How do we take down this controlled op faggot?
How do we take down this controlled op faggot?
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Meme (((Richard Spencer))) and his (((Alt Reicht))) bullshit into revealing they're working with the jews and the DNC and controlled opposition KKK...the whole beast system.
First of all, Spencer was calling the lying press Golems, not all Jews. You still unquestioningly believe CNN for some reason, so you didn't think to watch the rally for yourself.
Second, there's nothing inherently evil about "hail victory", and there's nothing inherently evil about the Roman salute. Stop letting progressives control every single aspect of the narrative. It's okay to take back symbolism.
You must have hated Trump for all his "needlessly divisive" rhetoric. "Why would he say we need to put a ban on all Muslims? Ugh, that's just opening himself up to accusations of racism!"
We've tried living in the shadows. We've tried tiptoeing around race, praying that (((journalists))) don't call us racist. That sort of timid weakness wasn't helping us. It's what lead us into this mess.
If you're made uncomfortable by white people expressing racial identity and solidity (in the face of everyone ELSE doing the same), then join the left in opposing us.
But right now—while everyone is exhausted by the media's neurotic hysteria—is the time to push the Overton window.
Give him a makeover his style is tacky and off putting
t. Spencer
It's over, cuck. We know who you work for.
The jig is up, CTR/JIDF/KKK/DNC/ZOG/NWO or whatever you call yourself now, Satan.
Stop making threads about the cuck woul be a good start
We do need the leejun to dig into this guy's entire life, find out where he went to college and did his internships.
But, I can guarantee you the DNC isn't behind this, because they don't have the resources or the leadership to hire another batch of CTRs after their utter defeat.
This looks more like a stunt by the bigger globalist powers, find a connection to Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller or Kissinger for starters
You shill the same shit for hours now.
This ctr trying too push this fag unto pol to discredit.
If you are TRS and not ctr than back to infinity chan with you
divide and conquer harder nigger
nice try shill
You leave him alone, don't mention him and continue attacking leftists. You'd know this if you weren't from reddit.
hey antifa whatcha doin?
that money's fungible. They all work for the same thing.
Why contain it?
The media defining this guy as the far right lunatic fringe of the (((alt-right))) instead of some of the real crazies actually helps you.
Jeez, antifa. This faggot SHOULD be discredited. He's a complete jew-shill phony.
Does he know?
>dnc don't have the resources for CIA shills
Are you fucking retarded
Never do the enemy's work for them.
Whatever you fucking say, Schlomo!
this is Alt-Right shilling
It isn't mean better just because you slap "white" on it. The racial identity politics of the left are bad because they're racial fucking identity politics.
Culture is all that fucking matters, you retard.
Wait are you saying I shouldn't disarm an obvious saboteur in our camp? Great Idea greatest ally! Feed me burgers!
>Sup Forums is suddenly terrified of CNN headlines and needs to disguise itself as quickly as possible before the evil MSM calls them waycist
what the fuck happened in the last 24 hours. This is concern trolling on an unprecedented scale
I was having fucking normie friends of mine ask if I knew this Richard Spencer cuck because he was a leader of the alt-right.
All of the threads on what a fucking retard he is have helped me convince them he doesn't represent anyone but his little neo-nazi dipshit pals.
>watch the conference video
>40 people there
>he acts like this is the biggest moment of his life
You can't take down a man that's already at the bottom
>Let us kill you goyim!
>If your enemy kills you, you win!
Sperglord autist pants could've waited until Trump won his second election.
culture is identity, politics based around cultural affilliation are identity politics, you regurgitating idiot
The 'alt-right' and traditionalist circles simply affiliate culture with the ethnicities that spawned them, yet this is suddenly the gravest sin one can commit on Sup Forums and a surefire way to get yourself called a CTR/FBI plant or whatever the fuck
Two weeks ago
>Trump is a white nationalist!
>That Trump guy is ok
>But Steve Bannon is a white nationalist!
>That Bannon guy is ok
>But Richard Spencer is a white nationalist!
All they're doing is wearing out these buzzwords by the time they get to someone who looks equivalently bad to a blue-haired fat blob.
It's not like he dropped a pill that we are afraid is too red for the world. He literally acted like some kind of memelord and is embarrassing
This, I'd never heard of the guy before yesterday or whenever CNN called him the leader of the alt right. Everyone knows Sam Hyde is the leader of the alt right.
