South America

What is it like? Which countries hate which countries? Which countries are white? What is the South American banter like?

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honestly i forget it even exists most of the time

does anything even happen down there? seems like its just mostly rain forests with giant insects and shit

At least we don't have funnel webs.

>What is it like?
A complete and utter shithole from coast to coast.

Except the Falklands, for obvious reasons.

Please do.

Really cultured people in this thread

they all hate chile (and we don't care), but they all come here for jobs and buy shit bc we have better economic trades.

Same. I'm like that about Russia too. :(

Chile is alright imo tho

>down there
we are at the same meridian you retard

>Which countries are white?
Uruguay and maybe Argentina. Chile isn't white, but it's alright. The rest is shit.

Everyone hates everyone but in reality they all know they all suck. Except Chile. They are based.

I love chile and wish you were our neighbor instead of argentina.

the whole continent is there for the taking when the argies start piping up over the Falklands again

I feel bad for white brazilians.

Brazil and Argentina used to compete a lot (one would improve their navy, the other would follow, etc.) but now that Argentina has much less population and a weaker economy than Brazil, we're pretty much ok. They left us sans Uruguay, which could've been one of our provinces. Now the only relevant division between us is soccer.

Uruguay is kinda like us, but doesn't want to accept it. Sort of how it is with Canada and the US. Did I mention they could've been one of our provinces? That's how similar we are.

Chile betrayed us and gave the British lots of intel during the Falklands war. Also their lack of public healthcare means that lots of Chileans come to Argentina to have any major medical thing treated. Plus, soccer. Almost went to war over some land, the matter was settled through a referendum. They have this delusional idea that since they did some scouting in southern Chile and they unleashed their fucking Mapuche indians on us, the Patagonia is somehow theirs and that they're somehow going to annex it someday (right!). I don't mind Chileans, but most Argentinians hate them and they hate us back.

Bolivians are OK. Lots of them have come to my country, they're mostly hardworking people, but their culture is quite different from ours and many ppl dislike them.

Peru and Colombia let a lot of their trash (mostly the kind of ppl you see in Narcos) settle in Argentina and many despise their country because of it. However, we've been traditionally allied with Peru and Colombians tend to be very friendly people, so idk.

Paraguay also sends a lot of their poor to us, but it was actually us who screwd them the most because a long, long time ago, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina killed in battle most of their male population, which resulted in a demographic catastrophe for them.

Venezuela's Maduro is a friend of our former (and utterly corrupt) president Kirchner, but we really don't pay much attention to them. Same with Ecuador.

Hope that helps.

Venezuela hates Colombia
Ecuador hates Perú
Everyone hates Chile.
Nobody knows what Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana are doing, they are autistic retards.

>What is the South American banter like?
About football matches, and past wars (Peru and Bolivia are still butthurt about us raping them in a 2v1 war 100 years ago that they started)

>Which countries are white?
Every country except Argentina.

>everyone hates chile
What's up with this meme?

>Chile betrayed us and gave the British lots of intel during the Falklands war.
That's because the military junta threatened us with war, even the dictator said "Chile is next" after invading the Falklands.

>(Peru and Bolivia are still butthurt about us raping them in a 2v1 war 100 years ago that they started)

Oh m8...

Except from Brazil, everyone hates us. They start bitching and crying when we make military parades.

I literally never heard someone complain about Chile

Chile is the only civilized Latin American country. The rest of them are various iterations of Mexico. Which is to say they are glorified bandit crime families masquerading as nation-states.

>tfw you become enchanted with Paraguay's history

I have a feeling that modern paraguay would disappoint, however because my field isnt one that could get me work there I dont think ill ever be tempted.

Does anyone else have SA feels like this?

Kek, go to Perú or Buenos Aires.

gas the kikes race war now

Really? People in Brazil either don't care or like Chile, i know lot's of people who want to move to Chile.

You are free to give some of your land to Chile so that you can be neighbors, while we quietly Anschluss the fuck out of Uruguay. kek
We were counting on your ignorance, hamburger, but a big % of the Falklands is since the 80's a minefield.
When the British were a fucking world power and not this joke that is Britainistan, you *tried* to take Buenos Aires twice. Tried. Never forget that.

Very insightful. Thank you

Do all Bolivians look like autistic monkeys?

>Chile betrayed us
history of argentina betrays to chile: baltimore case, the patagonia taken in the pacific war, the beagle conflict... but chile is the betrayer Mmm...

If you try to take Uruguay we have legit reason to invade and annex it the same way we want to do with Venezuela.
Go on, you will be doing us a favor.

