Australia's suicide rate hits decade-high

>The number of people taking their own lives has reached a decade-high in Australia.

>Suicide is the leading cause of premature deaths in Australia, the latest statistics show.

>The suicide rate increased to 12 deaths per 100,000 people in 2014, the highest recorded in the past 10 years.

Behind the shitposting is everlasting sorrow. Think about the pain he's going through the next time you call out an Aussie.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The number of NSW teenagers taking their own lives has jumped to its highest point in 19 years

>Children from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds continue to be more at risk of death, with their mortality rate 2.3 times higher than non-indigenous children.

>Suicide is the leading cause of premature deaths in Australia
I thought it was when the Emu warlords came down to Brisbane for another sacrifice.

The emu's are killing themselves too.

A practice in which one takes their own life away?

sad desu. how do we help our upside down friends? don't do it aussies.

By getting the media and government to stop referring to White Australians as "non-indigenous."

Why do you guys try to drink your own piss?

>12 per 100,000

You think that's a number worth crying over?

Redpill yourself.

It's as high as 27 per 100,000 for males. Women water down the numbers.

Forgot pic

Middle age crises, eh?

Shitposting doesn't take the pain away much. I think that Australians, in a broad sense, are just fed up. No one can just up and start a family due to the housing bubble and the LNP is still shilling for the mining companies. I think we're all just tired.

I still fucking love this place but sometimes the hopelessness is a bit much

Just hang on Aussies. Trump will let the good ones in. We need you guys to help in the meme wars.

I feel you man. I just keep getting this quiet, consistent doubt about my future despite all the wonderful things this place has. I think that I might be a bit jaded. Despite it all, I wouldn't trade it for much.

hang in there you sick cunts

How many of you are employed?

I will.

I (personally) am employed. There's been a semi-recent rise in youth unemployment that hasn't helped the clenched fists and air of quiet desperation.

Shitpost day and night

An aussie sets his thought free

But never his heart


Australian teens are hopeless romantics and kill themselves over a girl.

Beautiful country. Ugly people.

We're getting gooked to the shit house in Sydney but then when you go out everyone acts like they're all cosmopolitan and above it and shit.

I give up. I don't get it. Australians like to think they're these anti authoritarian strong men but they're not. I just want Trump to give us a big knock out punch and we wake up.

It's not just you Aussies either. Most white countries have high suicide rates especially white men. I have to admit it's not been physiologically easy for me either.

I tried killing myself few years back, the attempt fucked my kidneys up for life.

Weird thing is, its actually shitposting on here, mixed in with some decent conversation which I feel has helped me most recover.

Sadly, Leftist Statists want to genuinely shut forums like this down.

I think we're way more about keeping up appearances rather than actual actions as well. It feels like we're just biding our time for something that won't even happen.

Make Australia great again, you cunts. Don't let the spiders win. Mad Max never gave up. Neither should you.

Suicidal thoughts for about 2 year. I fell for the antidepressant meme so now I'm suicidal and hyper aggressive.

Anyone want to shoot up a school with me?

it's quite strange, I know several people who have killed them selves. and others who have attempted.

It's often quite arbitrary, like that kid in year 7 at joeys.

live in Sydney for reference

"Suicide" sure.

Don't believe it for a second goys, the Emu NWO has finally taken control of the Aussie Government and Media, now they are going through the process of killing the native population

We post on Sup Forums and you expect us to swing an entire demographic? I don't think we could do it. I don't think there's something wrong with the women here, they're mostly pleasant, but I think we've turned the country into a hell's waiting room.

It's mainly because we don't see anything positive for the future. Culture, media, society, the economy, our women... it has all turned to shit. And there doesn't seem to any light in the horizon. Everything is going downhill, and it cannot be stopped. The future is bleak. Do yourself a favour and don't come here. It's not that we're full, it's just that there's nothing left for you here, and you'll be twice as miserable as you were in your home country. Don't cry for us, we're already dead.

Part of the blame I think lies with cuddly baby boomer parenting style that raises nice children but weak men.

