>Conspiracy Of Silence (1994) The "un-aired" 1994 Yorkshire Television Investigative Documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", concerning a network of pedophile rings in Nebraska and Washington D.C., that traded young children to the wealthy and political establishment in the United States for molestation, drug trafficking, and blackmail. youtu.be/-x-IZS8uKYo
-Child "aid/rescue/help" organizations >look into countries where birth/death records non-existent or poor -Organizations/charities working with Clinton Foundation >Board of Directors - cross check with WikiLeaks, Panama Papers & network maps -Artists promoted/patronized by Tony Podesta
>For instance, the Thai Room isn’t there anymore, but I love that Comet kept its sign up on the back of the building (above the secret neighborhood entrance I took the Bitches through).
Conspiracy Of Silence (1994) The "unaired" 1994 Yorkshire Television Investigative Documentary "Conspiracy Of Silence", concerning a network of pedophile rings in Nebraska and Washington D.C., that traded young children to the wealthy and political establishment in the United States for molestation, drug trafficking, and blackmail. youtu.be/-x-IZS8uKYo
Let's not let this issue go or this thread die! FUCK THE SHILLS AND PEDO PROTECTORS
It goes all the way to the top. Who do you think is in pic related?
Evan Cruz
Breaking pizzagate - nude ping pong video from Clinton email Anonymous (ID: /ciTVHsn) 11/21/16(Mon)19:22:21 No.99655013▶ It is well known that many evil psychopaths like to brag about their crimes in subtle or even "hiding in plain sight." I believe I have found such a "trophy."
The penultimate email (non clinton campaign) is [email protected]. A little investigation reveals this is Zach Schwartz, a producer at Shangrila Productions. His ONLY producing credit is for a weird movie called "Girl Walk s into a Bar."
The exact middle of the trailer for this movie, and by far the strangest scene in it, is this: a *nude* members only Ping Pong Club.
Introduced with "Pink's chilli dog's and donuts", we move to a scene of a members only ping pong club where each member is fully nude, playing ping pong and laughing creepily. A nude child sized person sprints (as if running away) into a back room on the right of the frame. A blonde woman laughs manically in the center. The only green paddle is held just in front of where the child ran to. The rest are red.
The masked robber whispers "What?", to which his partner replies "Can you believe these perverts?"
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I doubt it."
"Aldo always said I don't see the big picture. Well now I see it and it's panoramic."
"Well let's take some pictures. We already know their names. We could send these pictures to their kid's schools, their bosses, and what not."
The odds of this being a coincidence are near zero given what we know.
Landon Powell
Who could it be.... Oh hi James
Camden Murphy
>being this autistic
Stop it. Get some help.
Leo Smith
how badly do you need attention?
Aaron Morales
Fucking right guys, thank you all for keeping this going. 77s in the OP confirm divine providence.
Levi Kelly
What do you know about coordinated human trafficking? How about we start with HAITI? (It's not all about pizza you know)
that last one seems to point to a connection to the New Bethany Home for Girls.
Jonathan Lopez
This woman sounds like she likes Comet far too much to not be aware of what's going behind closed doors. Then again she could just be some dumb bimbo who likes shitty pizza.
Connor Brown
We're doing it for the kids, user. They deserve so much better!
Xavier White
i just visited those boards. this thread does not fit there. are you a fucking kike or just ignorant?
Michael Thompson
one thing is wrong here, A girl walks into a bar is not zach schwartz only producing credit. A simple imdb search confirms this, also like many movie people he works with a lot of the same people like sebastian guiterrezz and actors.
Brandon Davis
We are NOT going to let go of this. We want those filthy pedos to let go of those helpless children!
For some strange (((reason))) that britbong shows up in every single thread related to this topic.