and immorality (pussygate probably hurt him the most among mormons). Utah mormons are their own breed in their own bubble, so maybe that's why I'm different.
What are you doing on Sup Forums during this late hour? Also how would you ever explain to Mormon normies what Sup Forums is?
>God says that the unsaved are sons of the devil. Does this mean Satan had sex and Satan is our dad?
Okay, that's a pretty strong argument. I take back that Sonship requires creation, but I still reject the notion that a created being cannot be considered as Lord God. Even if we do say he was created by the father, we still consider him to be the Lord.
>but they won't look like their father
Same. Why don't people read acts?
Great people
It's 11 pm. I don't have work until 9 am.
>Also how would you ever explain to Mormon normies what Sup Forums is?
I wouldn't, unless they directly asked me. I mostly stay on blue boards (Sup Forums most of the time), but pol doesn't have nsfw stuff on it a lot.
If I was to describe it, I'd probably relate it to something they know, like reddit. Say it has it's good and bad parts, doesn't have usernames or censorship so free speech is abundant. People don't have filters, but that allows people to truly speak their mind.
>>God says that the unsaved are sons of the devil. Does this mean Satan had sex and Satan is our dad?
>Okay, that's a pretty strong argument. I take back that Sonship requires creation, but I still reject the notion that a created being cannot be considered as Lord God. Even if we do say he was created by the father, we still consider him to be the Lord.
Here is your problem. You have a made up Jesus. The real Jesus of the Bible according to the Bible was not created.
Remeber in the garden how Satan tempted eve? The serpent said that she could become like God. This is the same temptation that Mormonism offers humanity.
Hey, Mormon friends.
I've always wanted to join the Church, but I'm a tranny.
I know Heavenly Father still loves me. But it makes me sad sometimes. You ever think the church will accept us transgender people in the near future?
All the books are a lie. Here's Mormonism in a nutshull:
> You have to pay us 10% of your income
> You have to work for us for 1 year, a rite of passage between high school and college, recruiting more people to get them to pay us 10%
> can't smoke, drink alcohol, tea or coffee
cross dressing is sticky forbidden in the Bible
You realize that Muslims and Jews had long debates about whether or not they should stone Christians for being polytheistic right?
Not only are they more consistent in their doctrine than Christianity is, but Christians are at best soft monotheist.
I'm not sure if that's the temptation of Mormonism. We generally don't like to talk about it, and most people are opposed to the idea than "tempted" by it.
>Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
I believe the entire concept of the family unit here on earth reflects that of in heaven and God's plan
>The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: (17) And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
I'm not super learned in the scriptures (one of my many sins), but I believe this is the higher purpose for God's children. Rather than just returning home to praise him forever by words, his children grow up and praise him by actions.
Sorry no. The family unit and traditional marriage is the essence and core of LDS belief. If you were to strip away everything but the bare minimum of the church it would be the saving ordinance of the sacrament, and the sealing ordinance of families. The immorality of the LGBT community and it's destruction of traditional marriage and gender roles will never be accepted. I'm not straight, but if for some reason LGBT is accepted... It would truly make me question my faith in the LDS church, and probably break it.
So I have to go to the Episcopalians? :c
Why can't I just be a qt mormon girl?
Have you prayed to know what god wants you to do?