Don't forget that things had already heated up because of the Beagle Conflict, and Pinochet wasn't exactly the friendliest of neighbors one can have.

I still need Suriname's flag.

Argentina is white.

>What is it like?
End us pls

>Which countries hate which countries?
Chile hates Perú and Bolivia
Argentina somewhat hates Chile
Argentina hates Brazil
Colombia hates Panama, I guess
>Which countries are white?
>What is the South American banter like?
Simpsonposting, footballposting and heritageposting

>not knowing about Glorious Britain's new fleet

>Do all Bolivians look like autistic monkeys?

Yes, the poor guys have a monkey as their president...

Southern south America is actually quite nice but its currently fucked because of economic crisis and retarded leftists

When I spent time in Uruguay, it was quickly apparent that the only people the Uruguayans hated more than the Argies were you disgusting subhuman Brazilians.

If you're from South America you're automatically non-white, that's common knowledge.

But Uruguay is white.

>Hating brazilians
Here, have a nice Tui.

>Brazil is not Aldebaran

Delet this

well, that dumshit cholo Evo Morales came out and said that if you eat too much chicken, you get bald and become a homo. So they got that going for them.

Can someone explain how South America can have white countries? What happened to the aboriginals? And did they not have African slaves?

Then there is no white countries in the Americas, bc all have some brown people.

shhh you're ruining the meme. Everyone south of the border is a monkey indian according to Sup Forums

I never met a UYan who thought well of your shithole country.

Not all south american countries have black slaves, for example Chile was poor (can't pay slaves) and cold (not good for blacks).

But Chile is not white bc we didn't killed our amerindians like Argentina did. I think Uruguay is white due to their high percentage of white people.

which countries have all-white localities?

Everyone south of peru is a sucada.
Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't

Argentina, not kidding, not 100% white but they have white localities like Villa General Belgrano. I think Uruguay, Brazil has some localities but they have lots of brown-skinned. Chile has small communities in the south and also Arian latifundists who live isolated in their farms.

Obviously you can find lots of white people in the rich areas of every south american countries, but when you leave the rich zones you find lots of brown monkeys.

I mean what can i say besides "yes" or "no"?
There's no argument to be made, so all i can really do is post rare Tuis and laugh at you for actually thinking they don't like us (like that even matters)

What happened to the aboriginals?
Well, South America is not a single country, you'll see a lot of natives in central/north South America, as for example in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, etc. And you'll also see a lot of white people in the south of South America, a.k.a the Southern Cone, because in this side of the Continent we killed a lot of aboriginals and slaves once we were independient nations, and encouraged immigration from european countries.
And did they not have African slaves?

I wish I could see the Amazon.

wow a colombian, how many relatives live in antofagasta?


Colombian intelectuals.

You have to understand that you're talking about wildly different countries. Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay, for example, kept most of their "native" component intact. Brazil got lots of slaves because their weather was more suitable for plantations. Argentina, on the other hand, was at the time basically a big farm, which means that forced labor is not a necessity, but actually a potential burden . Also, some of our aboriginals were killed by other tribes, some joined the colonists and some were aggressive and got slaughtered (much like in the US).

Some countries (like mine) have a white majority because of all the Europeans fleeing from constant wars, persecution, etc. Pol will tell you that we are mostly spaniards and italians, but lots of Germans, Poles, French, etc. also came to live here.


We have WAY WORSE than spiders

Argentina. Mostly down south, the Patagonia region. Up north is niggerland, thanks to aboriginals and bolivia and paraguay borders.

>be me
>go to villa general belgrano in oktoberfest
>wtf i'm in Germany now

I can tell you I've been to Ecuador and people look like Incas with giant noses and it was a weird experience for me.
Also everyone is short as fuck.

> And did they not have African slaves?
Argentina used to have some of them, but all of them were sent to figh wars and died, now the black population of argentina is practically 0% lmao, and we kept some of out slaves, but luckily they're not violent at all and know how to peacefully integrate to our society, so we are ok with them.

The yellow part rocks. The rest is full of spics.

Venezuela is another leftist country just like the rest of SA, while Colombia remains center-right.

Anyawy South Africa is more civilzed than the north one, people are generally Catholics.
And the whites are white, not like white niggers in Canada & US

Nice that you know that. Not many ppl here know that we did in fact have at least some slaves, just not too many (and basically none when compared to Brazil). Also, the Constitution of 1953 established that any slave that enters Argentinian soil is automatically freed.

1853, sorry.

>South Africa

i'm triggered.

It's a meme we learn at school... I'm not even joking

The Naruto pic always gets me

Wew I didn't mean that one at all, Chilebro!
t. Blonde