I had an acquaintance kill himself.

I didn't know him too well, only a few words shared at house parties.

The weird thing is he added me on Facebook a few weeks before doing it. Somehow I feel like it was my fault. If I messaged him or something, maybe he'd still be alive. Maybe all he needed was a conversation.

RIP Brenton.

Huh. I guess banning guns didn't help

>one of the highest income rates on the planet
>modern "progressive society"
>government forcibly sticking needles in children without their parents consent
>restricted freedom of speech
>restricted freedom to defend one's self
>restricted ability to perform the mexican wave at sports events
really makes you think...

I just want off this fucking ride.

Reminder to all USAbros:

Even if a aussie shitposter is incredibly unfunny and lacks banter, let him now you care by lying to him and telling him hes the best. They are after all our greatest ally after France, the UK, israel, canada, Puerto rico, japan, DR, italy, ireland, and "moderate rebels"

You guys are charming, funny, and smart.

>Australians like to think they're these anti authoritarian strong men
What are gun laws like in Australia? I didn't think you guys were allowed to own hardly any.


This is great, the only good Australian is a dead Australian

It's true.

Thanks burger. I'm sitting here eating a golden gaytime like a mad cunt, so I guess we'll just all have to keep going. It's all we've ever done.

I don't usually do this pep-talk stuff, but I'll give it a shot.

>It's mainly because we don't see anything positive for the future.

Then become the positive force.

>Culture, media, society, the economy, our women... it has all turned to shit.

Then fight to restore it, even if it is futile.

>And there doesn't seem to any light in the horizon.

Then become the light that others will gravitate towards.

>Everything is going downhill, and it cannot be stopped.

There is no greater display of honor or valor than to die in the defense of a lost cause.

>The future is bleak.

Then make it bright.

>Do yourself a favour and don't come here.

Then make your home into a place that people want to go.

>Don't cry for us, we're already dead.

Then bring it back to life.

If you have nothing to lose, then you have everything to gain. Educate yourself. Get out there and fight.


Yeah I think we're quite pretentious in our supposed unpretentiousness.

It's no wonder nobody wants to know each other and we communicate so much with computers. I'm sick of cunts making out how Aussie they are when their actions are just pure opportunistic faggotry.

Wow, your country sucks so bad it's own citizens are killing actually themselves to get out of it.
Not trying to make fun of you, but what is the cause?

Jesus Christ, my mood has gone way down since reading this short thread.
Australians, I really hope you guys end up ok and live a happy life. I want you to enjoy the beautiful world that we have been lucky to be born into.
This hasn't been a very good year for me either, but I have hope. Trump just got elected for Christ's sake.
I think you should just have a cheeseburger and think of the good times. Ask why I don't celebrate Easter and head out to the desert to bash some abbos.

I think you can own a pistol and a simple rifle if you join up to a gun club but I can't be bothered.

>so I guess we'll just all have to keep going. It's all we've ever done.

thats the kind of drive that makes you guys our Greatest Ally™ !

Glad you're on OUR side, hahaha

We're pretty nihilistic as well. Just about everyone in my classes wouldn't even flinch when they are told to off themselves. I think we're all just really bitter. I noticed how "clean" people in the U.S were in comparison to us when I took a trip there in'13, and it struck me as a balance that I'd never be able to achieve.

Well at least there's always.....

Walking outside barefoot is a suicide attempt m8.

>I noticed how "clean" people in the U.S were

I noticed the same thing. It's like they're always high on life, where the old Australian gets a bit depressed now and then.

Kiwi, don't give them advice on how to carry it out!

What's the point in living if you'll never get a job, buy a car, get a girl, raise a family?

I mean fuck, every job i apply for there's 300+ people all more qualified or younger then me going for it.

Honestly that's the nicest thing I've heard anyone say in a week. I appreciate it and I'm glad that there are screens blocking our view so you don't see how much of a piece of living garbage I am.

Cunts are flocking to em, I think we all just want to get our lives over with. Some are quicker than others.

fucking this

A-are you lads alright? I thought it was sunny and you went to the beach all the time? I know that fosters isn't that good but you can pay to import some better stuff.

