>mfw Sup Forumscuks are too dim to understand Spencer's 2017-dimensional chess
Repetition and normalization. You'll thank him later.
Mfw Sup Forumscuks are too dim to understand Spencer's 2017-dimensional chess
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Because larping as nazis will help so much against world jewry
We must disavow and erase the Roman salute and 2500 years of Western civilisation or you are a racist sexist transphobic Nazi
If he lived in all all-white country he'd just be a pro-gay activist.
Is he a video game developer?
Are we doing a Gamergate bit again?
Seriously, someone give me a reason to care about this guy
No you went full retard with the 1488 bullshit. Altright are basically autistic nazis now. Cringe worthy. The Atlantic is covering them because it serves their narrative. Btw, the Trump family is full of jews you retard
awww did spence invade your safe space???
>snobby Dallas-ite attention whore embarasses himself and white nationalism
>i-it was all i-intentional g-guys
>dancing like a trained monkey and proving to the MSM that a neo-nazi resurgence is a real possibility
Trump started his campaign by riding down an escalator and rambling about some crazy wall. Good thing Hillary is our president!
And that's bad for us how?
Yeah, now isn't the time to go full GamerGay and try to fix the alt-right's """PR""". Fail to see how this hurts anyone.
>he thinks his autistic bookworm is on the same level as a man with 40+ years of media exposure
Oh, sure, OP.
Just like the KKK and skinheads 'normalized' white pride?
What he's doing is giving the Left and the media something to demonize and associate anything reactionary with.
Because it makes Trump and his supporters look like literal Nazis and we need the public - who will not go full Nazi - to support us in order to win?
I'm realizing now that anyone supporting Spenser is a shill.
That's not the point. The point is that cucking for "muh PR" is a fruitless endeavor.
In fact, his little antic is getting the entire lugenpresse to lose their shit and report on NPI. And their articles, while still obviously biased against the alt-right, are starting to go a little more than just "wow omg neo-nazis!"
They're starting to report on the fact that these people are advocating for white identity politics, more or less. This is important. This is the first step towards mainstream exposure.
>muh PR
You don't win by playing by the enemy's rules. You use rules for radicals.
The left has had extremist radicals for decades and that hasn't stopped them taking over. Their extremists push for something, and then the more moderate people talk about it more, and eventually it gets normalized to the point where you're now a terrible person for denying trannies their bathrooms. That shit works.
Richard Spencer did nothing wrong
He's an indie game developer I think
It's not playing by the enemy's rules, it's playing by basic logic and universal tactics.
And actually the left achieved their influence by BECOMING THE INSTITUTION, by taking over academia and the media. It wasn't the shrill hippies who succeeded, it was the patient, tactful academics, politicians, lobbyists, and journalists who chipped away at the facade every year until they got in.
You don't just come out publicly as a NAZI and expect to win. Stop being so fucking stupid.
The irony is that Spencer has outed YOU FAGS HERE as the real LARPers.
You act all edgy but when push comes to shove you out yourselves as GOP-tier cuckservatives. "Oh no, the media will write negative things about us. Think about the PR!"
They are going to call you a Nazi anyway, so why go around snivelling and denying?
Just give the fucking salute. It probably feels great.
Sage this nigger every time.
>"muh PR"
Do you fucking think Trump would ever had won the elections if he had come and said "let's genocide these beaners and niggers hail Hitler"? He presented NORMAL SOVEREIGNTY ISSUES.
>You don't win by playing by the enemy's rules. You use rules for radicals.
Oh yes, just straight up prove Trump supporters as nazis that the media tried to prove for the public during the whole campaign sure is not playing into the enemy.
Yeah, and people see you for the retrograde racialists you are, laugh, and then remember "alt-right = racist/neo-nazi" from then on.
You faggots have been indulging your little secret ideologies on the Internet and haven't been subjected to real-life social pressures that keep them in check.
I really can't wait for you guys to start decloaking IRL so we can get you fired, disbarred/delicensed, and expelled from schools. Want to live like a radical? Enjoy the costs of being one then
You're looking at individual things under a microscope when you need to pull back and look at the bigger picture.
In short, multiple approaches of attack. It's never just one thing. It's not just a couple kikes wiggling their way into power. There were multiple pieces on the chessboard all working together to reach that common goal.
This is no different. You're focusing in on Spencer, as if he and he alone is the one fighting for the Right. He's just one part of it all. He has his role to play, just as trump has his role, and just as Sup Forums has its role.
If not he's a literal retard trying to make a legacy instead of winning. Assuming this alt-right label, and aligning it with trump, is not beneficial to ANYONE
You can't win by pretending to be something you are not. You will just end up becoming what you are pretending to be.
Trump is not enough. He is great and a vast improvement. But he is not enough.
Let him do his thing, but we must do ours. We must push the overton window as far right as it will go.
The further right we go, the more like a centrist Trump will seem. It is a win for everyone.
>Do you fucking think Trump would ever had won the elections if he had come and said "let's genocide these beaners and niggers hail Hitler"? He presented NORMAL SOVEREIGNTY ISSUES.
