Why aren't you enlightened by your intelligence yet Sup Forums?
Why aren't you enlightened by your intelligence yet Sup Forums?
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That has to be the faggiest goddamn thing I've seen in a long time.
He replaced a symbol of make-believe with symbols of science.
>getting a nigger tattooed on your arm
i became closer to christ on election day
>brain is visible
It would actually be pretty cool if there wasn't a fucking dead monkey front and center
The monkey brain looks like nuts
I wasn't talking about the tattoo. I was talking about you.
>i became closer to christ on election day
>he didn't become closer to Kek
He stole it.
The cross is derived from this tables, which is scientific.
It's a catalog of ancient astronomy, the equinoxes, sun, moon, etc. which has been given mythology and moral flavorings to make things interesting
yeah and it's filled with jewish bullshit.
me too desu. i prayed for trump to win and he did. and with al this pizzagate occult shit which is undeniable we truly need christ to deliver us from evil.
buttblasted cristcuck detected
>science disproves religion
when will this meme ever end
the cross is from jesus being nailed to one you fucking moron
The cross is derived from the easiest way to crucify someone which is to take a couple of two by fours and nail them together at a right angle.
And where did THAT cross come from moron
Normies don't ruminate much, they're mostly concerned about day to day shit and making sure they have plans during the weekend. So when they think of intelligence it's typically einstein and hawking. It's very black and white for them.
thats some sick shading on that monkey tho
Look at this ancient symbol of Christ then look at
Scio me nihil scire.
from the ingenious creativity that is laying a piece of wood onto another
>implying between the association between jesus and astrological nonsense preceded jesus being crucified
>in ye olden tymes
>being able to support bodies
>disrespecting wood
It would have been funny if he got A = L x W instead because then it would be an ironic tattoo instead of showing everyone he's a pop sci retard.
Jesus was never a person. Jesus is literally the son.
prayer is pointless. god has divine plan. your praying is meddling with gods plan. so he aint gonna do it. trump won because god wanted it not because you prayed. same reason the hillary fags got btfo for praying for her to win. praying is pointless!!!!
t. christian who is going to heaven
In reality he was probably nailed to a tree. The cross is just another perversion by idolatry.
>Jesus was never a person
Sacrilege! Heretic!
Shitty cover up.
So is eating cow, chicken, etc
The bible is pescetarian
Look, No one has more respect for wood than myself, I just don't over estimate the capacity of a single 2x4. I also doubt the availability of 2x4s in Roman times.
You can't eat meat?
You can eat fish meat, however there are other parts of the bible that don't clarify what kind of meat
The Romans had advanced stone cutting techniques with which they built marvels of marble, I don't think sawing off wood was a big problem, but I'm not a wood man.
Prayer is how you align yourself closer to understanding God's purpose for you, you are going to be woefully disappointed with your attitude because you are shutting yourself off
I am pretty confident that they did not measure wood in dimensions of the modern inch.
>e = mc^2
What a fucking try hard
I saw a guy in a lecture once who had the fundamental theorem of calculus tattooed on his inner arm. Fucking pathetic considering it's the calculus equivalent of 2+2.
What ? Is it okay to eat beef and duck? I love beef and duck
So, um, what's it like being a Jew?
>Swarthy hardworking alpha male with muscle to prove it
>Pale, flabby, weak, noodle armed, pencil necked, fedora tipping Redditor who makes the assumption that science is atheistic by default
Literally authored by God.
There's nothing greater than being a Jew.
>a symbol of make-believe
>a cross
You know the Romans existed right?
what is it to be enlightened
It's the same guy, friend. He covered up the cross with the shit on the right.
Read Exodus 22:31, are you a holy man? Or are you of dogs? Do what God commands, beef and duck are not for men.
>scarring your own skin with ink for no real purpose
Brazil coming in with the truth.
You mean like modern science?
Im christian but isnt it the same guy who just got it tatooed over
Nothing funnier than Christcucks having tattoos.
well look who's back to sell indulgences.
but really come back and spam daily CHRISTIAN threads. I did it for a while on weekends but the election moved the board to fast.
looks about as intelligent as this, honestly op
it is a good way to nail someone to a board
yes you can see the cross still on the right
nothing funnier than a german who thinks he's 'austrian' because his conqueror told he wasn't allowed to be german.