He isn't
We don't
He is /ourgoy/
Literally wants to create Sup Forumss dreamland.
>How do we take down this controlled op faggot?
Step 1: KYS
Step 2: Blame it on matey boy
>"racial identity politics"
>"lol identity politics is all the same"
You're literally an illiterate retard
With memes, OP
Don't be a fucking idiot. Someone going around goosestepping and literally saying Heil Trump is trying to tap into the collective unconcious about Nazis and thus NeoNazis and thus KKK and thus everyone who was lined up during the campaign to smear trump. Don't act stupid, jew.
And of course it is. Sup Forums realized a long time ago Hitler was a fag and all the Nazis had going for them was a tank fetish and a good sense of fashion
This. Push the window.
There is no reward for counter-signalling to your Right. It's called cucking for a reason. There are no good goy points to be earned. The Left will not consider you "one of the good ones". There is nothing to be gained by seeking compliments from your enemy.
We're not falling for it, shill
Pol's dreamland is not full of socially inept faggots who think 40 people constitute a movement
Of course. Let's just airdrop some Aristotle in Liberia, that'll fix the raping.
Better yet, could you imagine if they used a copy of our constitution to guide policy? They'd become America Jr!
Exactly, you never see the left """condemn""" far left extremists. Never do your enemy's work for them, especially at this critical juncture.
It's not about fucking counter signaling. It's about not wanting to be associated with Nazi failures because your goals are diametrically opposed.
I like capitalism, thank you very much
oh really. I don't hear anybody groaning or cringing but wishing him well in his autistic endeavors, I hear a cacophony or /r/the_donald faggots and MAGA MINDSET retards trying to claim that Sup Forums has NEVER been about race and that racism is evil and an FBI disinfo tactic
Spencer, NPI, amren, counter-currents etc. have much more to say about what the 'alt-right' is than these maga-hatted bandwagon fucking retards. It is about race, it is about identity, and it always will be, long after the luster of Trump's victory goes away.
if someone killed him he would be a martyr for the alt-right. lets hope a "crazy leftist" does something
How to deny you're a Nazi
>Are you a Nazi?
>No, I like capitalism.
How not to deny you're a Nazi
>Are you a Nazi?
>What? No, goodness, I would never say anything against the Jewish people! I am a good goy unlike that (((Richard Spencer))) and bigots like him!
Spread Google Trends graphs of his mentions compared to people like Milo to show that this guy is an irrelevent non-entity blogger.
Sorry havent made myself clear. I meant he isn't pushed here to be discredited by pol but so that people connected and associated to him(i.e. Trump supporters and "alt-righters") by the media can be discredited.
Jew-shill with this same shit again?
This pack of jews is going around creating like 3-4 threads about this every 20 minutes, seeing which of them takes off and then going into each and samefagging each other in them. Typical shit, I know--but they ARE JIDF, just FYI. They're trying to sage this one because it goes against their (((Narrative)))...the other guy I quoted knows about setting the narrative because he's talking about the overton window and so forth. Not your typical (((NEO NAZI))) if you know what I meeean :DDD
Why do you care about stormfags
They've been around since the beginning and they've been trying to tar everyone with them.
It doesn't work. As long as Europe's borders are open, white people will get more and more pissed off.
Simple, we meme him into such an over the top stupid parody of a nazi, that no one will ever take him serious again.
The general consensus on the board is that spencer is a fag. So there is no infighting.
if you mean "infighting in the alt right" and you are a TRS shill then go, pol is not the altright.
You're another one of the Shills. I saw this canada-jew faggot in another one of these Spencer threads. You Jews are propagandists and are trying to set the narrative that Awe Shucks He's just a sweet little COINTELPRO CONTROLLED OPPOSITION JEW PLANT, now won't you kiss and make up with (((him)))?
Who, you?
I have to idea, but this is some shilling on another level, CTRs last hurrah?
I have barely even heard of this guy
the alt right doesn't have leaders
They are all fags, only you Americans are obsessed with race. pol is historically libertarian.
He's being pushed here by Jews so we embrace him, when he's obviously a jew-plant, just like David Duke. Etc. Fuck off.
Get his stupid ass to desecrate a Koran and then show it to the Muslim world.
This tubby clown needs to disappear.
Mike Cernovich called spencer out...