Times have changed. Trump has been elected. Time to switch tactics.
We're full-on culture war now. Fuck your feelings.
Spencer is a fag, but literally who cares? So what one of Trump's autistic fans loves him?
Didn't some nigger protesters literally murder cops and no one gave a shit? There is a bigger reaction to Spencer's autism than there ever was to the radical shit niggers were doing under obungo.
Who fucking cares, swear like Spencer even has Trump's ear.
>oh no they'll think we're nazis
See? Nobody cares.
>You act all edgy but when push comes to shove you out yourselves as GOP-tier cuckservatives. "Oh no, the media will write negative things about us. Think about the PR!"
Trump did his campaign by being an actual conservative but WITH A REASONABLE INSIGHT THAT GOT NORMIES INTO THOSE IDEAS.
Is like you people can't think.
This is so obviously controlled opposition it hurts.
Go home whoever you are.
He is big in the gay BLACKED.com scene
Hitler used things like shitposting frogs. Where are these refugees and earthquakes coming from? Hrmmm. I wonder. We've all seen those documentaries, twenty years ago when we were like 10, and the man would say not to let history repeat. But we all knew we'd fucking do that anyways. Aaaaand here we are. B b b berenstain. Donnie Darko. But who would have thought we'd all line up and do it this way? Big old plans. Look who's complacent
Fuck you alt-lite pricks. The only thing we have ever wanted is a White homeland and our posterity.
Fuck Trump and his cotton candy hair, we're not a cult of personality.
Your such a fag it literally hurts
The most ironic part is that all the people pissing their pants on Sup Forums about muh PR didn't even listen to his speech. He spent his time talking about how identity matters and white people have a right to advocate for themselves. His speech really wasn't anything extreme whatsoever, so it's hilarious seeing people freak out for him going too extreme. His speech was milquetoast by Sup Forums standards. Hell, it was r/the_donald tier, if that.
Bahahahahaha I called you Jim Jones' plants, two years ago. War with iran when? None of this is Biblical. God doesn't care about this stupid garbage
Why is this spencer cuck pushed here by Canadians for hours now?
Because freedom
You think that shitshow helped anything at enlighting people about globalism, jewish control of media and business, etc etc?
This is winning the culture war.
I don't get it
The Jew approach. Just like how you guys spam Blcked pics on here huh?
And this is why, even after every other white nation has put their foot down and said enough is enough, Germany will continue to follow Dear Mutter and import millions of jamals to rape Heidi and Gretchen.
I'm an atheist
Count me as one person who no longer supports Richard Spencer.
Before I thought his views were extreme but not enough to be censored. He had a few good points that I have yet to hear refuted.
But this Hail Victory / Hitler Salute bullshit is just awful. I hope this guy gets de-platformed and chased back down the rat-hole he crawled out of. Nazi scum.
Are you a bot?
>Having people do the nazi salute shouting Heil trump
>but you guys didn't even listen to his speeeeech :(
Kek the guy's David Duke 2.0
This thread is too confusing. Trump is going to be worst president ever. We pick up that can now
You're still a subversive fag though
but that's literally how it works you fucking cuck
self-censorship of political ideologies always leads to cuckservatism
>We pick up that can now
You really made me think.
I know there are different people fighting from different angles, that's my point. I don't want everyone grouped with Spenser.
I think Sup Forums, as well as Trump and Bannon, do a pretty good job. I don't want a fool like Spenser to spoil so much of the work we've done. The media is trying to reduce all of us to him.
Which is why I'm saying disavow that fucking faggot.
If you're against the alt-right then get the fuck of Sup Forums. I love Sup Forums, but seeing it become this blue pill is pissing me off.
how so? You just sound butthurt that someone isn't tucking their dick between their legs when out in public
If saying "Heil Trump" while the audience does a roman salute yelling "PEPE" is to much, maby Sup Forums isn't the place for you.
Sup Forums is not alt right
Thanks Bibi. Threadly reminder alt right logo is a merchant
>controlled opposition
There is only a controlled opposition when situation necessitates it. People supportive of ethno-nationalism have been off the radar.
There's a difference between "I don't want everyone grouped with Spencer" (which I agree with) and "hey guys I think we should waste our time and energy attacking someone on our side"
Fuck off you Storm Weenie, a majority of the people who voted for Trump didn't vote so you could feel superior about your low IQ just because your skin color is white
You alt-right retards will never accomplish anything more than jerking off to tila tequila
Now it is hanz. We grew up from our Libertarian edgy days into something more serious.
check out this consensus-cracking crypto-kike
In an alternate universe where the republicans dont grab your wife's vagina and the democrats aren't secretly racist and anti zionist. Economically? Dems blow them out and they are older than the fat ass elephants. They are donkeys because they are stubborn individualists. Elephants just fart on you. You've made big mistake but now you can turn to Christ :)
Why do you think this?