No, I have far too much going on.
Well memed, Taco Nigel.
money talks
>I can't understand symbolism
I can imagine, with your wall and such. That is why Trump has so many Jew relatives. He groomed his children to be the bride of Jews so he would have an in to the secret wall building techniques of the Jews. It hurt him, but he had to do it for America.
Just google "prayer kjv", there's not enough room to type all the verses that refute this troll.
this is precisely the type of atheist Sup Forums should hate, the ones who did it for the merit badge
Tesla never approved of einstein's "hair brained theories" either
it's like how, because of aristotle and his belief that the laws of the universe were, by nature, intuitive and should act as expected to, all of europe believed heavier objects fell faster until Galileo came along
tattoos are for classy people
what do you do?
I'll give you a reason that to me has always made sense and most of my fellow anons here can relate to.
The redpill has ruined almost everything I once knew about the world. It has opened my eyes. Religion is the last bastion of what I see as comfort I have. Never will I turn my back on it or try to discredit it. Why? It's simple. The truth brings misery with it. When I pray I feel comfort, and happiness. If I decide to say fuck religion and only think science has the answers then i'd be a miserable fuck who'd off my self within the year. Arrogance is bliss. Never forget that anons How many atheist do you know that are redpilled do you know that are happy with life? I haven't met a single one. While i've met fellow christians who are redpilled but happy.
Without divulging too much, I've been trying to focus on aiding my extended family financially which culminates in a few different projects of mine that I'm continuing to work on alongside my education. Recently my father was evicted from his place so I've been helping him as well.
I would love to be going the Catholic Generals - I've actually been wanting to make them Apostolic Christianity Generals - but I don't have the time to spend 4-5 hours consistently working with people on Sup Forums like I used to and I won't be able to return until that's squared away except for specific times. Before, my intent was to do a pastebin on Catholicism v. Orthodoxy but I haven't even had the time to fully do that, which hasjust added to my concerns.
Galileo was a cuck. He got some things right but what caused things to fall wasn't gravity. It was magnetic forces. Aether force.
Then fuck Jesus and bible and other shit. I'm not dropping duck and beef. Heavily father can fuck himself with a strapon, cause this guy is not dropping his delicious cousine
As an electrical engineering student can I just say fuck that little slav cunt Tesla and all of his voracious fanfucks. I know I'm required to suck his dick a little bit because of my field of study but the squad of social retards projecting his success despite being an autistic onto their 4.5 year journey to mediocrity is fucking pathetic.
Christfags, would it be hard to fake being a christian to get a pure christian girl to marry me?
Fuck you for even the thought. Don't try to trick a woman into loving you for something you aren't.
No, because you have to commit to it. By that you have to convert and follow the traditions she holds dear and if you do that, your no longer faking it you are a christian.
Isn't this newton's laws?
listen man, I don't understand what that means so just answer this.
am I able to do some DBZ shit if I try hard enough or not?
it's sad when you can't stop drawing on yourself like a child and its permanent because reasons
I shudder to think what you consider 'enlightened' so I'm not even going to ask.
>non covariant notation
He was pointing out your shitty sentence structure.
Your life will be miserable. She WILL take you to church every Sunday, and if you aren't raising the kids to be upright Christians you WILL get an earful. She might start speaking in tongues, or want you to pray with her and read the Bible before bed. You don't fake this stuff man, that's dangerous.
Jesus christ. It is a great equation thought that makes you reconsider the nature of the universe, but it is used so much as a stupid generic "smart guy" equation that all meaning has been lost.
we have used various field theories to explain things ever since Maxwell...and things have developed significantly since then.
>Guy on the left literally has an occult symbol tattooed on his Christian cross
>Guy on the right literally has a chimpanzee tattooed on his body.
They're the same guy. He got the chimp tattooed over the cross because he became an athiest
>Tattooing a cross
>Not realising that tattoos are forbidden in christianity
Yeah the faggoty chimp tattoo still comes out on top.