From what I've heard, even Aussies don't drink Foster's.

And they're so friendly! It's genuinely difficult to tell if it's all just an act, but I suspect it's just their form of being polite. Over here you're just lucky not to get bludgeoned by Damo.

A good friend of mine drank bleach at a party, that fucked with me the most. She's better now but holy fuck

May christ guide you, friend. Trump and brexit is some light breaking through, maybe we can light the whole sky.

I would if I could fuckin find it. I drink mostly Coopers and MB's

I'd say you're encountering the brunt of the air of disgruntlement of a nation, rather than the more positive mask we keep on for international relations.

What has happened to us mates? What has turned our jovial, great nation into a bleak, dying wasteland?

Look at all these feminists yelling 'muh patriarchy!', yet they completely ignore shit like this. Drives me up the fucking wall.

>I appreciate it and I'm glad that there are screens blocking our view so you don't see how much of a piece of living garbage I am.

this is Sup Forums m8, it'd be like looking in a mirror

but we all get to come here and be shitty together and have a super fun time, which makes us all pals and that, is a great thing

So it's true, all along Aussie shitposters have been the clown that's crying on the inside. :(

Even your ladies are depressed?!

Banter weeds out the weak.

Feminism, mass unemployment, immigrants.

That's about it.

Dont forget (((they))) are counting Abos as "people"

This be a sad thread

Aussies please don't go. If your government is unable to uncuck itself, then God dammit we'll come down and uncuck it for you. Without you, we'd just have Canada, and that would fucking suck. Their bantz can never compete.

I think what you meant to say is;

Weed gives you banter for weeks

Australians are well known as dukes and kings of the art of banter, and i know you guys are getting high over there

>decade high
A non-issue. It reaches a decade high at least once, often multiple times, per decade.


"moderate rebels"

hahahaha Fuck you m8!

All very fixable, good! Just need a little energy.

there's something really cute and uplifting about this picture, and I'm not even religious
thanks for making my night bro :)

>We post on Sup Forums and you expect us to swing an entire demographic?

Rip Australia

What you have learned here today, you must never tell anyone.

If the world comes to learn of the true nature of the Australian.

There will not be an Australia to speak of.

I wouldn't use Sup Forums as a testing base, but I'd say you're right. Bants keeps us intact.

It's a sad life on god's back.

yea, 8 of my mates have depression. It sucks man, I went through high school with them. They're slowly drifting away, I'm at uni and working. Making new friends and doing stuff, they're just unemployed at home. Doing nothing.

wtf do you mean by 'hell's waiting room'?

Multiculturalism. No sense of community.

no problem m80

Welcome to suicide squad, now you know the pain what nippons, finn's and former soviet countrys feel (and belgium? Wtf?). You can feel lightened, now you really see World as it Is depressive and Dark place.

Btw what Is whole ℅per capita in Australia?

Those abbos wouldn't be an-heroing if they didn't have to deal with an objectively superior race every day. The ones who are intelligent enough to realize that their people are evolutionary relics must be depressed as fuck every day.

I mean that we're all just semi-patiently waiting to die.

If only more women were as based as her. :/ hmm

I don't care what everyone says - I believe the increase in the mental health meme and medicating everyone is the cause of this. when I grew up, nobody was diagnosed with depression. and nobody I knew killed themselves. now it's such a fucking meme. The more you talk about it, the more it gets in peoples' heads. humans are very suggestible.

this feels..... is tooo stronguuuuu!

Hell man I'm doing my best.

oh yea, definitely.
Life fuckin sucks.

No leaf shitposts yet? Ill change that by saying
This thread is sad. Always imagined Australia as better, warmer, beach filled version of Canada. Now I disapoint.

well, that's what it takes to be the most productive. Your life is a living hell most of the time. But sometimes you make a break through and the world is in your debt.

It's the Christian ethic of self-sacrifice, but with a racialist tinge.

>Cunts are flockin to em
Pls be joking