I told you he was controlled opposition.
The reporter he's with is from the Washington post and her name is Julia Loffe.
Julia Loffe Twitter: twitter.com
You cucks got played. It was all planned.
I told you he was controlled opposition.
The reporter he's with is from the Washington post and her name is Julia Loffe.
Julia Loffe Twitter: twitter.com
You cucks got played. It was all planned.
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is this guy?
>on a tweet made by himself
what a fucking faggot
>sucking nazi cock
Julia is disgusting
That's why women shouldn't vote
keep your friends close keep your enemies even closer.
question is who is playing whom
> Julia Loffe
Clearly says Ioffe you fucking mongoloid. We should have forced you redcoats to stop butchering our language once we kicked your ass the first time.
Pussy is pussy.
Nearly all the women I drink with or smash are lefties.
he fucking uploaded it himself you stupid shill
should he be a autistic shutin like you?
I wasn't aware that anyone on Sup Forums liked this guy to begin with. He seems like a total spastic.
The original creator of Pepe
Fuck off, Mike "Cuck Mindset" Cernovich.
You are not welcome here.
This is pretty damning desu
Damn this guy is a nazi and still slays mad pussy!
honestly mad respect
Who cares about this guy? I don't even know who he is
Wait, why do I care about the guy who draws frog comics?
Did I miss something here?
Sage and hide CTR's divide and conquer threads. There's nothing suspicious about talking with journalists, it's how you get your message across.
The leader of the controlled opposition known as alt-retards
He's the guy the media told you leads the "alt-right".
lmao kill yourself cernobitch
>giving a shit about Richard Spencer
Y tho
dare i say he is our guy
yeah it does say loffe what are you getting at?
That explains
Sage all threads about this cuck into oblivion
>posts the picture himself
fucking autists
>I told you he was controlled opposition
Anyone with half a brain knew this. It's not just him, even Mike Enoch from TRS says dumb ass shit like pic related.
>Name the Jew
>Bang the Jew
Op is absolutely right.
He created Pepe so he is our leader. If he goes out and acts like a full on tard in front of some skellys and some spergs while being filmed and reported on by national media, we have to support him. We've been there for him up until now, there's no going back.
As they would say on /news/ - "This man is the man we had and he's the man we keep"
> Still whining about CTR even after Hillary lost
Kys you whiny faggot, you're an embarrassment to your country.
moot, the creator of 9gag
Fuck off storm nigger
Trump has never been white nationalist, he's been an American nationalist. Why would Trump want the support of Richard Spencer who calls jews aka Trump's daughter and grandchild, soulless ghouls?
This guy has no message other than to discredit aeverybody who is thrown in the same pot marked "alt right" with him by he media
She isn't MSM, she's a literal kike with the ADL
in what way did we get played
this means what?
He is, the only ones here supporting him are his spergy followers
literally who?!
Spencer isn't really an antisemite. He adopted the antisemitic banter in a way to demagogue to his fan base.
Anyone on the "right" who defends Jews is just retarded. Spencer is a shill and you're even worse then him by defending Jews
women love everything they're told not to
not surprised
we arent talking about trump you delusional fuckhead. you obviously still believe the mainstream media cool
TRS is shilling here and infinity chan look
8chaim is getting even more kosher every day. It's a goddamn shame
exactly, stormcucks need to understand they're irrelevant
you understand this yet you still don't see that most of the anti-semitism on pol is placed here by the powers that be to discredit any truth seeking anons
there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
I'm not defending zionists, however storm niggers think in absolutes and don't understand that every jew isn't an illuminati evil mastermind who wants to kill them.
What is TRS in this context?
Hah, I'm not even full white and I know that white nationalists are correct about literally everything they say about holocaust revisionism and everything else. The only people who use the term stormcuck are faggots like you. You don't have to be white to be antisemitic, you just have to have critical thinking skills and do enough research to connect the dots until you come to the startling conclusion that Jews are behind everything bad in this world.
Look at that faggy smile and haircut, with his 20000 dollar teeth, give me a break. Any real Nazi would have a mullet and brown teeth at this point because he'd have probably spent most of his life working as a Welder salary and lost his job at the factory and been unemployed 3 years.
He's not going to look like his mother bathed him in fucking Perrier while Caribbean hookers taught him the ways of the G Spot as a teenager.
These rat bastards on the left have called us Nazi's and deplorables all year long, they are the ones obsessed with Nazi's not us. Fuck them.
Fuck off ctr
It doesn't matter. Jews are overwhelmingly leftwing and every single time you see a journalist promoting faggotry/infinite nigger refugees/transgender they usually have a stein, berg or witz in their last name.
This board has been infected with pseudo-conservative reddit fags for awhile but today it's getting out of control. Pizzagate really did trigger an influx in JIDF
>this faggot is having drinks with qts while I am a 25 year old virgin who is stuck at home shitposting
It's an Alt-Right forum. Basically Sup Forums but more organized. Format is a bit shittier, though.
what? who?
I have no clue why people trust (((Cernovich))) and Milo and other actual fucking Jews over Alt-Right vanguards like Spencer.
If that's its format, its format is pretty shit.
Have no fucking clue who this guy is and I don't really care. How did I get "played"? I don't follow normie bullshit.
Because they dont give out the impression that we're all autistic nazi larpers and discredit everybody here. Milo and the rest of the kikes are also equally shit as spencer, you know there is the option of not siding with either one
No one thinks this.
>defending cernovich
Okay. Post one tweet of him reporting news or making a prediction, that's actually turned out to be true. You can't - he quite literally has a 0% track records. He is an internet marketer fraud, and you're a fucking retard.