This is his (((partners))) twitter
who's jewwing who?
>t. David Duke
>David is envious of Sempai
David, it's time to retire.
They're all jews. Fuck them all. (((MILO))) (((SPENSER))) (((CERNOVICH))) (((REBEL MEDIA))) et al.
Well said. Fags can go to infowars and breitbart if they want to delude themselves with race blind civil nationalism.
This board (and even edgy nazi shit) is for pushing the overton window. Anyone trying to punch right on this board is either a shill or doesn't understand the utility of radicals. Either way, they can get fucked.
just don't listen to him. he is obviously not a leader.
never even seen combat. who the hell is he? he's not a leader. simple as that.
Richard Spencer did nothing wrong
>Second, there's nothing inherently evil about "hail victory", and there's nothing inherently evil about the Roman salute
Except for the fact that it gives the left a massive amount of ammunition. He could have just ended the speech saying praise God Emperor, and it would have been funny and had way less baggage. Use your head you fucking moron.
It's honestly hilarious watching the likes of Ezra Levant, Feldman, Cernovich, Yiannopolous, etc. come along and try to lecture the white identity movement about what it means to be white and 'alt-right' and nationalistic
Yes, but Richard Spencer is the bad actor trying to corrupt a movement.
Episodes like this are refreshing; a little bloodletting and clarification about whos (((who))) is long overdue.
he is controlled by the same people who founded delta sigma theta, which is now a militant black sorority. basically the female arm of the militant communist left. they will report to the jews.
It will be like what happened with Chile. The Alt-right is not real. the real movement can only rise out of the chaos like a phoenix. something like this spencer guy is just a honey pot trap.
First step is to move out of mom's basement
lol 5 years ago. You'll get more obsessed with race when hajis are pounding your ass, Hans.
who even is this guy? what even is his story?
"the surest way to defeat the left is to observe all their rules and abide by the allowed language"
said a bunch of fucking losers once upon a time. Giving away half the ballgame isn't 12 dimensional chest, it's agreeing with your opponent that X is bad or Y is off limits.
spencers are notoriously a traitor family with traitor's blood
never trust a spencer
By "controlled opposition" you mean "savior of the white race with a great haircut"?
Spencer was groomed to be an American elite and turned his back on them to pursue the truth.
You realize they say everything is racist/sexist/Hitler, correct? Even lowering taxes is Satanic to them. There is nothing to be gained from moderation besides losing the culture war and this country.
Normies are more tired/worn out by their constant bitching than ever-it's classic boy who cried wolf. Now is the time to push.
neo-nazis, jews, faggots, pua's, frogs etc.. this whole alt-right is a freak show tbqh.
>You realize they say everything is racist/sexist/Hitler, correct?
WITHOUT PROOF. Is it really that fucking hard to understand why a VIDEO OF NEO NAZIS SALUTING HITLER, just maybe, might be worse than all the other PR so far? This is not the fucking same kind of smearing as before. Anyone smart can see that.
Two questions for you.
1. Do you get this flustered about Japanese ethnic nationalism? About Jewish ethnic nationalism?
2. If you could be convinced that tribalism and in-group preference of non-white races were here to stay, would you still attack white people for having in-group preference?
I watched that guy talk for 30 seconds and it set off my snake-oil salesman alarm
>Stormfag trying to convert more of Sup Forums to their ideology
Get out shill. Nobody gives a shit about those things either but in theory all identity politics serves are globalists.
To be fair, if someone were calling whites out there'd be people saying the same kind of shit
Lad, there's been Hardcore neo-nazis around forever. Hasn't tarnished anything. Spencer, while faggy, is milquetoast in comparison.
The "KKK" (FBI) endorsed Trump and he won in a landslide. You think a man with a meme haircut is worse optics?
r/the_donald took over
Nice bait. Fuck off to infowars, cuck.
great, now we have to create an alt-alt-right cause of this asshole.
Go back to watching Milo vids you stupid cuck. Africa sucks because they are less evolved, not culture.
it's time for you leddit faggots to fuck off
General consensus is that you yourself are a gigantic fag and your opinion is irrelevant
>everyone is a cuck like me! See?! TRS are the real racists!
just fuck off germancuck
Who the fuck is this and why is he getting spammed here all day
the last time someone branded Sup Forums
two of the anoonymoose who were actually doing thins for the lulz got snitched,.