1. Your country
2. Country you hate the most
I'll start
1. Your country
2. Country you hate the most
I'll start
You're ethnic background is mostly German, why?
Also understandable
>South Africa
>South Africa
>greater finnish reich
Lot of flaggots in this thread.
Chelsea Clinton looking good.
>Everywhere but here
Also your thread is fucking retarded
Nice Sup Forums thread you fucking newfags
Also shit thread
>southern region of this flag
>A fucking prairie leaf
>Saudi Arabia - fuck them and their shit-hole meteorite
I've collected my research
why so much canada hate? is it because we're more awesome than you because we have free healthcare, awesome beer and legal weed?
>Latin America(including leafs)
stop making bullshit threads and start producing more avrils
Brazil is terrible, but only they are to blame.
they hate that you're more white then they are.
>USA due to how their shitty culture impacts the world and Argentina because I hate niggers
Because they spawned this fucker
(((cultural))) pic related cuck
>everyone who doesn't have this flag in their flag
nice meme about australians shit posting thats very original man never heard that one before did you think of it yourself?
>"Free" healthcare now with 80% taxes for everyone, and only a 6-9 month waiting list for simple procedures. Tax dollars enriching a bloated bureaucracy's unbalanced nepotistic wages and paying union dues.
And where do you live with legal weed? Still illegal in Manitoba m8.
Totally agree on our awesome beer though.
Flag Leaf
Close 2nd is Argie
luckily I don't consume most of these shit
they still affect people around me which is sad desu
Secession cuck right here
You fucking suck Canada. Commie piece of shit filled with AIDS.
Hey Ackmed welcome to NZ enjoy your stay
(It's all of the stink of pajeet but also shitslam)
Nice check. And why is this old devil still alive I wonder everyday.
Finally someone with an ounce of taste
1. Kingdom of Hawaii
2. flag
Nice strawman
You swedes just disgust me so fucking much. No wonder my ancestors moved as far away from you cucks as possible.
Checked and keked
Hey I'm matty and I'm aussie and because I've never met a smart American I reckon the US is shit
Whenever I think of Hawaii as a kingdom I think of goku screaming
it's important to differentiate (((who))) is behind the degeneracy
America is just as much a victim to the poison as anyone else
sorry for lashing out at you
I can outdrink you any day of any week kangaroo lover.
Non degenerates unite.
I hate this country. So many ugly, fat stupid bread&circus degenerates. The nature is beautiful but outside of that it is mostly ugly urban/suburban sprawl with the same cookie-cutter outlet malls and fast food restaurants. Sky either a smoggy gray-yellow or full of chemtrails. Buildings are mostly big rectangular prisms. People wearing sweatpants, sweatshirts and running shoes all branded with logos. Billboards everywhere. Cities are built around roads so you have to have a car. Not bicycle friendly at all. Public transportation is mobile asylums full of niggers and other human trash. I'd rather have Nigerians than African-American niggers. White people are no better. Useless government full of neocons and jews who get us into wars that fuck up the entire planet. Give billions of dollars to Israel for no reason. The most insufferable celebrities on the planet. Do we even have a culture? Everywhere else in the world wants to be like us for some reason. They speak English and have McDonalds and listen to our music. Stop it. You don't want to be like America. Respect your culture. Protect it. Please. Speak your own language. Don't speak English. Please don't let globalists get their way. I beg you.
Nice meme insult about us liking kangaroos. I reckon it's almost as fun as the one where you guys call every post from an Australian a shit post. v smart v original
> paid money to Sup Forums
Fuck you're disgusting. How many hours a day do you sit on this waste of life?
I'm so fucking sick of everyone around me being such a fucking faggot all the time. At work I get to hear retards rant about the US election based on their John Oliver knowledge. Then all they do is talk about the Jays. Then I go outside and get accosted by homeless addicts who have every service under the sun but they are too pathetic to even get help. Then brownies with their slave wives let their unsupervised future terrorist children crash into me for practice.
And even when I try to drive my car Cuckdeau and Queen Dyke make me pay through the nose for gas while taxing me for fake carbon emissions to cover up their shakedown.
FUCK this county.
Dominion of Canada can't come back soon enough.
I am from America. I dislike India the most, just like you. When it comes to people I try to judge everyone as an individual so I would not say I hate Indians themselves, but any country which has a legitimate problem with wanton public defecation is not a viable country.
Top tier fucking kek, Canadians and Americans can't fucking drink all of your standard alcohol is what we call in the rest of the world light beer, your malt liquors are what we call mid strength.
I went Out to a pub in canuckistan for dinner when I was visiting, and I shit you not people thought I was drinking too much, because I went back for a third glass of what you cunts call beer.
>Pass user
i think he hates germany for being cucked. anglos are the ugliest of the whites and might as well be irish. explains why white americans who aren't obese are miles more attractive than the average brit.
Go back to r/thereal_donald you fag
you stupid cucks can keep your creepy abbos and watch them fuck your wives, stop wondering why your children are black.
I'm helping to keep this site online you fucking leech. Besides, I enjoy not having to put in the Jewgle CAPTCHA everytime I make a post, especially since I have slow internet.
why indonesia?
>United Kingdom
>couldn't care less about the rest tbqhfamalam
Only because Germany has the most marxist cucks per capita in my experience. True patriotic Germans I love
Leafbro, I have to deal with hockey-fags, inner city hicks and nothing but lib-tards and cucks. I feel your pain
Canada is pretty much USA-lite or Diet USA, but they have an inferiority complex that causes them to act like egotistical assholes.
You gotta go back.
>tie between China and Iran
Fucking camel jockeys and changs ruined this country.
>Saudi Arabia
The changs didnt ruin this country, cucks, jews and libtards did.
Prove ME Wrong, Protip: you can't
damn straight, I'm sick of this country and all the smug sanctimonious cunts who inhabit it.