We are all autistic nazis, aside from the shills and lefty/pol/ fags who can go kill themselves.
You have literally no ambition or dreams of achieving anything in your life, so I can see why you think masturbating to anime porn at 5 AM every morning for the rest of your life is ok, but I want to see the Alt-Right succeed and actually, you know, happen. I need to side with the correct idols.
This is like saying that because there was one thread by CTR shilling for hillary, that means Sup Forums as a whole is #WithHer.
TRS people are 99% Sup Forumsacks. This was an instance of a single retard wanting to shill on Sup Forums for some dumb fucking reason, and a couple other retards who decided to shit on Sup Forums. The vast majority disavow.
And yet the same single screencap will continue to circulate and be used as evidence that TRS has gone full JIDF
Great post user
how are they controlled opposition?
>You have literally no ambition or dreams of achieving anything in your life, so I can see why you think masturbating to anime porn at 5 AM every morning for the rest of your life is ok,
Nice projecting there
>but I want to see the Alt-Right succeed and actually, you know, happen. I need to side with the correct idols.
Good luck doing that with a literal shill as an idol. Even if he isnt a controlled opposition good luck amassing any kind of support conducting yourselves the way he does. The most you'll get following this idiot is being seen as a shitty skinhead movement but for autists
>Julia (((Ioffe)))
No enemies on the right.
>being this retarded
>basically Sup Forums
>is a Richard spencer fan site
Pretty embarrassing, Sup Forums
When the fuck did "no enemies on the right" become a thing? Is that a TFR meme or something?
>being this stupid
nice rebuttal
maybe if you're an idiot
yep this
this is all we need
>He created Pepe so he is our leader.
no that's not how it works
I dont much like Spencer for the one fact that he has a gook wife. You know for someone who names the jew and says whites need to take back their countries and cultures and procreate and stay away from degeneracy he seems to have a bad track record. Practice what you preach dont tell me how to live and not live it yourself thats the one thing I hate the most about him besides his Nazi larping faggot side. Yeah culture should be preserved and whites take back their nations but what about economics? I would like to see the alt right adress this point but they never do, a white society isnt going to magically flourish economically unless you have a plan.
Not an expert on the "alt right".. most I've seen seem like losers there.
Why categorize your self? Trump won because a majority of the masses are waking up to the "rigged system". These faggots in the alt right are plants attempting to hijack an organic movement of free thinking individuals as a means to be labeled "hateful, racist...etc."
Do not fall for their lies. Be your self
Think for yourself.
Question authority.
They're not right... you're fucking right!
It's an Alt-Right fansite. In the actual Alt-Right, Richard Spencer is a huge deal. He got his own article in Time Magazine and shit. He's the largest of the self-proclaimed "Alt-Right" people isn't, you know, a gay Jew or something. It's natural that they like the biggest name in the Alt-Right.
Sup Forums doesn't know anything about the actually developed Alt-Right, though, because it's so disorganized to the point where disseminating any sort of complex information is impossible. Sup Forums is entirely in the dark on the Alt-Right Movement. Sup Forums's purpose is as a haven to red pill normies who then get attracted to more organized Alt-Right sites and to produce content for the meme wars.
Controlled opposition
Rather him than Milo tbqhf.
He wants to expand his movement. Donald J. Trump already won. The media is of course using guilt by association to attack Trump and his followers. The fault of any backlash is on the lugenpresse. By the way, who ever thought of using lugenpresse was brilliant. We need more 4D chess like this. It takes 30 seconds to figure out that lugenpresse /= Nazi lingo. Of course the MSM took the bait. This is how we redpill people.
Well I guess it's a good thing you have TFR or whatever
No? It's an old leftist mantra but inverted.
No friends on the Left, no enemies on the Right.
I believe this article explains what happened there.
Fuck you idiots for believing everything Cernovich says.
Fucking shill
Agreed. Have a comfy gif.
>he wants to expand his movement
Well, when your movement consists of 40 people at the Marriott, I guess there's nothing to do but expand or die
This is why I say Sup Forums isn't right wing or left wing but contrarian. Now that the right is in power and the Alt-Right is growing, Sup Forums will revert back to being left-wing like it was in the Bush years.
It was fun while it lasted, Sup Forums
Sup Forums didn't exist in the bush years. It was made in 2008, during a single bush year and that was pretty much the end of it when liberal media was much stronger than it was before.
Holy shit guys habbening!!
Random guy does random things
Infowars livestream in 12minutes live from mars
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>No enemies on the right.
Lloolloloollloool, you fucks fight each other harder than leftists do. First Milo, then Sargon, then Gavin, then Proudboy, then Spencer and now Cernovich. This is why one should never pander to 4chimps, and I mean ALL boards.
Shame on you newfags for tarnishing the epic legend that is Sup Forums
and as for this shit thread?
Spencer is the real alt right, Milo is a kike
Alt-right has and always will be about the JQ
>well Ludwig von Mises once said...
shut up. gotta win the demographic war before anything else.
God, no. That's what Libertarians are for and Sup Forums isn't truly libertarian in philosophy but semi authoritarian and classically liberal.
Milo isn't altright though. He's an opportunist, Jewish and for race mixing.
So I guess Milo doesn't have anything to be embarrassed about tonight
a nigger
I've literally never even heard the name Richard Spencer in the entire last year.
So what, the media made this guy and now he's part of Sup Forums? Fuck off. Sup Forums is not one person. We're a diverse set of people and we don't accept these retard labels.