Why do you trust the lights to come on but not God to be there? If man created computers you're telling me we were created from an explosion of literal nothingness? Inb4 who created God. God is Alpha and Omega and knew his plan before he gave up some of his powers to save us. God created Himself
Does baby want to have a board with only one opinion because it wants to be part of something so much and hates it when big bad meanies come and say that his little board is not one person with the same ideas and opinions?
Hanz, why are you for this? Or are you just trolling for the luls?
You're the one that's butthurt because someone had the balls to do something in public.
>one salute
>hurr durr LARPING AS NAZI!
It's a roman salute anyway.
Oh look it's t_d cucks who are afraid to talk about race because they don't want to be called racists.
The entire white race is facing extinction and you're afraid of a fucking word!
>be average normie
>notice something is wrong with our current country
>hear about this new cool movement about fixing our country
>theyre all autistic nazi larpers
>immediately back off and go back being a normie
>be average normie
>notice something is wrong with our current country
>hear about this new cool movement about fixing our country
>hey they are all average people like me who want to fix the bad state of our country
>join the new movement
The shit richie "autismo" spencer is doing just serves as more ammo for msm and all the other shit to trump and his supporters. Good luck getting any mainstream support or any actual political power portraying yourselves as some neckbeard nazi larpers
>Race is skin colour meme
literal retard here
but what if the people don't actually like nazism?
>theyre all autistic nazi larpers
A roman salute isn't larping being a nazi. Even if it's only a nazi salute, it's only done once.
>muh msm is criticising!
You reddit cucks are weak like liberals. MSM will always attack if they want to, they attacked Trump a whole lot and it didn't take him down.
You Spencer shills need to fuck off back to stormfront, most of Sup Forums never heard of this fucking media concoction plant
praise kek. bring the chaos
The left has always had violent provocateurs. The left has always had radicals who made their moderates look reasonable by comparison.
Trump is out establishment. Richard Spencer is someone no one has heard of—he and his group are (nonviolent) radicals. The Overton window will continue shifting right, and we are going to drag you kicking and screaming across the finish line.
We're not Nazis, we just want a nation-state for our people, like Japan has.
For fucks sake, people are so mentally jewed, that they can't tell up from down and left from right.
>The left has had extremist radicals for decades and that hasn't stopped them taking over.
You are so unbelievably retarded it makes me depressed. The extemist left is what drove 2008 Obama supporters to vote for Trump. They got sick of being called racist when GUESS WHAT? They aren't racist. Radicalism only drives people away. Fucking kill yourself because you've learned absolutely nothing from this election you sub 80 IQ mongoloid charlatan.
>One salute
They fully present themselves as nazis.
This helps nothing at getting real changes done.
This only helps the media with their "Trump supporters are nazis narrative" that they now want to push to agitate their minions.
Fuck off Brazil, you're not even white
Well the problem here is you have people who use the nazi salute or roman salute or whatever. It doesn't matter whether it was roman first, in the public eye it's the nazi salute
>using my highly unsound IQ testing data from ages ago and brief anecdotal evidence that hasn't been fully researched, I can claim every race is different enough to banish anyone that doesn't look like me from my country/genocide them
Literal pseudoscience retard here
Richard Spencer was being reasonable. He did not call Jews nonhuman as CNN claimed. In his speech, he merely advocated that social rights held by nonwhites be given to whites, too.
Do you get this bent out of shape about Japanese or Jewish ethno-nationalism?
Or does it only make you angry when white people talk about it?
>A roman salute isn't larping being a nazi. Even if it's only a nazi salute, it's only done once.
Did you see the first two seconds of his video, it doesnt help hes completely uncharismatic too
>You reddit cucks are weak like liberals. MSM will always attack if they want to, they attacked Trump a whole lot and it didn't take him down.
You TRS cucks are pretty much completely retarded and unknowingly acting like shills to bring down your own movement. Trump never said or did any of the retard shit spencer did, trump also had some charisma compared to spencer whos a complete autist
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe we want people to believe the "Trump is literally hitler" stuff? It's accelerationism 101. We don't want society to heal and come together. We want to make sure the wedge between whites and nonwhites/urbanites continues to grow. We want escalation. Coming together is simply another way of saying "okay, we'll all just call an armistice, meanwhile we still continue to get demographically replaced"
Yeah, it's a sham that Sup Forums is taking on blue pills refugees faster than we can assimilate them. There are still tons of cucks who love Milo and Gavin Mcinnes and their "muh western culture that has nothing to do with race" bullshit.
Is that the best you got leaf?
Stop stealing my lines.
Thank him for getting me killed in a fucking world war where banker jews always win? No thanks.
Jewish controlled opposition bullshit.
Here's a dozen scientific articles
Enjoy your redpill faggot:
I am on the fence about this particular issues, but
>You don't win by playing by the enemy's rules. You use rules for radicals.
This is exactly the kind of mistake the Left made and got us able to squeak by Trump. Instead of a slow pushing of "progress" they went into Warp 9.5 and scared the hell out of normal Americans with their extremism.
Of course I want to push Race Realism mainstream, but I also don't want to spoil things before at LEAST Trump's second term, ideally, though whoever runs in 2024 should be further right than even Trump and then we can go full 1488.