*sips tea*

*sips tea*

Well he's not wrong

>implying his based scotch ancestry isn't the side that does the work

Right now he needs to flaunt his German side to shmooze the liberal Germans

>trump has german blood
>hitler had german blood
>i have german blood


Trump is literally Hitler.

literally hitler

he's a vampire

*citation needed*

Hitler incarnate

>Being proud of your heritage is wrong.
I agree, make Arabs and Mexicans to assimilate when moving to new areas.

Better expression on this one



>Born in 1946

He was born in the month mussolini died I believe.

WW2 ended in 1945 numbnuts.

it took 9 months for the man to be reborn for fucks sake

Wow, really tickles my tostitos OP.

You don't have responsive brain activity until the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy, until then you're a lump of flesh with minor nerve twitches. It's a well researched and acknowledged, you can look it up plenty.

The "soul" is represented by reactive brain activity. When we lose that it's considered that our soul has left our body. That is to say, the "soul" enters the fetus on the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy.

Trump was born 6 months after Patton died, and Patton believed in reincarnation.

o-or are you d-d-donald trump?

>blood is great
>make America Blood Again

>I believe he was the flamboyant and daring Marshal Ney

What did he mean by this?

fake and gay

Doesn't matter if he believes in reincarnation m9. Doesn't make it real.

>believing in the transmigration of souls
i think the masala needs a stir, Tejas

Probably fucked a dude. He was French in that life, which is the Super Saiyan of modern homosexuality.

Sup Forums is a board of satire and memes, I get you're not from India but it wouldn't hurt you to shit around a bit



I believe you just migrate to a different body once you die desu
anything else is too spooky

I don't want them assimilating because that just makes it more likely for them to race mix. Kinda goes against racial preservatio, doncha think?

Fuck I've also got German blood. My Great(xmany) grandfather was a German mercenary brought over by William the conqueror. Does this mean I'm also literally Hitler?


I hereby claim Donald Trump for Germany!

Damn... that will not work.

Would proud to be become an American! Now more than ever.

Go through the immigration system. Pay taxes. We'd be glad to have you. Need more german cuisine. We have far too many mexican restaurants in so cal.

>tfw there's a glorious german restaurant within 10 minutes of my house
life has never been so good

Are you insulting the tenants of national socialism?


I will!
Germany is so fucked up. People don't like it.

Most germans are hard working, decent and law abiding. And many are more than willing to leave the country.


23andme says in 0.3% German therefore I am you, hitler, and Donald trump

hail Trumpenfurher


What? He's not Romanian.

Daily reminder that the only reason that Israel exists is because because the Christian population believes that they need an offical state of Israel for there to be a second coming of Jesus.

Pic related.

This I hilarious he is literally taunting the mainstream media and they are eating that shit up. Whoa what's if they knew and that's why they covered him so much. Perhaps the greed of big media is even greater than the politicians themselves. Kind of shocking that he so openly and casually does it. This may be the greatest acting performance of our lifetime if he is truly using these racist idiots to get elected. He's gonna make Pense his bitch or maybe pence just says this shit to stir up his "peeps" similar to trump.


He drinks German blood? Bomber Harris is reborn!

>0.1% Ashkenazi

the rest could be forgiven

German merc of Bill the conquerer? Now that is very interesting, any more info?

William brought over a ton of French speaking Viking descendants called Normans but also many Germans from the HRE. The Germans were given enough status in William's administration that they were even given land. My ancestor was given minor landed noble title somewhere in the south west of England with a manor that still exists today.
>At least 1000 years of history.
>Name can be derived as far back as Germanic legendary families.
>Nowadays the entire extended family is in the medical industry in one way or another.
>Became rich in England originally by killing Anglos and taking their stuff.

>0.1% Ashkenazi

Don't feel bad, I hear 23 and me falsely put a little jew in everyone to keep antisemitism down.